
Chapter thirty eight

"Excuse me, he asks this girl he meets on her way to class.

"Please can you show me to mr George's class?

"Yes come along, are you new here?

"Yes I am, my name is carl".

I am Emilia nice to meet you carl,

"There you go, just go over there that's you.

Then she turns and walks back and enters another class not before looking back at him with a smile.

He looks back and then after their eyes meet he hears a voice in his head " you are late", he runs straight to the class and slowly walks to the back and sits.

Me George does not mind he continues to explain the 'saponification process', can't scan the class, and then gaze at mr George who moves from the board to his desk and back.

He looks at the time and waits for it to elapse, 

He wants to just go out and view the scenery, it is serene here in London and this school made his old school look like trash.

It had luxury vinyl tiled floors, it was not the normal structure around, the interior has a subtle touch, one could say "it is a piece of art.

Why are you sitting all alone, you haven't made any friends yet?

Amelia asked looking at him with a smile that soothes.

Oh yeah, I do have one and she is about to sit with me he said smiling.

She answered laughing "really?

Yes he retorted

She sits dropping her lunch on the table, 

So how was chemistry?

The one between us or.

No silly your class earlier she said laughing hard now,

A smile manages to spread on his face.

It was fine how was your class?

It was fine but I hate math, you see

"Yes crystal"

She punches his shoulder now and says you are weird you know, 

Where are you from she asks hoping to get to know him better, 

New York he says, I am from New York city

I Got transferred here and yesterday.

You must miss New York she added 

Yeah a little, this little, he said pinching the air 

She smiles and says you sound like someone from hastings 

He laughed now heartedly

He said the name of my dorm is Hastings

Hendrix come over and sit at the table,

Carl is this your girl, she looks pretty

By the way, I am Hendrix his roommate

Oh, Good another "Hastings ',

Carl glances at Hendrix who concentrates on his lunch now, he ignores carl's eyes.

Emelia gasps 

You are friends with Ethan too?

Words have left her now as carl watch Ethan sit on his left side.

Ethan looks at her and smiles showing his dimples and soft baby-like features.

Yes we are friends, aren't we carl?

Yes, we are he mumbled.

Ethan continues to eat his lunch and forgets the three were sitting with him.

Another Hastings I presume.

Carl nodnodded approval , he was lost for words as he did not know where they came from.