
A Constellation's Prophecy

"You are destined for greatness Lyra, your old life is what you are returning to." The woman backed away from her with agonizingly slow steps, and the storm was riled up again. Lyra closed her eyes at the ferocity of the rain, and when she opened them again, the woman was gone. ************************************** Lyra has known nothing other than the human world she's grown up in, until she bumps into a wolf larger than life, with midnight hair and eyes of crystal blue. A shy and timid girl that loves her books and herbs is thrown into a world only a crazy person could envision. Well, she might just be crazy too. Thyrius? He is a level headed, completely logical Lycan, he believes in controlling his future and leading his territories with precision. He hides his emotions behind an intimidating silhouette. What happens when a shy and timid girl meets a wounded wolf? Prophecies, apparently.

Kelly_Alice · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Chapter 18: A Simple Solution


Gus was, as always, perched on the small stage overlooking the warriors training. He held a tight face, scanning his students with precision. He held no emotion, and barked orders at one of them, a tall lanky man with short red hair. He seemed to be lacking in the skill department, and was struggling to keep up with the others. Suddenly, Gus turned towards them, and made his way over. There was a confused expression fanning his face, and he looked to Eleni as if waiting for her to explain why they had appeared here and not in the library.

Eleni giggled as she placed a kiss onto his stern face. "Darling, we have some information that we would like to share with the class." Her sarcasm rang through in her angelic voice, and Gus wrapped an arm around her in a lazy manor. "Alright sweetheart, lay this information on me." It was a surprise to see Gus in a playful mood, and Lyra made a mental note that Gus was far more relaxing to be around when Eleni worked her charm on him. "Uh, no, hold it. We need to have Thyrius here. I am not taking the brunt for not going to him first." Eleni fluttered her eyelashes at the poor soul, and Lyra could hear the breath leave his lungs."Of course babe. He's over there. Why doesn't little Lyra here go and grab him really quick. I'd like a moment alone with you if you would be so kind?" Eleni seemed to melt at his words and she gave Lyra a pleading glance. "Of course. I'll leave you two..to it." the nervous laugh escaped Lyra before she could stop it, and she quickly turned in the direction that Gus had pointed to. Her heart stopped when she saw his shirtless back.

Thyrius was attacking the punching bag with a ferocity that would bring the toughest of men to their knees. The muscles in his arms were protruding in all the right places, and the sweat that drenched him only made Lyra buckle at the knees. It was as if he could feel her watching him, because he turned around, and gave her a breathtaking smirk, and continued his assault on the poor bag. Lyra felt her feet moving, but she wasn't completely sure that it was her brain telling her where to go.

She made it. Somehow, but she made it to him without tripping or falling. She took in a few deep breaths before tapping his shoulder with a featherlight touch. He tensed for a moment, before turning around to face her. Lyra had to peer up in order to fully see his face, and she sucked in another nervous breath. "Hello, sweet Lyra, what can I help you with? Aren't you supposed to be in the library?" His voice melted into the air like honey, and it took all of Lyra's strength to respond normally. "Well, yes, Hi Thyrius. Uhm, we found something at the library that might help us. Not with the Caeso thing but with the prophecy. I think it might help, and Gus said I should come grab you for this." She was relieved that she didn't sound like a total fool, but only a fool wouldn't be able to tell her nerves were tingling by just his presence. "Oh, of course, please, lead the way." He had lowered his face so that he was right next to Lyra's sensitive ears. His whisper, as per usual, sent a thrilling chill throughout her body, and she stiffened.

Hearing his low chuckle at her body's response, Lyra shook her head and pushed him away playfully. "Let's go Thy" Her voice was soft, and his eyes brightened at the nickname. Carefully, she grabbed his hand and lightly tugged him in the direction of the couple. She noticed that Eleni was smiling even brighter than before, and Gus' hand rested on her sculpted waist. Lyra couldn't help but warm up to their loving relationship, and she even looked at the pair with a certain level of hope. "I like when you call me Thy, sweet Lyra." He spoke low enough for her to hear, and her eyes widened in shock. She was absolutely ecstatic, and her heart was nearly beating out of her chest. She was loving this Thyrius, and she was hoping that he would stay just a bit longer. She knew that it would switch up the moment they started to talk about their findings.

