
A Cursed Child's Dilemma

All her life, she grew up not knowing who or what she even is. Her name, her parents, everything's all but unknown to her. However, one thing she did know is that no matter how hard someone tried, she couldn't die. Growing up in a special research facility, she endures countless experiments, however, one day, her life takes a dramatic change when someone takes her hand.

Dubsora · Fantaisie
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112 Chs

White Room

Unable to see, unable to move, I hear the familiar sound of an electric door opening followed by a few sets of footsteps. Knowing that there's at least three people, I wait for what's to come.

"What do we need today?" A familiar voice breaks the silence as they reach the sides of me. My body has been retrained ahead of time as I can't even move my head much with this chain around my neck. And thanks to this mask, all I see is darkness. Just then, I felt my hand get grabbed, yet I don't flinch one bit from the sudden touch as it's something I'm all too used to by now.

"Three fingers." Another voice spout in a feminine manner.

"Then why not just take the whole hand?" The same voice from before spoke up, still holding onto my hand somewhat firmly. I can't understand everything it is they're saying, only picking up the words 'fingers' and 'hand.'

"I'd rather not have to deal with excess pieces. Let's just take the three for now. We can come back later another time." The female voice replied. Seems like it's the fingers today...

"Understood." I then feel a sharp object come into contact with my fingers as the man spreads my hand out. I've learnt in the past to not resist, so I follow their desires and open my hand out for them. And in the next instant, a sharp pain shoots up my arm as I feel one of my fingers slowly being cut away from my hand. I feel my blood pooling up where my hand lay as I endure the pain with ease. I'm just happy that it's just my fingers this time and not my whole arm...

Ever since I was little, my first memory was a white room, and for all I know, I'm still in that same room. I'm honestly unsure why I'm even here, or where I am, I don't even know my own name. But at some point early on, I was forced to wear this mask, and for most of my life after that, this is all I've seen; darkness. I'm not sure if it's normal or not, but no matter how many times they cut, my limbs always grow back in a matter of a day. Even now as the man finishes cutting off three of my fingers, the open wounds left over have already stopped leaking blood. Then as per usual, I felt my hand being lifted up slightly as another person cleans the left over blood.

"That is all." The female voice spoke up once more as the sets of footsteps began to trail off back towards the door. And once the door was shut, I'm once again alone in this room; not that I can even move around though.

"Hahh~" I let out a heavy sigh, knowing that I got away easy today. Fingers aren't all too painful now as I can get by without any worry. But I was a bit worried when they brought up my hand. In a way, I do prefer them taking my hand as they get it done a bit faster than taking three fingers, but the pain is definitely much worse, but even so it's by far not the worse. Every day I wish that it's just something small like a hand or fingers like today, but somedays, they do end up taking a whole leg, and in fact, it's a lot more common than an arm. Even someone like me, whose grown accustomed to the pain, still cannot bear it when they cut into my thigh. I still have no idea what it is they do with my limbs, and every time I wonder why they don't do it to themselves. Why me? Why can't they harvest limbs from themselves? Have I done something wrong? Am I abnormal? Thoughts like these circle through my mind each day they come to harvest my limbs.

"Ah!" But suddenly, I hear the door unlock once more as it slides open with an electronic sound, my voice escaping me. Why have they come back? Wait... Now that I'm listening closely, it's only one set of footsteps. My body immediately loosens up at the realization. But as soon as I think that, I feel my hand get grabbed, the same hand they used to harvest my fingers earlier. Don't tell me they want more?!

"Hang in there..." It was another female voice, but different from the one before, however I couldn't understand what she said. I patiently waited for any pain, but she soon lets go of my hand and proceeds to exit the room. What was that about? I've never had someone come in just to look at me... Also her voice sounded quite soft unlike the voices I'm used to hearing. I end up taking a mental note of that voice as I once again embrace this darkness. The only thought in my mind now being "What will they take from me tomorrow?"

Hello and welcome to my novel!

Like my first novel, I'll try and keep a consistent upload for you guys, breaking it into two chapters per day instead of just one. I'm not sure how well I'll manage but I hope you enjoy reading my new story! I've improved alot since starting writing so here;s to hoping I don't make any mistakes haha.

<3 Much Love <3

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