
A Cultivator in a Magi World

Following a path is easy, but creating one? Not so much. Zion, born with a golden spoon embarks on a journey to create his path, a path of cultivation, science and magic. With his knowledge from the past, and using science as his foundation, he knocks down and conquers kingdoms and dynasties, becoming the greatest cultivator and scientist in the world of magic.

Inexorable_Death · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Personal Instructor

Not everyone has the fortune to wield magic. To learn magic you need to have something called core and a spiritual root. They are both abstract terms and nobody knows what they truly are and where they are located. The only thing we know is that, without those, mobilizing magic is impossible.

The core determines your talent on how fast you can improve your magic, whereas, spiritual roots determine the elements you are aligned to. Cores are divided into three grades, yellow grade, earth grade, and lastly heaven grade and they are further subdivided into low, mid, peak grade. Although, having a core is not that rare as at least 1 in 3 people are born with a core, it is very hard to come across a heaven grade core.

In the entire history of Gaia, only a few noteworthy people are known to have had a heaven grade core not to mention a peak one.

As Zion kept reading, he couldn't help but get more and more thrilled. Clenching his hand from excitement, he started to dream about his future prospects. He did not only have a heaven grade core but a peak one, which seemingly has not been ever recorded in the vast history of Gaia.

'Not only am I a prince of a kingdom, I also have the best talent in the world. Heaven might as well just declare me as the protagonist at this point.' he thought to himself.

This world has something called mana, which is the source of magic. Yow draw mana into your core and use those mana to do magic. To draw mana into your core, you first need to learn a meditation technique to have a tranquil heart and calm mind as even a slightest distraction or loss of concentration might have severe consequences.

After you absorb your first mana, you become a zero class mage and although it is said that there are ten class starting from zero, there has been no record of a human achieving the rumored 9th and 10th class.

The Book called Basic of Magics had a very common meditation technique which was very easy to learn. After going through the book a few times, he tried the technique.

To his surprise, he succeeded in his first try and very smoothly fell into a trance-like state. Although his eyes were closed, he could feel and see small blocks of colorful crystals around him. They emanated a kind of energy he had never felt before. Slowly absorbing the unknown energy, he felt his body undergo many changes; he could now feel his blood flow and could hear his heartbeat. His mind grew even more sharp.

This went on for about an hour before Zion finally felt tired and woke up from the trance-like state. He felt rejuvenated and reborn.

Maybe it was because of the meditation and him absorbing the mana, he could hear faint footsteps of someone walking through the corridor nearing his room. Generally, due to the size of his room, it was hard to hear anything from outside but now he could even hear very dim footsteps which would have been impossible in the past.

Hastily hiding the magic book, he took out a story book that his mother had given and started acting like he was reading it.

A very pretty woman, with fair skin and curly hair opened the door. Her gaze fell upon a small boy curled up on the bed reading a book. The small boy looked ethereal; his glistening fair and soft skin, jet black curly hair and a very cute face. 

She slowly ambled near him as if to not disturb him. A gentle smile formed upon her face, which made her more beautiful than she already was.

"What are you reading baby?" Although she knew what he was reading she still asked as she softly patted his hair.

Meeting her gaze, he put his book down and said, "The one you gave me on my 2nd birthday, mom"

"Hehe, good boy. Now come with me to meet your father. He has a surprise for you" 

Zion's father, William K Celeste, was a very influential figure in the royal family, a crown prince to be exact. He was the next in the line to the throne and was a very powerful fellow. He was also known as the greatest prodigy of Nodricia.

Finally reaching his father's study room, they found him intensely studying a book. Even though they had arrived in his room, he still kept reading the book as if they didn't exist. Although Zion felt rather annoyed by this, he still kept quiet and waited alongside his mother.

After a few minutes, he closed the book and gazed at them. Although his gaze didn't contain any malicious intent it still felt overbearing and powerful. His gaze softened after recognizing them.

"Come here kid, I have a gift for you"

His father, the crown prince, was a man of few words, and generally kept quiet unless it required him to talk. Geniuses are eccentric afterall. Whilst his relation with his father was not sour, it was not that great either as they rarely interacted with each other.

Opening his drawer, he took out a stack of books and glanced at Zion.

"These are some general knowledge books on history, geology and science. They will help you alot when you start learning magic, and I have assigned an instructor for you, so you don't have to learn these by yourself."

'What a great fucking gift' Zion thought mocking to himselft for thinking too highly of his ever so busy father. Although he was not that happy with the gifts he still managed to put up a smile and thanked his father.

'My schedule will get busy from now on. Accounting for the fact that now I will have a personal instructor who will probably be with me throughout the day, will I even get the chance to practice my magic?' He sighed as he excused himself from his father's study room.