
A Collection of Short Stories: Reincarnated into Another World

A protagonist who gets to have a second chance at life but in another world. Stories in order: 1. Reincarnated as a knight (BXG) "Claude" The Crown Prince of the Salian Empire. A gentle and loving prince to his people. Has been in love with Elise ever since he first saw her. "Elise" Reincarnated as an orphan who got taken care of by the Marquis couple. She is a prominent knight serving the Crown Prince. 2. Reincarnated as a capturable character (BXB) "Alastair" The second prince of Agatonvia Empire. He is betrothed to Kareem. "Kareem" Reincarnated as the second son of the Duke. A famous swordmaster. Has a love-hate relationship with Alastair. 3. Reincarnated as a villainess (GXG) "Beatrice" The protagonist of the otome game. She is a saint well-loved by the capturable targets. She is an avid fan of Odelia. "Odelia" Reincarnated as the villainess of the game. She is betrothed to the crown prince. She avoids Beatrice so the condemnation event will not happen. 4. Reincarnated as an assassin (BXG) "Edward" The second prince of the enemy country "Elendezia". He almost died at the hands of Adela. Both got trapped in a dungeon. "Adela" Reincarnated as an orphan who was raised as an assassin by the greedy Emperor of Rozinya. Hates the Rozinya Empire and the Emperor. 5. Reincarnated as an extra (BXB) "Alaric" The sole heir of the Esteron Dukedom. He is a cold, reserved and strict person who hates interaction. "Augustus" Reincarnated in the novel "Rejecting the Dark" as an extra. He is blessed with a large amount of mana and became Alaric's right-hand man.

HenriettaLarson · Histoire
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8 Chs

reincarnated as a knight pt. 3

As I left the capital behind, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness about starting over in the Visconti Dukedom. It took me almost a week to reach the Visconti Dukedom. The ambiance in this place is very different from the Capital.

The snowy and colder climate was a far cry from what I was used to, but the people here seemed kinder and more welcoming. Holding my growing belly, I reminded myself that I wasn't alone; my baby was with me, and we would face this new life together.

Establishing my own bakery was no easy feat, especially with a baby on the way, but I was determined to make it work. The support and warmth I received from the locals were heartening, and it fueled my resolve to bake the best treats and create a gathering place for the community.

As I settled into my new routine, I couldn't help but hear intriguing tales about the Duke and Duchess of Visconti. Their love story, born from a life-threatening encounter, fascinated me. The Duke's bravery and the Duchess's compassion seemed like a fairy tale, a stark contrast to the harsh reality I faced in the capital.

But it wasn't all happiness in the Visconti Dukedom. The rumors about their missing daughter tugged at my heartstrings. 16 years of uncertainty and sorrow, I couldn't imagine their pain. I prayed that they would find closure someday.

In the quiet moments between baking and serving customers, my thoughts often drifted to the Duke, the Duchess, and their missing daughter. Their struggles made me cherish the life growing inside me even more. I was determined to give my child a warm and loving environment, just like the people of Visconti had given me.

As the days turned into weeks and months, my bakery flourished, and the community embraced me as one of their own. The cold exterior of the Visconti Dukedom was slowly thawing, and I felt a sense of belonging I had never experienced before.

Watching the snow gently fall outside my bakery window, I felt a mix of nostalgia for the capital and gratitude for the chance to start anew in Visconti.


As I felt the life inside me grow, a sense of wonder and fear engulfed me. The knowledge of my pregnancy brought both joy and apprehension, but there was one reality that made it even more complicated – Claude's status as the crown prince of the empire and his engagement to one of the daughters of the Duke.

My heart ached at the thought of keeping such a significant secret from Claude, the man I loved deeply. But the weight of his responsibilities and the expectations of the empire were immense. He was bound not only by his duty to the throne but also by the arrangements made by the higher echelons of society, including his engagement.

Telling Claude about the pregnancy would undoubtedly create a web of complications. It could jeopardize not only his engagement but also the stability of the empire. The expectations placed upon him as the future ruler were unforgiving, and I feared that my revelation would put him in an impossible situation – torn between love and duty, between our child and his future as the crown prince.

I questioned whether our love could withstand the pressures of such a revelation. Would Claude feel trapped, forced to choose between his obligations to the empire and his love for me? I couldn't bear the thought of causing him such inner turmoil, and so, I kept the truth hidden deep within me, shrouded in the shadows.

In the quiet moments, I allowed myself to daydream about a different world – a world where Claude and I could freely embrace our love and the joy of our impending parenthood. But the reality was harsh and inescapable, and it reminded me that my silence was a necessary sacrifice, one I had to make for both our sakes.

I found myself grappling with conflicting emotions – the happiness of carrying our child and the sorrow of not being able to share it openly with the man I loved. I yearned to confide in him, to find strength in his arms, but the constraints of his engagement weighed heavily on my conscience. It was a lonely and heart-wrenching journey, navigating the complexities of my pregnancy without Claude by my side.


