


The Luna hunting, a time-honored tradition that had been upheld for generations, stood as a solemn tribute to our forebears, signifying the sacred union between an alpha and his chosen mate.

Enveloped by the labyrinthine pathways that twisted into the heart of the mysterious forest under the moonlit sky, the hunt was no mere game. It was a fierce competition among alphas, where the victor would claim not only the mate but also the lands, pack, and lives of his rivals.

As the fateful moment approached, my heart quivered with trepidation. Belkam's wolf had staked its claim on me, casting a shadow of uncertainty and fear over the impending ordeal. The thought of losing Castien, my beloved, was a searing ache that pierced my soul. And amidst the chaos of contending alphas, my own wolf, torn between loyalties, added another layer of anguish to my turmoil.

The hunt commenced, ushered in by the primal growls of the rival alphas, Rhylan and Sigurd, their eyes ablaze with possessiveness as they fixated on me.

"Mine..." echoed their voices, a stark proclamation of dominance that sent a chill down my spine. The weight of their desires pressed upon me, their wolves vying for my submission, their intentions clear and unyielding.

In that fleeting moment, the revelry of the night transformed into a battle for ownership, a primal urge to claim and protect that which was deemed precious. My heart raced, the murmurs of the crowd fading into oblivion as the contenders faced off with bared fangs and simmering hatred.

I knew I had to escape, to flee from the savage ritual that had become a harrowing reality. With every step through the maze, the silver spikes biting into my flesh, I pushed past the agony, desperate to break free from the confines of the hunt.

Emerging into the shadowed embrace of the forest, I gasped for air, the stillness of the night amplifying my fear. And then, a voice, unfamiliar yet laden with menace, shattered the silence, freezing me in place.

His silhouette loomed closer, a dark figure bathed in the moon's eerie glow. Despite the allure of his presence, a shiver of dread coursed through me, prompting me to raise a trembling hand, clutching a concealed knife.

"Come with me, Love. Embrace your fate," his words, laced with an unsettling charm, pierced the veil of my resolve. Rhylan, the pursuer, stood before me, his eyes gleaming with determination, his intentions veiled in a veneer of seduction.

As his breath tickled my ear, his fangs poised for a fatal embrace, I steeled myself, knowing deep within that my destiny lay elsewhere. And in that moment of clarity, as his fangs grazed my skin, a crimson tide spilled forth, signaling the end of one mate's life at the hands of another, plunging me into a realm of darkness and despair.

"No Lycan, save for me, shall lay claim to this prey," he growled mockingly at the lifeless body of Ryland.

As the tales foretold, there was naught more dreadful than being marked and bound to Sigurd, whose pack viewed females as mere possessions. I could not allow my daughter to be born into such a place of tyranny.

Seizing the opportunity presented by Ryland's demise and Sigurd's moment of realization, I fled through the dense woods, my heart racing within my chest, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

Deeper into the forest I ventured, where the shadows grew denser and my fear of the dark loomed. Each step felt lighter than air, yet exhaustion began to gnaw at my limbs, though Sigurd remained in close pursuit. Despite my efforts to outrun him, he swiftly closed in, surrounding me in mere moments.

Without warning, a force collided with my body, as though crashing into an impenetrable barrier. Trees blurred past as I tumbled to the ground, pain shooting through me. His weight bore down upon me, pinning me to the earth. Panic seized me as I struggled and kicked, but his grip only tightened, squeezing the life from me. Breathless and immobile, I ceased my resistance, yet to my surprise, his hold softened, a silent apology in his touch.

"Do you recall me, pup?" he inquired, to which I shook my head, gaze averted. "So pitifully feeble you appear in comparison to me, a mere submissive creature seeking approval due to your lack of self-worth," his words stung, yet his touch remained gentle upon my skin.

Without thought, a growl escaped me.

"Such fervor, where has it sprung from?" he remarked, increasing his grip slightly. "When I first arrived, I sought land, yet found a treasure before me," his tone stern yet uncertain. "You were but a sacrifice to bear my offspring, Magnus leading you to me for that purpose alone. He desired to rid himself of his cursed burden, who posed threat to his pack. Did you truly believe your absence would cause them any suffering?" His words cut deep, stirring my inner wolf to tears.

Raising a hand, I braced for pain, only to feel his touch wipe away my tears, his thumb grazing my lips before planting a gentle kiss. "You are the most exquisite creature I have beheld," his voice rough, his golden eyes regarding me, his wolf's gaze.

