
A Contract With The Devil (New)

Konadu · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 7: What Was That?

It was not so long when I entered the class together with my friend, Seyong, when the teacher arrived for our morning class. Ummm Sir please this is not your class one of the guys at the back said when we realized it was a different person. The teacher smiled hearing that and came to stand infront of the class.

Good morning class. The teacher greeted us. Good morning sir, we responded. I am your new mathematics teacher, he announced. A new mathematics teacher? I asked myself. Oh yeah, I guess I know why. Maybe it's because our old mathematics teacher Sir Olaf. Awwww! I guess he quit. He was such a nice teacher. "He was such a darling" my grandma will say. He had brown hair, he was tall and had this broad and firm chest. Most of all, what made him exceptional was that, he was the only teacher with his eyebrow together. Well it looked weird because it was many. Anyways it was because he was a hairy person but I still liked him. Not because he was beautifully handsome but because his name was in my favourite cartoons. Olaf was a snowman and no wonder he also loved winter. I learnt he went to the US to further his education and that's why we have a new teacher replacing him. But why US and not Korea. Well everyone has reasons for what they do.....

Hey little girl! What's your name. Oh no, I didn't even hear his name. Ummm Sir please my name is Nyx. Hmm okay. Let's proceed. My name is Kim Seyong. Actually my friend was America who lived in Korea. Her actual name is Karen Daniels. That one... I'm afraid only those close to her are knowledgeable of it. It went on and within some minutes the teacher knew most of us by name. Talking of the way he teaches, it is no where near the way Sir Olaf entertains us during his class which makes his class so interesting. But I think as time goes on he will know his class is not that interesting and he might improve on it, apart from that most of the class understood what he was trying to teach us. Whether they did or not I don't even care. After the class I asked my friend when we were on our way to have our snacks. Ummm Seyong, what was the name of the new teacher. Mr. Park Boem- Seok. Why do you ask. Nothing.I just don't remember his name. You, Nyx, don't remember just a name. Well that's quite strange.Whatever, I wasn't really paying attention that's why I didn't hear his name when he mentioned it. Hmmm okay. she said. Once we got to an empty table, I placed my snacks down and said, Seyong please take care of it for me. Why? she questioned as she raised her head to look at me. Please I'm going to the washroom. On my way to the washroom, I sensed something fatal but I just shook it off and continued heading toward the washroom. When I got there, no one was there. Weird, because people are always here. Knowing this, I pushed one of the doors in the washrooms open and entered. But I realized some opened and closed but no one entered or exited. I started becoming suspicious of something fishy but still couldn't allow my imagination to run wild. I kept assuring myself it was just my crazy imaginations again. Thanks to my brother who always want to watch scary movies. When I got out I saw some of my mates who hated me because I was of who I was. But who was I? Okay, fine in school I was the smart one but as of why that hated my apart from that, I couldn't point out why. I really don't know why they hate me so much but I didn't pay heed to them as of what they'll say about me to others or whatsoever. I don't know but I know no matter what I do nothing will change them. Well maybe there was a reason why they hated me but I didn't know what it really was. Ummm excuse me please, I said trying to let them pave way for me to wash my hands. Hey! see who we have here said Min. Nyxy! Nyxy!, Nyx baby how far. It's been a very long time. Please let me go. I want to go and eat it's getting late. Really, you also eat, wow! what a surprise. What's your problem. Let me go. As I made an attempt to move away she held my shirt and pulled me back. Leave my shirt. I shouted. Nyx was shouting on top of her voice seeking for help. On normal days,the little thing you stay goes out. So you normally hear whispers. But today no one came even when she was shouting on top of her lungs. I don't even think no one can hear me. But what who's keeping them so busy. She said in her mind as she was shouting and no one seems to be coming. Or else what? What will you do huh? Just like that she was slapped in the face. I held my face. What did I do to you? What do you want from me? I asked them. No are you really asking me of what the hell I want from you? Well I want to beat you till you die and leave this school and even this world at large. I don't want to see you f***ing face again. I want to take your position from you. Position? What position? I asked. Oh really then I'm not leaving today, tomorrow or the next. Actually you'll leave even before I leave. I said. Oh really Nyx, really then you must leave today. Saying this, she slapped me in the face for the second time, kicked my foot at which I fell on the floor and she sat on me and started beating me mercilessly until I couldn't breath anymore. At that moment, I did something I didn't understand. I looked right into her eyes and mastered up all my strength left in me and punched her in the face. It was quite a weak punch though but it had an effect. With just a punch,blood sped through her nostrils and even fell on my shirt. After them beating me up, everyone woke up from their dream and some who wanted to visit the washroom visited. Including those people that hated her but when they saw her, they laughed and asked of what happened to her in mocking way. One their way to their class they spoke of how badly Nyx was hurt and they were even laughing about it and Seyong heard it and reached out for Nyx. Nyx what happened to you. When this question was asked she was about to point to the people she fought with but she realized she was the only person who saw them. At this they reported it to a teacher.

Hi readers please this might be my last chapter update. School will reopen tomorrow but I will try very hard and post another one before I go. Please I really need your support. Please vote for this book and share your thoughts with me by commenting. Please I really need you guys. Thank you.