Third Person POV

Elise waddled through the bustling market, her belly evidence of her four-month pregnancy. Her mission was to buy some fresh vegetables and fruits. As she navigated through the crowd, she accidentally bumped into a woman, not realizing that she was the Duchess Simone of the Visconti Dukedom, who had disguised herself as a commoner.

"Oh, my apologies," Elise said, quickly regaining her balance and offering an apologetic smile.

Duchess Simone, her eyes fixed on Elise, felt a strange pull towards the pregnant woman. There was something about her that stirred memories and emotions she couldn't quite explain. Elise's striking resemblance to her husband left her momentarily stunned.

"It's quite all right," the Duchess replied, her voice tinged with a mix of surprise and curiosity. "You seem familiar. Have we met before?"

Elise shook her head, her brows furrowing slightly. "I don't think so, ma'am. I just moved here."

The Duchess couldn't help but feel intrigued by this woman, her heart reaching out to the young, pregnant baker. She decided to seize the opportunity and invited Elise to join her for a cup of tea.

"Please, let me treat you to some tea," Duchess Simone insisted warmly. "You must be tired, being pregnant and all. It's the least I can do for bumping into you."

Elise hesitated for a moment, not accustomed to such unexpected invitations from strangers. However, the Duchess's genuine kindness won her over, and she found herself nodding in agreement.

"I would appreciate that, ma'am. Thank you," Elise said gratefully.

They found a cozy corner at a nearby inn, and as they sipped their tea, Duchess Simone couldn't help but ask about Elise's background.

As Elise sat across from Duchess Simone, sipping her tea, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this woman than met the eye. Despite her simple disguise as a commoner, there was an unmistakable air of grace and poise about her that seemed out of place in the ordinary setting of the tea shop.

Elise observed the way the Duchess carried herself, her posture straight and elegant, her movements refined and controlled. There was a certain regal quality to her demeanor as if she were accustomed to a life of privilege and sophistication. Her attire, though modest, had a touch of finesse that hinted at a higher station than that of a commoner. She must be a noble.

The idea that Duchess Simone might be secretly a noble crossed Elise's mind like a whisper of intrigue. She wondered if the Duchess was perhaps a member of a noble family incognito, exploring the world outside the confines of her usual life. It wouldn't be unheard of for a noble to venture into the commoner's world to understand their subjects better.

As Elise and Duchess Simone continued their conversation over tea, the Duchess skillfully steered the small talk towards Elise's background. With genuine interest, she asked, "Elise, how did you come to be where you are now?"

Elise hesitated for a moment, not used to sharing her personal history with others, but there was something about Duchess Simone's warm demeanor that made her feel at ease. Taking a deep breath, she began to recount her journey.

"I was an orphan, living on the streets when I woke up one day with no memory of my parents or where I came from," Elise started, her voice tinged with a mix of nostalgia and vulnerability. "Life was tough, but fate smiled upon me when the Marquis found me and took me in as their servant."

Elise thought that she can never tell her or anyone on the matter that she came from another world.

The Duchess listened intently, her eyes reflecting compassion for the young woman's past. "The Marquis was kind to me, treating me as if I were a part of their family. They even enrolled me at an academy to become a knight. It was there that I found a purpose and a sense of belonging."

Elise's eyes sparkled with gratitude as she recalled the opportunities the Marquis had given her. "I learned the art of swordsmanship and chivalry, and I became determined to become a knight to serve and protect those in need."

Duchess Simone's smile widened, impressed by Elise's journey of resilience and determination. "It's truly remarkable how you've overcome such challenges and found your path as a knight. You must be proud of the person you've become."

Elise nodded, her expression showing a mix of pride and humility. "I am, and I owe it all to the Marquis for their guidance and support. They believed in me when no one else did, and I'm forever grateful for that."

"Although I can't pursue my passion as a knight now since I'm now pregnant. I'm happy that have my own bakery now. The people here are very nice."

The Duchess's eyes seemed to shine with admiration as she responded, "You are an inspiration, Elise. Not everyone can rise above their circumstances and find purpose the way you did. Your story is a testament to your strength and character."

Elise blushed slightly, humbled by the Duchess's praise. "Thank you, ma'am."

Their conversation continued, and as they spoke, Elise felt a sense of connection with Duchess Simone. She sensed that the Duchess understood the value of compassion and support, as she had also been someone who found solace in the kindness of others.

Little did Elise know that the woman she had befriended was none other than the Duchess of Visconti, whose life was intertwined with the Duke's and her own in ways she couldn't fathom. As they bid farewell, Elise felt a warmth in her heart, unaware of the secrets and history that had brought them together on that chance encounter in the busy market.