
A Collector's Guide To Caring For Your Pets

Kyouya is seven years old and enjoys making herbivores spontaneously combust. (In which Kyouya collects flame active children because the colours are pretty. By the time someone notices, it's already far too late.)

Ourliazo · Anime et bandes dessinées
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25 Chs


He tucks his tonfa away and pulls the backpack on under the girl's watchful eyes before walking over to her and taking her hand. She doesn't startle or shy away like before. Her expression seems empty, like she's half gone.

Maybe Kyouya scared her too much?

"My name is Hibari Kyouya," he says in greeting. "I would appreciate it if you did not scream again."

The girl just continues to stare for a long moment then nods in a jerky, wooden motion. She stands from the couch and heads for the door without a hint of hesitation, barely pausing to put on shoes.

Kyouya lets himself be dragged along behind from their still clasped hands, grabbing the tiny child suitcase along the way. He wonders if this still technically counts as a crime. Maybe the girl is now an accomplice?

He soon dismisses the thought because either way, he owns the police. Legality is more of an option when crime has no consequences.

As they walk out of the hotel her movements get smoother and more natural while their hands slip from each other's. When their feet hit the pavement outside the building, her eyes have come back to life filled with curiosity. She looks around a bit and locks onto the sky full of stars above, entranced with the dots of light.

They walk down the dark street in silence but eventually Kyouya turns to the girl. "What's your name?"


Mukuro raises an eyebrow since the other boy seems to have deadpanned the question with little to no care for the answer. "It's Muku-" Mukuro pauses for a long moment and blurts out the first thing he thinks of. "Kuromu - Chrome. My name is Chrome. Hi."

"Okay," Kyouya says simply. "Your new name is now Kcl."

"Kehl?" Mukuro echoes in annoyance, wondering if it means anything in the strange language he's now suddenly fluent in. "I just gave you her new na - my name. I just gave you my name."

"No one cares," Kyouya states. "You're purple," he explains. "Potassium Chloride added to fire makes an indigo colour."

"Oh," Mukuro says slowly in dawning realisation. "You mean I'm a Mist."

"I thought you were Chrome," Kyouya murmurs in confusion, eyebrows drawing together.

"No, no," Mukuro sighs, waving a hand. "My name is Chrome, but the purple fire is called Mist flames."

"That's a stupid name," Kyouya deadpans.

'Brutal,' a girl's voice mutters in the back of Mukuro's consciousness.

"Listen, you little civilian," Mukuro begins with irritation. "I didn't come up with it. Everyone in the mafia knows what Dying Will Fla-"

"Incendiary Defence," Kyouya interrupts in annoyance. "I don't know why you herbivores keep labelling it Dying Intent whatever, but that name is ridiculous."

Mukuro just throws his hands up and gives in. "Fine, call it whatever you want." He huffs and looks around. "By the way, where are we?"

Kyouya shrugs. "My town."

Mukuro slants an annoyed glare at the civilian. "What country?"

"My country."

A light giggle rings around in Mukuro's head and he frowns, grumbling, "Shut up, Chrome."

'It's Nagi,' she corrects.

"Not anymore it isn't," Mukuro argues spitefully.


Kyouya blinks at the girl in confusion but decides to just ignore how she's talking to herself. Kyouya has issues with impulse control so he can hardly tell her off for a little schizophrenia.

They have to part ways around an adult's legs and once the lady is gone they move together again.

"Okay," the girl says pointedly as if speaking over someone else. She turns to Kyouya, determined. "What language are we speaking?"

Kyouya opens his mouth to answer.

"And I swear on my last remaining eye, if you say 'my language', I will hurt you," she hisses out with a dark intensity.

"Our language."


The newly named Chrome stumbles when she's suddenly pushed to the forefront of the oddly synchronous mind they seem to be sharing. Mukuro fades to a blip of anger somewhere distant and Chrome takes a moment to get used to controlling her body again.

The strange boy doesn't stop walking, though he does slow down a bit. Chrome quickly hurries forward and falls into step once more.

She remains quiet, more used to being in the background, but the boy doesn't seem to mind it. It's actually a rather nice walk through Namimori, kind of like a sightseeing tour because Chrome is on holiday right now.

They end up at a large house and Kyouya shows her a room inside with the sign 'Girl' taped to the door. She slides into the comfy bed and Kyouya drops the suitcase near the wall before going to sleep in his own room.

Settled under the fluffy and thick quilt, Chrome wonders when the appropriate time would be to find a police officer and inform them that she's been kidnapped.


Omake – Blatant

"Oh, it's Japanese!" Mukuro suddenly cries in delight, turning to Hayato. "I'm speaking Japanese right now."

Hayato glances around the otherwise empty room, clearly looking for help. "You didn't know what language you were speaking? We're in Japan and you - Christ, Mukuro, you're fifteen. How is that even possible?"

"It just never occurred to me until now," Mukuro says, still joyful at his realisation despite Hayato's blatant incredulity.

Hayato sighs heavily and shakes his head. "You and Takeshi, I swear to God."