
A Friendship Lost

Anger. That was all Rhaenyra felt; anger and betrayal. She had known Alicent was hiding something from her, but this; this was outrageous. As she slammed the door, Rhaenyra could hear Alicent call after her. But Rhaenyra didn't stop, reaching the entrance to the God's Wood, Rhaenyra heard Alicent's labored breaths.

"Rhaenyra please, stop!'

Turning, Rhaenyra looked at her with blazing eyes. "You lied to me, betrayed my trust, and saw my Father for months!" She screamed, "You knew how I felt about him remarrying and you threw yourself into his arms! "

"Rhaenyra, I—"

Rhaenyra cut her off "Don't you dare speak to me, Alicent."

Tears started running down Alicent's face, but Rhaenyra didn't feel any remorse and swiftly walked away, leaving Alicent to stare after her. As Rhaenyra walked, her hands clenched into fists, nails digging into her palms. How could she do this to me? Rhaenyra thought to herself, as she entered the hall, she knocked into something solid.

Looking up, Rhaenyra's eyes went wide, "Nimbus?"

He nodded, his light brown hair wet, and green eyes shining. His clothes fit perfectly to his body, and Rhaenyra could see his muscles every time he moved. Shadow hounds were known for their strength and speed, because of their abilities they are often used as spies and assassins. Nimbus and Rhys however never went down that path, thanks to Ranix. He had taken care of Nimbus since he was a pup.

"Rhaenyra? Are you alright?" Nimbus asked, lifting her chin and sighing upon seeing her tear-stained face. "What happened?"

"She lied to me," Rhaenyra said, another wave of tears escaping her eyes.

Nimbus hugged her, rubbing her back to try to calm her. "Who lied to you?"

"Alicent," Rhaenyra said, her voice muffled by his chest. "She is to marry my father."

Nimbus tensed, he knew the subject of marriage was something Rhaenyra hated, but he couldn't imagine having to hear that your best friend was going to be your stepmother. "It's okay, everything is going okay."


Rhaenyra watched from the balcony as Syrax flew around the castle and was quiet as the sun began to set. Nimbus had insisted she'd come to stay at Sunspear for the night to relax and think before she went back to King's Landing. Rhaenyra could almost picture it. The whole keep was probably looking for her. Rhaenyra didn't care. As long as she didn't face Alicent, she'd be fine.

"You're doing it again, sister."

"Doing what?"

"Thinking too much." Rhys gripped her hand, "I know Viserys' plan to marry Alicent is hard. But maybe it's for the best. After all, as the King he had to choose a new wife, and I know it's hard but Viserys marrying Alicent is better than him marrying Laena."

"So, you would have me forget my mother." Rhaenyra hissed, "the only reason my father is marrying Alicent is because Otto manipulated him. You're blind if you don't see it." Pulling her hand away, she went inside and grabbed a cup of wine.

"Stop, doing this." Rhys snapped, grabbing the cup. "I know you hate this but you have to get over it."

"Get over it?!" Rhaenyra screamed, "you want me to get over it!" Her anger was rising with every word. The dragon was close to the surface and the more she invaded his space the more her anger grew. "Of course, the high Lord's son doesn't care because he gets whatever he wants!"

"All right, Rhaenyra that's enough," Rhys told her, gripping her hand in his.

Rhaenyra pulled her away, "no. You have everything, a perfect wife, children, and a happy family. ?" She screamed.

Rhys opened his mouth, but Rhaenyra glared at him, her eyes glowing. "Get out." She said, calmly.


"Get out! Get out!" Rhaenyra screamed, blood boiling with anger. "Get out, Rhys. I never want to see you again!"

"Fine!" Rhys snapped, his footsteps echoed from across the room as he opened the door; Rhaenyra heard him shift but didn't care. Grabbing the wine, she poured her cup full, standing with her back to the door.


Rhys ran out of the castle, his paws digging into the soft earth, propelling him forward. Rhaenyra was angry and knew it was best to let her calm down before he approached her again. After all, Nira had begged him to come home the night before; saying Nix and Apollo kept crying for him, asking for him to come home. Rhys closed his eyes, taking a breath, he imagined Nira's beautiful face and swelling belly that grew with his child once again. He could see Nix pouting for the last of her mother's baked goods and Apollo waiting at the door every night for his return.

Guit made his stomach sink. Although Nira made it clear she didn't mind his constant absences and loved that he had the job to protect Rhaenyra. He couldn't help but feel as though he was missing something; his children had grown more, and now he could barely recognize them. Perhaps he had spent too much time worrying about the rest of the world and not about his family.

The moment he appears in the front of his family's home, the door opens and out-runs his three little wolf pups. They jumped into his arms and Rhys kissed each of them on the head.

"Father!" They all said in unison, "we missed you.

"How's the Queen?" Ruby asked.

"Did you see grandfather?" Nix asked.

"How long are you staying?" Apollo asked, staring up at him with hopeful eyes.

Rhys chuckled, "all right, one at a time. First, the Queen is fine; second, I have not seen your grandfather and I'm staying for a few days." The children looked happy with his answer as they turned and headed into the house. On the porch, Nira was waiting, a smile on her face.

"I've missed you, my love." She said, when he kissed the side of her head.

"I have missed you too." Rhys told her, leaning down to press a hand to her belly. "And you too little one." He added.

Long after the children were put to bed, Rhys lay awake staring at the moon, hoping that it would somehow give him guidance on how to help Rhaenyra and the conflicting thoughts that ran through his mind. He heard his wife's footsteps before she appeared beside him, interlocking their fingers together.

"What keeps you from sleep, my love?' Nira asked, softly.

"Nothing, you should be out here, it's not good for you."

"Rhys, something is bothering you. I know that much is true." Nira gave a firm look, "is it Rhaenyra?" The way his jaw clenched told her she was right; it was indeed Rhaenyra that was keeping him sleeping. "What happened? Is she all right?'

"You could say that," Rhys sighed, "Alicent is marrying Viserys, and Rhaenyra is angry they kept this from her."

"I can understand why. Having your best friend marry your father is extremely hard for anyone to process, let alone Rhaenyra; she had just lost her mother."

"Aemma has been dead for six moons." Rhys reminded her, "Therefore Rhaenyra knew what must be done; the King had to take a new wife."

"Rhys even though Aemma is dead, it does not mean Rhaenyra has to move on right now. Aemma was her mother, and you know what's like. You can not expect Rhaenyra to get over her mother no more than Then expect her to welcome Alicent with open arms."

"I know it's just—"

Just then the door to their bedroom slammed open, and a frightened Nix gazed at her parents. "Father, Ruby's gone." She breathed, "She ran into the forest; we tried to stop her, but she didn't listen, she just kept running."

Rhys jumped to his feet, and raced to Ruby's room, the room was dark and the blankets were missing. Stepping over the threshold, Rhys froze; his heart beating hard against his ribs. His instincts told him something wasn't right. Down the hallway he heard a guy-begging scream, and then everything went black.