The realization struck me like a thunderbolt. Sigurd, with his intimidating demeanor, only allowed his wolf to inflict as much harm as necessary to assert dominance over me. As Historia let out a soft purr in his direction, his wolf responded with a tiny, astonished breath that rippled through his body with undeniable pleasure.

"Are you prepared to be claimed as mine, my female?" Sigurd's voice was a blend of command and desire as he gently tugged at my hair, exposing the vulnerable curve of my neck. His lips brushed against my skin, his fangs teasingly grazing my nape. Although my own wolf remained passive, a primal scream ripped through the stillness of the night.

"Lorelei!" His voice echoed in the distance, a beacon of hope. As I strained towards the sound, Sigurd's wolf, consumed by fury, hurled me against a tree with brutal force. The impact knocked the breath from my lungs, a sharp branch slicing open a deep wound on my leg, staining the earth with crimson.

The agony was excruciating, searing through my body like wildfire. My screams filled the night air, drawing Sigurd's wolf's gaze back to me with a flicker of concern. Seizing the opportunity, Belkam lunged forward, plunging a silver knife into Sigurd's back. Another mate fell, leaving only us to confront each other in the moonlit tableau.

He advanced towards me with purpose, his gaze locking onto mine with predatory intent. His inhuman eyes gleamed with a primal hunger, his sharp teeth bared in a menacing smile.

"Behold your alpha," he growled, a primal edge sharpening his voice. A shift occurred within Belkam, a flicker of doubt and hesitation dancing in his eyes. Summoning every ounce of strength, I forced my weary body to stand.

"Come with me, Lorie," he implored, extending a hand towards me. Yet, I remained rooted in place, paralyzed by fear and indecision.

"Come with me, now, before I am compelled to make the choice for you." His impatience boiled over, his muscles coiling with tension at my inaction.

"Decide, or I will decide for you! I will not tolerate further delay. Come to me, now!" His voice thundered with authority, causing me to stumble and collapse onto the grass.

"Why do you tremble? You know I will not harm you without cause," he insisted, pinning me down and marking my skin with his claws, drawing fresh rivulets of blood.

"I have waited an eternity for this moment to arrive. You will not deny me. You will honor me by becoming my mate, by bowing before me," he declared, his breath hot against my skin, poised to sink his fangs into my flesh.

As we ventured forth, a sense of foreboding lingered in the air, the sounds around us echoing like whispers of an unseen presence. Suddenly, emerging from the shadows, a colossal wolf stood before us.

"Keep your vile claws off my mate," Castien's voice reverberated through our mental connection, a wave of relief washing over me at the sight of him.

"I will never surrender her to you. We both know how this ends - with your demise and her by my side, next to your lifeless form," Belkam snarled, leaping into the air and landing gracefully on all fours.

Their ferocious growls and menacing teeth sent shivers down my spine, their aggressive intentions clear. They sought each other's blood, intent on destroying one another in a battle for my affections. I couldn't bear to witness the men I loved tearing each other apart.

Summoning the last of my strength, I shifted into my wolf form, breaking free from the silver-laden restraints and delivering a crippling blow to Belkam. Returning to my human form, I rushed to Castien, beseeching him, "Mark me! Now!"

Without hesitation, he sank his fangs into my neck and swiftly transformed into his wolf self, allowing me to mount his back as we made our escape from my father's domain.

Castien unleashed a mournful howl, a warning to his father and followers to vacate our territory at once. Glancing back, I caught Belkam's gaze one final time, his eyes a tumultuous mix of sorrow, disappointment, pain, and seething anger, piercing my heart.

Though I cared for him, Castien was my destined mate, the love of my life. I prayed that Belkam would find solace in another's arms, but his words cut deep, his anguish palpable even as we fled.

As Castien reassured me through our bond, guiding us towards the border, I couldn't shake the dread that Belkam's pursuit would not cease. The tension mounted as we approached the threshold of our lands, the promise of freedom tantalizingly close.

A chill swept over me as we emerged from the forest, crossing the boundary with a rush of exhilaration. Glancing back, I witnessed Belkam being subdued by his father and my own first warrior, bound in silver restraints and forced back into his human form, his anguished cry for me haunting my ears.

Tears welled in my eyes as I heard his sorrowful howl carried by the wind, his plea for my forgiveness echoing in the air.

"I'm sorry, Belkam. I'm sorry for leaving you," I whispered, my heart heavy with regret. But this tale is not mine to tell; it belongs to him, the blood alpha, whose destiny and anguish intertwine in a tragic dance of love and loss.