
Chapter ten

The party was in a five-star hotel in the center of New York,

Don Vicente was always extra with whatever he wanted to do,

He had rented the whole building and the only occasion in it was the party.

As my limousine pulled to the front of the hotel, I saw the place flock with different elites all from different walks of life in and outside of New York.

I was impressed as always the old man knew how to throw parties,

But I would not be here if it was not for the sake of curiosity, I was not in the mood to network today.

As I stepped out of my limousine I stood a while for the night air to greet me as always before walking up the stairs, all dressed In my black tuxedo made by a famous designer who I cared less about.

The two men at the entrance immediately let me pass without checking the list, I was a man of merit I chuckled at the thought.

An escort took me straight to the hall and then my table where I sat alone, and then I ordered a bottle of white wine.

The waiter disappeared after I made my request, to go get it,

I always opened my bottles myself and after I left a table I never drank from the glass when I returned.

It was all for security's sake, and I knew I was on many lists.

Some acquaintance saw me from afar and walked over to say 'hi'.

It was Samuel and Jacko both men who ruled their stuff well.

When I was coming up Samuel used to be called  "Anarchy" before he gave his life to Christ.

Now he is still an anarchist but a Christian one, I thought as a smile crept on my face.

"Hello don Antonio, it is nice to see you"

Jacko said.

Hello, I said to the two gentlemen as they greeted me.

"It is nice to see the two of you" I replied.

After ushering them to sit as I watched the happy face of Jacko, then I said to him.

Jacko, you still owe me some money I said.

And I have not collected not because I have forgiven or forgotten.

You only get that when you pray to God, you see I want you to do something for me I said and fast, I added.

I could see jack curse under his breath was happy he was no more enthusiastic to be here I had torn his peace away.

I continued 

"My men will send you the details and I need it all done in three days jack, three days.

I smiled as I poured the wine on the table into the glass of the two men.

Then I said Samuel I see you are doing well, you should do some business with me, I will move you up the ladder if you are useful I said, then stood up ready to go meet the others and mingle,  I added.

"Gentleman have a nice evening,                I said and left the table" they sat there watching me walk away from them,

I was in this hall for only two reasons to see my little birdie and also to check if the rumor was true.

And yet she was not here only the old man and Philip,  I was irritated by the sight of them.

It was eight-thirty and the evening started, the old man made a toast to Philip and blabbed about how he was a son to him.

I did not care and did not listen I just checked for amber with my eyes but she was nowhere to be found.

I guess the old man has excluded them from his organization I thought to myself,

'It will be easy to make her mine.

I drank what was left of my glass and waited for don Vicente to come down.

After we exchanged pleasantries, I  left the party.

And then I called Lisa over, she came as quick as she could to my penthouse.


Lisa was one of the girls Antonio played with, she was one of his fighters and also one of the best but she was pretty and Antonio dominated her.

Now she did anything he wanted, went anywhere he wanted, Lisa liked all that he did to her body.

She was sitting with a group of her friends when she saw his call, she quickly ran to go meet him.

She knew he liked punctuality, so she hurried on.

But traffic held her and she was late to get to him, almost an hour late.

As she knocked he opened the door, only wearing his robes.

Antonio's eyes spelled fire as he looked at her she could feel her soul lit up in this cold stare that made her sweat hard.

It turned her on to see him this way, and she quickly went inside before he shut the door on her.

"As he closed the door, "he said you are late".

"I am sorry there was traffic," she replied nervously.

"You know the rule", he said curtly.

"Okay do what you want with me ",    she said.

as her heart beat fast, she could feel it cover the whole room.

He walked to the sofa and sat, and from the silence, she knew exactly what to do.

She began to stripe carefully and then she ran to the bathroom to take her bath.

As she was at it she could feel her stomach sink and all her body could not hold the excitement all at once she was going to be punished and she liked it.

He waited for a little for her to come out and when she did, he pointed to the bedroom.

She walked towards it slowly with her body now dried and a towel wrapped around her frame.

As she entered she saw it hanging down, where she would be tied, it held firm to the ceiling.

And as he entered the room she moved to the spot where it was and he took her towel off gently and helped her into it.

It was all good at first until he spread her legs after putting her arms and breast into the strap,

Then he left her there and sat on the bed watching her, he waited for her to lose her strength,

When he saw her legs could hold no more he moved closer and rubbed his hand on her clit as soon as he saw a hint of pleasure replacing the pain he took his hand off.