
Night was approaching

It was about 5pm in the clock when she begun to drive towards home

There was high music surrounding her and she was moving with the beat



There were few hours left.

and soon there would be dark and she would be all alone

Wasn't she afraid of facing the same night again ??

Had she forgot all from the last night...


She reached home

When she entered there was unusual darkness

And she moved to turn on lights

Before she do so, there was shouts in chorus and lights were turned on

She was surprised to see all her friends together before she say hii! To all she was carried to her room.

her friends helped her to get ready for the party and she turned to look like princess

Night had already approched...

But there was no fear in her heart ..

May be she had totally forgot or may be any other reason....

She kept her self engaged enough to avoid every sadness of her life..

And she looked like the happiest girl

And as said

"Happier once are more charming and attractive"

Everybody there praised her

And soon the party was over...


Everybody went one by one...


She , said good bye to her last guest

With a calm smile and started moving towards her room.. again her dark room...!

Still, her walk was like perfection, her beautiful golden dyed hairs were flowing.. smoothly like water in the streams..

And as usual her smile added plus points to her beauty.

But As she was moving towards her room her smile kept on vanishing

May be rushing thoughts reminded her of her dark room.

where she was about to reach but there was no change in her expression. she just humbly entered her room...

And locked it well.