Lyra gave his hand a squeeze before letting go and getting the lovestruck couple's attention. "We have Thyrius here now, let's go over what we found, Eleni." Lyra was quick with her words, and she hoped she didn't sound snappy, but her mood soured at the realization that she wouldn't have this Thyrius for very long. "Oh, of course. So we found this little red book, or should I say the beautiful Lyra found it. It's got some information about Atlas and Pleione's children. I think we need to find his youngest daughter, the one that was pushed out of the sky." Eleni began, holding Gus' hand firmly in hers. "Eleni, we don't even know if that legend is true." Thyrius pinched the bridge of his nose and waved his hand in a circular motion. "Well, no, but think about it, it happened around the same time that the oracle disappeared with Hekate's book. It makes sense. We have to find his daughter." Eleni continued trying to convince him that this was something that needed to be done. "I agree that the timing is coincidental, but Eleni, even if his daughter is a part of this, we have no idea what we are even going up against. I mean what if she's dead by now? Though, you're right, this is helpful, maybe Lyra can get something out of the high priestess. Witches worshiped the constellations, they might have records that go back to that legend and its credibility." Gus let go of Eleni's hand and stepped towards Thyrius. "Alpha, this is useful information, I think we should take that book to your office. Lyra can take it with us and she can use it as leverage to gain information. It looks to be an original copy, something a high priestess may be after." Gus kept his voice level as he skimmed through the book's pages.

He had a point, maybe they would accept it from Lyra, she could say it was at her cottage, and she brought it with her. "Think of it this way, we don't have to bring the book of shadows. Lyra wouldn't give that up, and it's pretty important that we keep it safe until we know what we are dealing with." Gus continued to reason with Thyrius. When Lyra glanced up at her mate, she saw the wheels visibly turn in his head.

He was conflicted, but she didn't know why it was simple, or at least she thought it was, or hoped it was anyway. "What if this book has information we need though? Why would we risk giving it away?" Thyrius voiced his concern and Lyra couldn't help but respond. "Maybe we don't have to give it away, but its presence might sway the high priestess in the right direction, and if we need to give it to them, we can make a copy of the book so we still have the information as well. This book belongs in a coven, it's got spells in it, and history that pertains to witches." Thyrius sighed at her words, and nodded his head. "Okay, then it's settled. Gus, bring the book to one of the scribes, they'll copy it before the both of you leave, and we'll have time to study its contents until then." Gus nodded and took the book with him. When he was out of sight, Thyrius turned to Eleni and told her to meet them in the kitchen for dinner in a few minutes. He wanted to speak to Lyra alone.

The crisp wind rushed over the pair and Lyra visibly shivered. Thyrius noticed and wrapped his arms around her small frame. She welcomed his warmth, and returned the embrace. Lyra begged the moment to go on longer, but Thyrius pulled away far too soon. "Come, let's get inside, sweet Lyra. You're freezing." "Didn't you need to speak to me alone? What is it Thy?" Her voice was small, and she was confused as to what they needed to talk about. "That was just an excuse to do this." Lyra was about to ask him what he meant, when his large hands cupped her face and pulled her into a loving kiss. A short kiss, but one filled with so much passion, that Lyra nearly tumbled over. This man was going to be the death of her some day. She would bet her tarot cards on that.

All too soon, he pulled away from the kiss and took her hand in his and led her back to the house, her feet dragging behind her. Her frown returned when the kiss ended and she felt completely exhausted, both from training, and just from existing. She wanted nothing more in that moment than to be wrapped in a fuzzy blanket, reading at her cottage. She missed its atmosphere. Peaceful, quiet, and stress free. She was hoping that dinner would give her some burst of energy, because she wanted to explore the pack garden. It would give her that little piece of home that she desperately longed for. Lyra also wanted an excuse to be able to spend more time alone with him, though, she'd never admit that.