
A Cultivator in a Magi World

Following a path is easy, but creating one? Not so much. Zion, born with a golden spoon embarks on a journey to create his path, a path of cultivation, science and magic. With his knowledge from the past, and using science as his foundation, he knocks down and conquers kingdoms and dynasties, becoming the greatest cultivator and scientist in the world of magic.

Inexorable_Death · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

The Greatest Prodigy Of Nodricia

'Ugh..So boring.' Zion thought, as he thoughtlessly kept nodding his head as if he was listening to his instructor.

"Well, Prince Zion.." An elegant, average looking man in scholarly attire grinned, "Do you know why your father, the crown prince, is known as the greatest prodigy of our kingdom Nordicia?"

"I don't…why?

"Your father was the first in the history of Gaia to become a 5th class mage before 20 and has contributed a lot in revolutionizing use of magic in day to day life instead of pure combat", The instructor had the look of admiration as he added. 

Zion was very surprised to say the least, though he knew his father was a powerful and influential figure, he didn't know it was to this extent.

"And your mother is not so common either…She is one of the most prominent alchemists and healers of our kingdom. She has saved more than a thousand live in past wars between our kingdom and our neighbors" 

The instructor's eyes were sparkling while recounting this information to Zion. He seemed to admire his parents more than him, a hardcore fan.

"This is all for today, tomorrow we will talk more about other influential figures of our kingdom." He said, excusing himself from the room.

"Uhg fuck..he finally left!" Zion looked very worned out. A three hour lecture would be draining even for a uni student, let alone him.

Feeling elated, he stretched his body and immediately went to his bed to take a nap. After waking up from his short nap and freshening up he sat in a meditating position right away.

Mana slowly gathered in his core and his core seemed to be able to absorb mana endlessly without stop. The only thing stopping him from absorbing mana unremittingly was his weak and frail physique. 

Although he could be considered very fit and healthy for a 2 year old, it was still tiring for him to absorb mana continuously without any stop.

"Seems like my limit is 1 hour…quite good for a body like this" he said ostensibly amused. Little did he know that for common people absorbing mana continuously was nothing but a dream and their physique was not the only thing that stopped them from absorbing it incessantly.

"Now let's try performing some magic!" He said excitedly while giggling like a kid, "Hmmm..there is not many spells in this book, only some simple elementary spells that deal no damage"

~How to control your element~ 

In this chapter he found ways to control elements, but only rudimentarily. It had instructions for every element except for rare ones such as light, darkness, time and space.

After skimming through every one of them, he found out that, although we can learn to control every possible element, if we are not aligned to it, learning and understanding it would be harder than mastering quantum physics.

"There is not much written about thunder..hmm..I should start with water as it is known to be gentle. This body should be able to handle it easily." Comprehending and performing magic by oneself without the help of any instructor was everything but easy even though you had all the information required to perform it in the book.

Even with heavenly talent like that of Zion, it still took him a few tries before he could manifest a water blob which eventually splattered on the bed.

"Fuck! Now they are going to think I pissed on the bed…" Zion sighed as he got out of the bed, "I need to find a place so I can practice magic without anybody noticing."

Few months later, 

In a bathtub lay a small child, suspended in the water, drifting weightlessly like a gentle feather. The small child was Zion. In the past few months after his first meditation, he only focused on his water element and achieved quite a few notable achievements considering he was self taught.

His control over the element was nearing perfection and he could wield water to his will. He could turn a water blob into a tiger and spontaneously change it into a bird. He could also walk and float over water like a weightless object.

His physique also improved, but not by much, as overexerting an infant body might lead to body deformation in future. Now his limit has improved from one hour to 1 and a half an hour. 

After absorbing mana for 6 months daily, except for some days, he finally became a 2nd class mage. A 2 year old kid reaching 1st class was unheard of, hell, most people don't even practice magic until they turn 5 for the fear of cracking their premature core and never being able to cultivate ever again.

As his class improved, his physique, mental capacity, vitality and overall health also improved, but the most drastic improvement was seen in his intelligence. His mind was now extremely sharp and he even gained eidetic memory. He could comprehend things faster and learn new abilities more swiftly.

Waking up from his slumber, Zion jumped off the bathtub. Due to his small stature, the bathtub looked like a ship compared to him. He then dried himself and went to his room.

"Hmm..so about three more years left before my fifth birthday" he said, "That means three more years before i get my aptitude tested and get a meditation book suiting my talent" he added, clearly happy and excited.

"That means I can finally start to practice magic without hiding it and get an actual meditation technique!!!" 

"If a common meditation technique can help me reach 1st class in few months, I wonder what a top grade meditation technique can do" he amusingly said,"I wonder what their reaction would be after they find out I have a heaven grade talent which is probably even higher than my father's"

"Would they be able to bypass the technique I developed to hide my talent and class?….I hope not, I don't want to get involved in this political game and mother would kill me if she found out that I practiced magic against her will"