
A Collector's Guide To Caring For Your Pets

Kyouya is seven years old and enjoys making herbivores spontaneously combust. (In which Kyouya collects flame active children because the colours are pretty. By the time someone notices, it's already far too late.)

Ourliazo · Anime et bandes dessinées
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25 Chs


Kyouya blocks out the quiet chatting of the herbivores since he finally has time to look at his damaged lighter properly. He sits at the small table and takes it out of his pocket, tilting his head to the side when he sees it.

It's stone. Legitimate stone considering it's the proper weight for an item its size and the texture is perfect. He breaks it open to test brittleness and finds the lighter fluid has also been converted.


Kyouya looks up when the two enter the room and then grabs a pillow from the herbivore's bed, holding it out to orange. "Scream at this," he orders. "But think of gold."

It takes a few tries to get started but the brunet gets the hang of it after Kyouya dangles him out of the window. It isn't gold, unfortunately, only stone. Kyouya isn't too disappointed because there's still time to train the herbivore.

The first thing to fix is the shrieking. Quite frankly it grates on the ears and Kyouya doesn't want to put up with it more than he has to, so he teaches the bunny to roar with yellow pitching in encouragingly.

By the time the pillow is entirely rock they get a half decent 'rawr'. Admittedly Kyouya could have tried to teach orange to command the power with simple words, but that would have been far less amusing.

Yellow has also managed to control his glow from what seems to be through sheer enthusiasm, able to boost the light by a significant degree for at least a few minutes. Worryingly enough, the glow responds to the amount of 'extreme's used.

In the future, after some training, Kyouya hopes to have his herbivores put on light shows by manipulating the flames away from their body and moulding the fire into dragons and wolves that can leap through the air, leaving heat waves in the atmosphere.

The addition of the stone and healing abilities are fascinating and, admittedly, deserve more attention than Kyouya is giving. It's just that fire is so much more interesting at this point in time.

A side goal is to have the herbivores be able to switch colours at will. So far they seem to have favourite colours and instinctively create orange and yellow respectively but Kyouya is certain he can train them out of that habit.

To be entirely honest, winter is soon upon Namimori and Kyouya gets cold often. His first thought regarding the flames is that it was really, really pretty. His second thought was that Kyouya could have access to his own heater wherever he is.

"Tsu-kun! Bring your friends down here, dinner is ready!" the mother herbivore calls up the stairs.

The table is quiet apart from hums of absolute pleasure because the food is delicious. Kyouya makes a mental note to keep the mother herbivore.

When she asks if anyone wants seconds she gets three small heads nodding quickly with enthusiasm. She coos at them all and takes a rather blatant photo with her phone. As the children blink, dazed at the flash, she escapes to the kitchen to grab some more food, still warm from the simmering fire of the stove.

The yellow one pipes up after they get their sight back. "You two seem like extremely good friends! How did you meet?" Ryohei wonders, imagining an epic quest that the two had to team up for.

"Um… Tsu-kun was making a bunny," Tsuna begins. "And then Tsu-kun was going to die and the fire came."

"You too?" Ryohei cries. "I thought I was going to die as well!" He laughs as if that sentence was in anyway amusing and not terrifyingly worrying.

"So death is the answer, then?" Kyouya hums. "That would make the retrieval process smoother."

Something starts twitching in the back of Tsuna's mind, almost eager, and the words come out before Tsuna can stop them. "Have you found other colours yet?"

Kyouya blinks.

Other colours? He hasn't been searching for more since he now has two herbivores with an incendiary defence. It would make sense to find more though, others with instinctual fire of different colours, because otherwise Kyouya would have to wait until the herbivores were trained enough to change their flame type.

Kyouya wants a rainbow. An entire set would so look pretty, then after, he can find other colours. Maybe a nice earthy brown or a pure white or – or a glittery one. Kyouya wants a glittery one. He'll take it everywhere with him!

Both Ryohei and Tsuna remember this moment as the point it goes downhill.

Nana returns with a bright smile, arms laden with plates, and completely oblivious to the menacing aura surrounding Kyouya.


When Kyouya and Ryohei are about to leave, Nana steps in and asks if they'd like to sleep over since it was so late already. The sky outside is dark, unnoticed by the children from the amount of light given off during testing.

Tsuna gazes up at her with a look of complete and utter betrayal.

Kyouya agrees because he still hasn't tested the nightlight function in his herbivores. Ryohei agrees as well because he likes his new friends. They both call home to tell their parents and then troop up the stairs and get ready for bed.

Tsuna's clothes are too small so Nana gives them her shirts. The clothes end up as dresses, hanging down to their knees, but it's acceptable for sleeping in.

In the bedroom, Kyouya looks between the two with a shrewd face. He shoves Ryohei onto the bed and keeps shoving until he's resting against the wall. Kyouya then climbs in after and drags Tsuna behind him. He ends up hugging Tsuna like a plushy with his back pressed against Ryohei.

Nana takes so many photos her storage becomes full and she has to stop.

When she finally leaves, Kyouya nudges Ryohei with an elbow. "Nightlight on," he orders.

Ryohei's entire body starts glowing softly, emitting a gentle warmth. Kyouya goes boneless, pressing back against the lovely heat. He'll teach Ryohei the constellations next, so the flames project a night sky onto the walls in bright yellow.

"He's like the sun," Tsuna murmurs sleepily, feeling the warmth through Kyouya. "Are all yellows like that?"

"Sun," Ryohei echoes. "Is that what we should call my fire?"

"No," Kyouya interrupts. "That's a stupid name. Yours is Nacl for sodium chloride, which turns normal fire yellow."

The two shrug and go with it.

"What are we naming the flame?" Ryohei wonders. "We agreed that it was death, right? So Dying Will Mode maybe?"

"Tsu-kun thinks that sounds nice-" Tsuna begins.

"Incendiary Defence," Kyouya states. "Dying Will sounds too herbivore-ish. No one would be able to discuss this seriously if they're too busy laughing at the name."

And the matter is settled.


Omake - Nomenclature

"Dying Will Flame," Reborn deadpans. "It's not that hard to remember, can you just work with me here?"

"I'm trying but it's difficult," Tsuna shrugs. "I've spent so long thinking of it as Incendiary Defence. Besides, Dino is calling it that as well."

"That's because Dino is whipped," Reborn mutters. "And not in the fun way either."

Tsuna makes a disturbed face, unsure if he was wiling to ask what the 'fun' way is exactly. He decides to play it safe and simply ignores the last few moments of conversation.