

Esme thought if she will give proper time to Enac

Enac would get closer to her again...

She tried it ...

Esme told Enac

That you are my only friend...

She tried to convince her ...

Tried to develop friendship again....

She expected that everything will be alright soon...

But there was no change in Enac's bounding with Aria..

Esme was jealous... Of herself

As Enac still didn't want to give time to Esme..

But she had time to give Aria..

(A fake and week older friend of Enac)

Esme's expectations hurted her more and more...

Her condition was getting worst..

She had no thoughts except.. Enac's behavior.. and lies...

She was unable to bear ahaed...

So Esme texted Enac..

And asked.. do i really exist ?

Or do I need to stay with you anymore ..

Enac was shocked..

She could not understand what was Esme talking about

Enac tried to convey Esme.. by her beautiful words.. but Esme was unable to believe as she have experienced her lies alot...

Esme ... Said.. that she had no complain against Enac..

As she was unable to keep enac her best friend..

So Enac is free ..

Enac replied... Out of anger..

That she was never restricted..

Esme was still unable to understand..

That why the reality is so harsh and why she was unable to bear it..

She cried and cried alot... Till dizziness surrounded her...

What should Esme do????

Still begging Enac??

Still believing Enac??

Why Enac felt.. like that...?

Did Enac pain is greater than Esme...??

Esme should keep on trying.. to get Enac back.. or she should leave these tries..?? And expectations??