

"At this size, that slave will eat enough to feed two and probably have less strength than one!

How can they put him up for sale?" The servant of the young nobleman who had just stopped in front of the cell where Tenur was standing roared.

That young noble was quite impressed with Tenur's size, which is unusual for slaves since these individuals had to work hard and ate poorly.

So how could someone being sold have such a plump body?

"346, how did you end up here? Did your family happen to be defeated in a conflict, and thus you ended up as a slave?" The young nobleman asked Tenur, curious.

Tenur had owned slaves in Rinia before, but each enslaver could have different reactions to the attitudes of one of these individuals.

For some, no matter how good the answer or the action was, they would always see problems and reasons to punish their captives. But, at the same time, there were those enslavers who were the type even to reward their slaves.

There was no way for Tenur to tell for sure which of these individuals this young man was, so he didn't know exactly how to behave to avoid as much trouble as possible.

He was a noble cultivator and experienced scientist. But in this world, none of that could help him for the moment, and he had to be humble and avoid his death.

He decided to take a more discreet 'path,' not trying to please, but not trying to dissatisfy that individual. "No, my lord. I am a foreigner in Noskain who, after an accident, lost everything... So I ended up here because I had no alternative to survive."

"Oh? What did you do, foreigner?"

"A little bit of everything, my lord." He said. "I didn't work with my strength, but rather with management, studies, and the like..."

"A scholar?" That young noble opened his eyes in surprise, seeing the first academic slave he had ever heard of.

The members of this nobleman's group also expressed their surprise, but without being too shocked, due to the physical condition of number 346.

"Where do you come from?"


"Rinia? I've never heard of..." They commented among themselves as other customers entered the store to search for slaves compatible with their needs.

"It is a small and distant place, my lord," Tenur replied.

"Hmm, it must be indeed..." That young man did not suspect anything and said. "But you are obese. Today we are searching for a worker to break stones in our quarry...

Anyway, let's go, Los." He turned and paid no further attention to Tenur, leaving that individual talking to himself.

Other situations like this would be repeated, with no one showing interest in Tenur, since most wanted slaves for physical labor.

And in fact, as much as there were services independent of strength that needed intelligent people, nobles usually preferred to buy slaves like that on the secondary market.

After all, a more experienced slave was usually more valuable for such services. At the same time, because of their age, these individuals were cheaper to buy.

Hence, few people would be interested in buying a young slave, like Tenur, to do administrative or low-effort services.

Because of this, he had to listen to several people talking about how fat he was, how it would be better to buy him to put with the pigs and perhaps sell the meat than to turn him into a laborer.

Some would say nothing, just laugh at the clown who had had to sell himself, and now nobody wanted him.

Tenur endured it all, only occasionally sighing at how far he had fallen in such a short time.

But such was life, and he kept persevering.

'Damn it!

If this keeps up, I'll be sent to the mines...' He sighed as the day drew close, and no one was interested in buying him.


Twelve days later...

After days of exposure to Amri's human market, Tenur lost over 10 kilograms in weight due to a lack of proper nutrition.

He was still far from looking like a malnourished person. Still, the clothes the human market had assigned him were already looser than when he arrived two weeks ago.

But even if this could be considered a good change from his situation, he was still fat enough that no one was interested in spending coins on him.

Even after almost all the other slaves in his cell had been sold, he still suffered the commodity life.

But on this day, his situation would change for the worse!

As the day's operations ended with the local sunset, Tenur, and the other slaves saw the man responsible for their documentation appearing in that torch-lit place.

"155... 201... 292... 321... 330 e 346." He read the numbers of each of the slaves who had arrived at this place two weeks ago and had not yet been sold. "All of you were not attractive enough to our customers.

So as punishment and repayment for our investment in you, you will be sent to the local mines to break stones.

Your stay in the mines will last two weeks, and after that, you will be auctioned off together with other slaves to be chosen." He said all this without much pause or emotion in his voice.

Hearing that, Tenur sighed but accepted his situation.

'At least I have food and shelter... After this period, I will finally have a master's and improve my position.' He considered this.

Tenur was not in this simply to let fate choose where he would go or where he would end up. He was temporarily in this tricky situation, but once he got a master, he intended to improve his slave rank with his knowledge.

He could help anyone in this world improve and solve problems of different natures. Through this, he was confident that he could at least ensure his safety and food after a few bad months.

Tenur could not say how far he would get since luck could help him a lot in his plans. But regardless of who his master was, once he had things more or less settled in his life, he would start his plans and manage to improve his situation.

That was what kept him steady, capable of enduring humiliation and the efforts he would now have to endure for the next two weeks.

Soon the men in that human market began to move the slaves that the previous person had called by their registration numbers.

They were taken out of that store's 'display' areas and led through a shed to where a large wooden carriage awaited them.

A large cell was attached to the booth where the human market people would go, with two horses in front to pull the whole structure.


Two days later...

After suffering a terrible carriage ride through the uneven terrain in the vicinity of Amri, the group Tenur reached a mountainous area full of hills.

Amid this place, they were quickly directed to one of the mines responsible for producing stones for the Amri region and the necropolis where Tenur arrived in this world.

Upon entering that place for the first time, the individuals in Tenur's group found the darkness and terrible working conditions of that mine strange, but without expressing their thoughts.

When they arrived in front of one of the workers in this place, a tall, strong, muscular, shirtless man, they heard those people with dust-black hands eating and talking. "From now on, you are under my command.

Whatever you got used to before you came here, forget it. All that matters now is breaking rocks and not disrupting the operation of this mine!

You will eat once every 30 hours and shower before being sent to the auction.

Enjoy the last few minutes of tranquility you have. From now on, you are in hell!" He said, looking primarily at Tenur, this fellow who looked like he had never lifted a weight in life.

This strong, tall man laughed at the sight of that fat, white fellow, imagining this individual would die in the next two weeks.

'No wonder no one wanted him, even though he is young. He's a pig in human form!'

Meanwhile, Tenur didn't know what was on the mind of the mine boss. He was just worried as he would eat less and work harder in this place.

'I'm screwed!

It would have been better to have stayed on the streets!' He compared the worst to the hell he felt this place was.

At that moment, he couldn't help but regret it!

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