

do you remember your uncle, Ben? " mom asked

"ummm... NO, I don't think so. "

" You guys don't remember your uncle , Ben. Well, I dont expect Rose to remember, but the rest of you should, I'm I right, "

" Umm, nope, still doesn't ring a bell," I said while stroking my chin

"ohh, c'mon, becky, u don't remember your cousins who come here to visit us back then when they still lived in New

wait, I think I remember. who wouldn't remember those brats.arghh they were so annoying, thank goodness they moved to London. God knows how the residents of London would put up with those stuck-up rich kids

" So do u remember them, becky," dad said, bringing me back from my forest of thoughts

"ohh yes, I remember them, I mean, who would forget them?" I said, feigning a smile.

like, really, who would?

"I know right they were such angels," mom said, and I scoffed. Immediately, I scoffed, and she looked at me with warning eyes. Seriously, mom, if you knew the things they did, you wouldn't be giving me that look right now.

I still remember that one time they curated a rift between me and mom for a week just because of a remote control. Gosh, it is still fresh in my memory


"Hey, what are you watching, becky?" Little Laura asked while staring at the screen

"Oh, I'm watching spongebob. Do you wanna join?" I asked with my eyes still on the TV screen

"Nope, we don't wanna watch spongebob r, right Olivia?" she said, asking her little sister Olivia

"Yeah, we don't wanna watch spongebob because spongebob is for boys," she said, pouting

" What??, you are being ridiculous, spongebob isn't for boys only. I think anybody is allowed to watch it. you both are so silly, " I said with my eyes still on the screen

" No, we are not silly. Now give me that remote, we wanna watch Barbie, " Laura said, snatching the remote controls from my hands

"Hey, give me that, I was watching spongebob,"

" No, we wanna watch Barbie , right Olivia?" she said, stoning Olivia a look

"Right," Olivia said

" alright fine let's make a deal, this us the last episode, so just give me 10 minutes, and then you guys can watc barbie" I said hoping she'll listen but as usual she didn't she and her sister or should I say her minion are both brats

"Nope, I don't like that deal,"she said before she changed the cartoon I was watching before she came into the sitting, and plus, this is my house for crying out loud.

"Hey, put that back or else," I said, putting on a straight face

"Or else what?" she said with a devious smirk

"or else.. or else .. I'll.." I said, still trying to think about what I'll do, but I couldn't figure out what to do, even though I could. Would I even do it?

"See, you can't do anything about it, you are just wea, now move let me sit," she said like a brat she is.

'ohh God, I have had it till her with her,' I thought. I snatched the remote back from her and changed the channel back to spongebob, and then I smirked, seeing that angry look on her face. Hehe.

but before I knew it, Laura took the remote control away from me and smashed it on the floor.

" If I can't have the remote control, no one can," she said, smiling. Urghh, I can't stand this girls especially Laura, but my mom always told me to always behave, so that's what I'm trying to do.

" Look what you just did. Why would you smash our remote? You are such a devil," I said without thinking, but that serves her right anyway.

before she could retort, the doorbell rang, and Laura ran towards the door, and it was my mom and dad. When they came in, Laura was all over mom like I she was her mom, arghhh .

"Good evening, Miss Martins," she said, flickering her long lashes.

" Good evening dear, how are

" I'm good, thanks," she said while smiling adorably.

when dad came in, the first thing he saw was the broken remote controls. When he saw it, he gasped, and that attracted mom's attention.

" What happened here,becky?" she asked me, beckoning for an answer

" mom, it was ..." I was about to put that brat in her lace she opened her mouth and said,

" it was becky who broke the remote control just because we had a misunderstanding on what to watch," she said with a sad expression

"becky is this true," mom asked, clearly surprised

"Mom, it's.." Before I could complete my sentence that brat butted in again

"Aunt?, she also called me a devil. Aunt, I'm I a devi?"

" No sweet heart, you are not,"she said while throwing me a glare

" Why would you call your cousin a devil, becky?" mom asked

" Well, that's because she is a devil,"

" becky?" mom said, looking really disappointed

"For that, becky go up to your room now , you are grounded,"dad said sternly, and I did without saying a word. After that day, mom stopped talking to me for a week


"becky?" denzel said, tapping me to know whether my spirit was still in my body because I was deep in thoughts for a long time

" ohh..umm..yeh, uncle Ben," I said, coming back to reality

" Well, your uncle Ben is inviting you all to come over to London to celebrate Christmas with him and his family. How does that sound?" mom said, smiling

"Umm, it sounds good. At least I'll get to celebrate the holidays with new faces," Daniel said

'Yeah, new bratty faces,' I said internally

"Yeah, I know you guys would love it,"

''Wait, are you and dad coming along? "

"No,we are staying here," mom said, still smiling

"Why?'' I asked

" Well, i and your dad have to stay here because our job requires us to, and also, it would be nice to spend some time with each other without you kids," mom said staring lovingly at dad

"So, we thought it was proper to inform you kids so you kids can make a collective decision," said mom. It was as if mom was the one doing all the talking.

" You have until dinner time kids, make it count," dad said, and with that, we headed towards the stairs to make our decision.


oh my God, three chapters down.I didn't know I could go this far because I'm having exams at the moment, and you know I have to read.I also have a feeling that the first few chapters were boring but we are getting there. :)

thank u :)