
A Collector's Guide To Caring For Your Pets

Kyouya is seven years old and enjoys making herbivores spontaneously combust. (In which Kyouya collects flame active children because the colours are pretty. By the time someone notices, it's already far too late.)

Ourliazo · Anime et bandes dessinées
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25 Chs


While the child is being delivered via Daemon Express Mail™, Daemon takes the chance to reassure the kiddie cult that Kyouya is fine.

They crawl all over him and babble questions about if Kyouya is eating properly or if he's cold at night without at least three nightlights to keep him company. They're a bit worried even though they visited him when he was still asleep in the hospital.

Mukuro drags Daemon off to the side after everyone has their questions answered and explains his plan. It's probably the best time for this since a building in Kokuyo has been cleared and Kyouya is already in Italy if backup is needed. They talk for a bit before Daemon nods and disperses into vapour.

Enma and Hayato are awkwardly standing around in the background, wondering when they can go home.


"Kyouya," Fon says coaxingly. "I'll let you meet a really strong opponent if you stop running off."

Kyouya pauses from where he's got one leg out of the window of the bathroom. He ducked into a restaurant to hide when he saw Fon walking towards him but when Fon caught on and followed Kyouya was forced to duck further into the back.

Kyouya purses his lips. "How strong are we talking about here?"


"You can call me mother," Reborn tells the child.

Kyouya peers down at the infant and slowly takes the lighter out of his pocket.

"Fon's kid or not, I will break you," Reborn promises calmly. He knows where this is going, Mammon warned everyone.

The lighter flicks to life, but before Kyouya can attempt anything, Fon reaches over and pokes Reborn in the side for being mean to Kyouya.

Reborn responds by spitting out a small fireball of bright yellow at Fon, who narrows his eyes and easily swallows the flame whole, his teeth clicking shut around it.

Kyouya stares, wide eyed as the last flickers of yellow disappear behind the martial artist's lips. He drops the lighter then calmly takes off his backpack and empties the contents onto the ground. His new metal tonfas fall out, followed by a rock, a plastic tube of glitter, a water bottle, and a jacket in case he gets cold.

Kyouya arranges the backpack so it's stable on the floor and grabs the baby around the middle. Reborn shares a look with Fon, not sure what Kyouya is trying to do here, but Fon looks just as confused.

Kyouya very gently puts the baby into the backpack and starts to zip it up.

Fon starts cracking up in laughter.

"Hold on," Reborn interrupts, lifting a hand to pause the strange Japanese boy. "I don't do the whole kidnapping thing. Try Skull, he's weak and pathetic."

Kyouya gently tucks Reborn's hand back inside, pats him on the hat, and closes the backpack. Kyouya then carefully pulls it onto his shoulders in effort to not hurt the baby.

"Fon, I think there's something wrong with our kid," Reborn says, voice muffled.

Fon drops to his knees and cries into his long sleeves, wheezing and hiccupping. His face is slowly going a bright red and his laughter sounds high pitched and stuttering.

"Your laugh still sounds so ugly," Reborn calls out as he unzips the bag and starts to escape. "Looks ugly as well. No wonder you try to stay calm if that's what happens to your face."

Fon replies by jumping up and stuffing Reborn back inside, the martial artist still cackling. Kyouya ignores his relative and instead crouches to scoop up everything he just dumped out.

He manages to fit it all into his arms and starts walking to the hotel, quickly but smoothly because he really doesn't want to damage the baby he caught. Babies are delicate, like butterflies whose wings can be damaged if you handle them too roughly.

Behind him, the road is being peppered with high-powered bullets, and gushes of wind erupt solely from how fast the two babies are moving.

It's unfortunate, but Kyouya's captive somehow escapes and stuffs Fon inside the bag instead. This leads to a chase through the streets of Italy (the two Arcobaleno really only humouring Kyouya in a little game of tag).

A lot more babies join in on the chase and it occurs to Kyouya that maybe the Incendiary Defence is simply stronger the younger the person is.

All these babies are incredibly strong, actually using proper fire plus the secondary ability, like the green using electricity. Except for Tsuna, Kyouya's nightlights can barely manage to glow fiercely. Then there are adults, so far only Daemon having the fire.

Kyouya assumes that the Varia are the exception, not the rule. Teenagers are weird anyway, apparently their bodies go through change or something? He isn't sure.

Kyouya decides that he just needs to get more babies, starting with the yellow. That shouldn't be so difficult, right?

After four hours of running after the yellow with a mass of infants as backup, Kyouya finally realises that anyone who has a green chameleon is actually the yellow - no matter what they look like.

Most of the chase was just the baby swapping outfits and then pretending to help Kyouya. Unfortunately, he loses sight of the infant swiftly after this discovery.

Kyouya thinks the baby shapeshifter would be a wonderful addition to his pets. If only he could catch it.


Omake - Hunting

"Are we not done with this?" Reborn asks in exasperation.

Kyouya, backed up by not only his Foundation but also several of his police and a SWAT team, simply shakes his head at Reborn in reply. INTERPOL is also present, plus one Colonnello and about half the Russian mobs of Moscow.