
Chapter 3

Thea's POV

I walked around the house, and I have  to say it was really cold but I didn't mind as I got used to it after visiting my aunt in Canada and that place is super cold, I got to the garden and I couldn't hear anything anymore "I guess you can't here anything here but crickets and bugs " I said and sat down on the wet grass.

  I noticed a shadow creeping near to me, i was so scared I quickly searched for a weapon with my eyes, but saw none,  "what are you looking for Thea " A voice asked "who are you, and how did you know my name " I asked and moved back "I'm here for your soul" The voice said.

"Aiden ???" I said "Hey Thea" he said and waved " what are you doing out here when the party is inside" he said  " I just came out for some fresh air, you???? " I asked him curiously " same reason " he said and sat down at my side, " you know I'm curious about how you met Luella" I asked him.

" I have known her all my life we were childhood friends before her parents decided to move when i was around thirteen but we have been best friends ever since" Aiden explained.

What, fierce and rude Luella was friends with this kind hearted guy.

  "If you guys were separated, how come you guys are dating, or were you dating before she moved " I asked him curiously " after she left we still talked on phone and had long chats for two years, and I decided to ask her out and she said yes "

I'm not sure he knows that Luella is a  cheat  because I have seen her kissing peter during recess before,  and that was like six month ago and based on what Aiden told me now they where dating before then.

" One more thing Aiden why did you resume on a Friday and not on Monday " I asked him " it kinda personal " he said "ok I completely understand, but I have to go, see you on Monday " i said and walked away


" Hey Thea " Luella greeted sarcastically " what do you want Luella " I said and rolled eyes  " well I hoping you already know that Aiden is mine " she said " I kind of knew you would say that " I said and walked away

Seriously, what a character how does Aiden put up with her.

"Hey Thea " Aiden greeted, "hey Aiden" I greeted him " Awesome party last night " he said and took some books from his locker " yeah it was nice " I said and closed my locker " yeah, I gotta go" he said and left

How did such a nice guy end up with a bitch like Luella.

Well it's none of my business.

"Hey Thea " Ashley greeted before I noticed she was locking hands with peter, I pushed her to a corner and asked what was going on.

" Ashley what is going on between you and peter " I asked her before she had a chance to breathe "Relax Thea we are just friends " she said coolly, "ok then" I said and moved in to kiss her

"What the fuck are you doing Thea" she said "I'm trying to kiss you duh I mean we're JUST friends so I can right" I said sarcastically

"Whatever" she said and left the hall with Peter.

"How did I get a bestie like her really" I said heading to class