
A Chef in the World of Dungeons

Everyone on Earth is taken to a new world. A world of Dungeons. Chuck is selected to represent his family. As a Dungeon master, he has one month to make a safe place for his family to come to. Unfortunately, he has one of the worst classes available. But through a stroke of luck, it is upgrade 100 times to become a top tier class. Chuck is a top tier chef. He decides to make a restaurant on the bottom floor of his dungeon. He will need to protect it well and also satisfy his customers if he wishes to create a good home for his family.

Dao_Of_Fiction · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Market Place

When Chuck was about to start on dinner, he received a worldwide notification.

[Worldwide Announcement: In 5 hours the newbie protection will be lifted from your dungeon. Be prepared for the dangers the lay outside. To celebrate this wonderous occasion, the Reputation Store will now be opened. The marketplace has also now been unlocked. For the next four days (Until the first weekly challenge, the service charge for the marketplace will be waved. You can now trade with other dungeon masters from your race.]

Chuck looked in his interface and there was a new store opened. The currency used was RP (Reputation Points). Pretty much all the good were products from earth, but there were a few unique items that weren't. There were health potions, stamina potions, and mana potions of various ranges. There was also a currency exchange that could turn 100DP into 1RP. It was unfortunate that the conversion didn't go the other way. Otherwise Chucks 26,000RP would turn into a lot of DP. The most interesting thing was the lucky draw. A certain amount of RP could be spent and you randomly get something from the dungeon purchasing tab. It may be worth way more than the RP spent… or maybe not.

[New class quest]

[Your restaurant is open to the public starting tomorrow but nobody is aware.]


[It has been determined that you have the necessary supplies to serve a meal to your region. Host a livestream and gain publicity for your restaurant. Make a meal for those who tune in. You will receive reputation points for every 'like' you receive. A modifier will be applied to your total score depending on the quality of your meal. Keep your chin up young chef and go and make a name for yourself. You must start the livestream within an hour.]

[Disposable plates, bowls, cups, and utensils will be provided.]

"Damn." Chuck said in shock.

It was going to be a lot of work, but he could get a lot of RP if things went well. When he first read the message, he was thinking about skimping, but since he could get a multiplier, it was time to go all out.

Chuck activated his region chat interface and his mood instantly plummeted. There was only 8,953 people in chat. It had only been three days and over a thousand people had died in his region. He then thought about those families that would be coming to a dead or conquered dungeon.

'No! shake off the bad thoughts. Do what you can and don't worry about anything else.'

He corrected his state of mind and started to plan things out.

Plate, he needed a main dish. He had plenty of wolf meat. He had the wolves that were already butchered, and Crumb was already on his seventh for today. Wolf steak and wolf burgers were good, but they would take way too much time and prep. He needed something that could be prepared in bulk.

He settled on shredded wolf meat sandwiches. He would just need to buy a lot of bread. That wasn't too bad. He already found that to put an item in the marketplace he needed a minimum price. He would set it to 1DP. That would make up the cost of the bread.

Bowl, he could do a soup or salad, or some sort of side dish. But he would probably get a better score if it came from wild ingredients instead of things bought from the dungeon store. He could make a soup. He would use the tails of the rock lizard as a base. He would by some vegetables and add them in. it shouldn't cause a negative effect to the score too much since the main ingredient was wild.

He didn't even need to consider a drink. He had a bunch of milk that was going to go bad in a few days.

This sort of meal was okay, but would make a huge name for his restaurant?

"Ah! That's it!"

Chuck spent 2,000 on the livestream equipment and finalized his plan.

"All hands-on deck!" Chuck shouted out. His voice ran throughout the whole dungeon.

Gareth, the dwarves and Kyle quickly ran over. Crumb was told to keep butchering.

"Bro, what's going on?" Kyle asked.

"I just received a class mission. In the next hour or two, I need to be able to feed 9,000 people."

"Damnnnn! That's crazy. What do you need?"

"Well, I have to do a live stream and feed the region to advertise my restaurant."

Kyle rolled up his sleeves. "Alright bro, point the way. I will help you whip up some top notch munchies."

"No, you are not allowed to cook. I have seen what you do inside of the kitchen."

"Aww, come on bro. It's all hands-on deck."

"I needed someone to do the camera work for the livestream. That's where you come in."

"Ahh, good, good. I can do that. Director Kyle will get the job done."

"Great, open up the livestream room under my account and post a message to help gather viewers. Let them know that they can get a good meal for only 1DP if they watch the livestream. I can only run the livestream for an hour so don't start filming until we are ready."

"I got you bro."

"Okay, everyone else, here is what I need…"

"… and if everything goes well I will make sure we have a big feast tonight with as much alcohol as you guys want. Wine, beer, mead, whisky, whatever you want."

"You can count us in." Scooter said. "Just make sure you got enough beer."

"You don't have to worry about that. I will buy a couple of kegs; we can use the rest for the restaurant."

"I will be happy to help Master Forest. I will inform Kyle of our reservation policy so he can spread the word to the viewers. If you need any help in the kitchen, please let me know."

"Feast!" Crumb said excitedly with stars in his eyes.

"Yup, a big feast. So work hard and we can celebrate afterwards."

The goblin nodded eagerly.


Inside the regional chat channel.

[Lonelylady: Hey did you see! Someone opened a live stream channel.]

[MightyKnight: Did you just get here? Everyone is talking about it.]

[Timberman: Be nice Carl. It says that we can buy a good meal for only 1DP if we watch it.]

[PrettyPrincess: I checked the marketplace. There are already over 2,000 servings in the market place but they are grayed out. I can't see a description yet.]

[Jerry Smalls: We probably have to wait for the livestream. Quick question, how did you guys change your username?]

[Magicman: It is in the interface options Jerry]

[Left_Wrench: It is in the interface options Jerry+1]

[BiologyMajor21: It is in the interface options Jerry+2]

[BigMoney: It is in the interface options Jerry+100]

[Timberman: I just don't get who would be bored enough to want to feed everyone]

[Brokejoke: It doesn't matter, I spent all my DP on my defenses. If I can get a good meal for a single DP, count me in.]

[DragonSlayer: Same. Hungry.jpeg]

[CowboyKiller: I am so done with this stale as bread. My tummy needs something yummy.]

[DanceMaster: Look, look, it is starting.]

The chat quieted down as everyone went into the livestream. The regional chat went quiet as the conversation moved into the livestream channel. The screen was still blank, but a countdown had begun. It would start in less than 30 seconds.