
Chapter 4

Thea's POV

I asked Ash what we were having the next period and she said biology, I can't believe I'm going to spend one hour with Mrs Gloria, she sprays too much perfume.

I remember last session and when I was made to sit at the front, I had to endure the smell of her cheap perfume, I poured my guts out after her period that day.


"Ohhh a new student how adorable, what's your name " Mrs Gloria said and sprayed some perfume on her body.

"I'm Aiden parker and I just moved into this town" he said and gave her a handshake "how delightful" she said and shook his hand.

I think poor Aiden is going to have to wash his hands with a full bottle of soap.


"Hey Thea come sit over here " Aiden shouted as I entered the cafeteria.

"I'd rather not " I said "why? "He asked "oh, don't push baby boo, I can't even stand her she reeks" Luella said and planted a kiss on Aiden's cheek.

"Whatever " I said because I know its useless to argue with her " oh look she agrees that she is just a low life citizen if America who happens to go to the same school as me" she sneered

she said and I slapped her.

Okay that was pretty low but meh.

It took all the goodness that was left in me to not pull her hair out.

"How dare you "she said and raised her hand to slap me but I caught her hand and twisted it "No, how dare you treat me like a nobody and who the hell are you....." I barely finished my sentence before I received a slap from Aiden.

"That serves you right bitch"Luella said and I left her hand to attend to my face.

I stood there in utmost shock, here was someone I thought was my very good friend, even though I haven't known him for a week yet, I thought we were friends

"Let's get outta here" Ashley said coming to my rescue

Seriously, if she had come earlier and pulled me before I slapped luella all this would not have happened.

"Woah, slowly" I said because she had started pulling me.

"Why did you slap luella" Ashley asked on getting to the school hall.

"Well she was being a rude bitch" I said

"I wasn't being a rude bitch i was just telling the truth, and  you know low.life folks like you don't easily accept the truth and like they all say ' the truth is bitter' " luella said as her and Aiden passed.

  I resisted the urge to slap her and her fine ass boyfriend


"Guys let's play dodge ball"Ashley said since our PE teacher went on a short break and they haven't found a substitute teacher yet "sure thing so guys pair up in teams of two each team comprises of a boy and girl,if the ball hits the girl the team lose " peter said and people started pairing up

"We are the only one's left out, let's pair up" Aiden said "were is your girlfriend " I said and streched my neck and used my eyes to search for her "she is not in school today" he said "so what makes you think I want to pair up with you " I said "because you have no choice " he said and pulled me to the middle of the court.