
A cliché gamer Fic about a dude traveling worlds as a dog

A dude that has no vivid memories about his past gets the gamer system but is reincarnated as a dog as a result of a gacha. (This will be a lot of fun...For me anyway) (Was bored browsing Webnovel and then looked at some random picture of a dog in spartan armor and got an idea for a fic. So don't expect too much from this.) (Chapter length will vary.)

Nxgen_Snail_Kota · Anime et bandes dessinées
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34 Chs

Chapter 14: THE PLOT

The sound of steel crashing against steel and the sound of concrete shattering echos through the entire dock as the masters and their servants watch as the two expert warriors clash.

The once-great...Okay, the once abandoned but not totally wrecked docks, were now riddled with holes in the ground, long and deep cracks lining almost the entire wharf, and crates that have been craved in and bent unnaturally by sheer amounts of force alone.

Lancer, the unknown master spearman with two noble phantasms in the form of his own twin spears. Gae Buidhe, a short yellow spear with the ability to inflict unhealable wounds, and Gae Dearg, a long red spear that has the power to slice through magical enhancement and projections.

Saber, the fabled king of knights with her own noble phantasm surrounded by invisible air used to confuse her enemies. The sword in the stone, the weapon born from the hopes and dreams of the people, the sword of promised victory, Exc--Wait I'm not allowed to say that?... Huh, do we know why?...Uh. Okay then.

*Ahem* in light of new evidence I'm am apparently now allowed to say its name. Corporate says it's bad for business, so this introduction is now over.


"Lancer, Playtime is over. Eliminate the servant saber with your noble phantasm!" The pus--I mean Master, El-Melloi commands his servant Lancer while hiding somewhere within the docks.

"Understood, My master" Lancer replies as he drops his short spear, much to the shock of Irisviel and Saber, and holds his long one with two hands. The wrappings around the crimson handle start to unravel and disperse into magical energy as the weapon is revealed in all its glory.

"It's time to end our battle Saber, as unfortunate as it is. Will you still conceal your blade?" Lancer questions only for saber to flinch ever so slightly, an action not unnoticed by the lancer who lets a small smirk come to his face.

"So your weapon reveals your name hmm?" He questions but it comes out more like a blunt statement instead.

"Regrettable that you will never know its name, as I will strike you down here. Lancer." Saber replies not bothering to pay mind to the provocation.

"We shall see about that, Saber."

Both servants narrow their eyes and get into their respective stances as the stale sea air permeates through the docks filling their lungs. A tense silence passes between the two heroes and their masters who wait with bated breath at the battle that is to come.

And then.

With the ground shattering under his feet Lancer shoots forward at incredible speed toward his enemy, spear in hand he tries to thrust it into her face only for Saber to bring her blade up in preparation to deflect the attack. However, Lancer suddenly points his weapon down and Saber is forced to block low instead.

Saber's eyes go wide and lancer smirks once more as his spear starts tampering with the invisible air that uses mana as its power source and the guard of the weapon is revealed as a whirlwind surrounds the two. Saber, not wanting to have her name revealed so early on knocks the spear away and backs up putting some distance between the two of them.

"You can't keep your blade hidden forever. Saber."

'The invisible air was, Disintegrating?' Saber thought with a drop of sweat running down the side of her head. Though Lancer won't give his enemy a moment to pick apart his weapon as he suddenly rushed towards the slightly distracted saber and attempted to thrust his blade into her. Saber notices the attack at the last second and with no time to block or deflect she opts to dodge out of the way creating a small cloud of dust where she once stood as the spear drills into the ground.

Saber looks at the cloud for any movement and notices a brief red shine, she leans her head to the left as the spear comes crashing through dispersing the cloud and nearly taking her head off its shoulders.

Lancer throws out a small burst of three stabs all of which saber dodge at the last second, not wanting to block and reveal her weapon, and she then ducks down as Lancer goes for a sideswipe attack.

Seeing an opportunity to strike she was about to swing her blade as his exposed legs when she noticed the spear coming back and, feinting the attack she leans backward as the tip of the blade narrowly passes over her face clipping off some of her hair in the process.

Twisting her body around she leaps as to not land on her back and once her feet meet the ground Lancer is once again right in her face. Having no other options her own blade meets Lancers as he throws out a flurry of attacks most of which saber masterfully deflects, but the last attack forces her to block and the invisible air is once again starting to dissolve.

Pulling back Lancer fires his spear forward once again and Saber is forced to block once more, the air continuing to be disrupted by the spear that nullifies magic.

Gritting her teeth, Saber ends the blade lock with a swing of her sword and falls back Lancer chasing behind. Saber, not having much legroom in this area runs up a crate and backflips over lancer's strike finally getting her into a more advantageous area.

'His weapon is chipping away at the invisible air, but how?' She questions as she looks at her foe, who twirls his spear around and faces her with a smirk present on his face.

"I figured out the length of your weapon saber, so I needn't worry about getting caught by you!" Lancer reveals as he bolts forward and throws out a flurry of attacks towards the still confused saber who is blocking all the attacks but being pushed back at the same time.


[What the hell is taking us so long!?]

You were there with me why are you asking?


You want me to crap myself surrounded by heroic spirits?


Tell that to the steaming pile of dookie I just dropped into someone's yard.


-(Back at the Fight)-

'He is a master of his craft, but I'm not yet done' Saber thinks to herself as Lancer walks forward at a steady pace, spear at his side he runs forward ready to impale the saber who notices the straightforward nature of his attack.

Seeing an opportunity to strike him down Saber brings her blade up and runs forward as well, planning to have her armor deflect Lancer's attack and then cut him down while he is defenseless.

But right when she gets in the strike zone, Lancer smirks and her eyes go wide as the spear cuts right through her armor and slices her stomach.

Irisviel's eyes go wide as Saber backs off.

"What just happened?" Saber checks her wound as Iri heals her, a green glow surrounding the damaged area, and she finds that her armor has suffered no harm at all despite her taking damage.

'It can negate magic?'