
A Chat Group Across Dimensions!?

"Yo my name is Kenichi Gushiken, and I have a wonderful Girlfriend Yuji Itadori(fem) and everything is normal except I have a secret I can see curses besides that I live a very normal life until one day." *Ding Welcome Admin to the Cross-Verse Chat Room*

PurpleDevilHunter · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

Well This Is New

POV 3rd

In a house located in Sendai City we see a young man sitting staring at his hands.

(???):" What the hell happened at the theatre what the hell was that creature."

'Flash Back'

We see the same young man at a restaurant getting the bill when a young girl around the same age as him speaks up.

???(girl): Ken come on we're gonna miss the movie.

The boy now known as Ken sighs as he pays for the meal.

(Ken): "Alright give me a sec Yue."

The girl known as Yue pouts and starts dragging him to the movies as soon as the money touched the table.

(Yue): "Come on your to slow."

Ken just sighs as he breaks free and starts running.

(Ken): "Well then last one there is paying."

(Yue): "Hey no fair I thought this was a date."

The young couple raced with Ken being in the lead most of the race he looks back to see Yue catching up and as he was about to win he bumps into a young man with black porcupine like hair wearing an all black uniform.

(Ken):"Shi-sorry man didn't see you"

(Kid):"It's not a problem I should have been paying attention myself, but I must be off now, got to finish my... school project."

Ken was about to say something when he sees Yue at the theatre and beat him, so he just nods and takes off towards her missing the look the kid was giving him.

(Kid):'He seems familiar somehow'.

Ken arrives to see Yue celebrating her victory.


(Yue): "Ha beat you now-"

Yue was cut off as Ken kissed her for a second before pulling away

(Ken):" I was gonna pay either way can't let my cute girlfriend pay on the date I invited her on."

Yue was blushing hard and was to embarrassed to respond.

(Ken):"Also I would have won if it wasnt for that guy on the way here"

That was enough for Yue to snap out of it and respond.

(Yue):" Nuh-uh I was catching up and you know it"

(Ken):"Sure you would have, anyway were here 10 minutes ahead of schedule so i'm gonna head to the restroom take this and get some snacks won't you babe"

Ken hands Yuji 6,500¥(50 dollars).

Yue quickly takes the money and heads to the line hiding her blush.

(Yue):"Sure be right back"

After that Ken walks into the restroom and does his business. He goes to use the sink to wash his hands when he hears a voice.

(???):" YoUr HaNDs aRe FiLtHy

Ken looks to see a ugly looking creature talking to him shocked, he's seen creatures like this before but they usually are smaller and watch him from a distance or run away from him, so he assumed this thing was like that and decided speak to it. 

(Ken):"Hey there uhh how's your d-

Before Ken could finish his sentence he was forced to dodge an attack from the creature.

Ken started to get up before the creature was right next to him and hit him into the ceiling, Ken coughed up a bit a blood and spit and he could swear that something cracked. The creature starting taunting him.

(Curse):"Dirty. Dirty."

As the creature was about to slam down on the Ken the restroom door swings open and an employee walks in and and catches the creatures attention seeing the popcorn and butterstains covering him.

(Employee):" Hey what's with all the no-

Before he could finish what he was saying the creature rushed and grabbed him before starting the tighten it's grip on his neck. Ken seeing this starts to get up before screaming at the creature.

(Ken):" NO! Let him go! Please!

The Creature sneers before *Crack* It snaps the man's neck and his body goes limp.

(Curse):"ClEaN He iS cLeaN nOw. No MesS.

As the creature was congratulating itself Ken was in shock the death of an innocent man started to mess with him. The ANGER the REGRET the GUILT the lack of CONTROL. All these NEGATIVE emotions were stirring something up inside him. Unnoticed to him the blue specks in his eyes brightened up and the swirls looked like they were spinning, and some type of energy was covering his hand but it felt RIGHT.

The creature as if noticing the change looks towards Ken in apparent fear and anger. That look feels so wrong yet so right to Ken like everything should look at him like that, but first this thing needs to go. So Ken gets up and and runs at the creature much faster than earlier than when he ran and hit the creature in the face and knocked the face. The punch knocked the creature back into his senses and it looked at Ken and bit down on his fist.

(Ken):" AUUGHHH!"

Kens fist now covered in blood starts to go further down the creatures mouth with the creatures teeth shredding parts of his skin down to the muscle, but then*Click* a click from a camera is heard distracting Ken for a moment giving the creature a moment to punch Ken in the chest with a definite *Crack* and Ken felt something break as his vision goes dark for a moment and the energy he felt started to disappear as he went limp, but before he passed out he saw the Creature's upper body have many lines appear through its body like somebody was erasing it and then he heard a feminine voice.

(???):" Done I wonder if Master will get me i-

Ken passed out before he could he any thing else but his final thoughts were about Yue


*Three hours later*

Ken started coming to and noticed he was in a hospital bed and heard some voices. As he opens his eyes he see's Yue talking to a doctor.

(Doctor):" Miss Itadori your boyfriend is fine, a few bruised ribs and and a couple of small cuts on his back, however what is unusual is that those injuries seem to be healing already and I wou-*Ring* ahem i'll be right back.

As the doctor walks away Yue notices Ken awake and rushes to him and gets him in a crushing bear like hug.

(Yue):"Your alright I was so worried*tearing up* I was scared first gramps in the hospital no-

Before she can finish she notices Ken struggling for air and let's go and Ken starts breathing deeply. Yue starts to smile awkwardly and apologizes

(Yue):"I'm sorryIjustgotemotionalan-

Before Yue can finish her awkward rant Ken grabs her hand and shushes his her, then brings her into a hug.

(Ken):"It's fine, but you shouldn't be apologizing i'm the one who-

As he was talking Ken remembered what exactly happened and started to worry and before he could say anything another doctor walked in and started talking.

(Doctor2):" Mister Gushiken we've looked over the paperwork and your free to go the exit should be down the hall to the left.

The doctor then left leaving confused before he stared to get up with Yue.

(Yue):" Hey let's get you home, we still have school tomorrow and the club meeting.

Ken decides to push the memories down for a moment so he doesn't worry Yue, He decides it's easier if she doesn't know but he still wants to think for awhile, and the paranormal activity club or whatever it was called(he doesn't remember the name as he only joined for Yue) might help so he answered Yue.

(Ken):" I might just stay home tomorrow, but I'll probably meet you at the club meeting later though.

Yue smiles enthusiastically 

(Yue):" Ok Ken-Ken!

Ken blushes at the nickname. before walking away with Yue.

*Outside Hospital room*

The Doctor walks out as a black-haired man with a scar across his forehead wearing a shaman outfit is waiting.

(Shaman):"Is he ok."

(???): Yes he's ok Master Geto.

The man now known as Geto nods his head and smiles.

(Geto): "That's Good"

The girl looks at him with a curious gaze before asking.

(???): "If you don't mind me asking Master Geto why do you care about that boy so much, is he like the girl?

Geto looks at the girl before chuckling

(Geto):" No he's not like little Yue, he's not a sorcerer either, but he's far from being a monkey either. He's something out of this world, something devil-like to these weak monkies, he has the potential to be stronger than even the Queen of curses herself perhaps even Gojo.*coughs* Anyhow did your sister do her part.

After listening to the rant the girl was in a daze for a few moments wondering what he meant by all of that before answering.

(???): Y-yes she dropped off the package and Informed the sorcerer that the Semi-grade 1 curse has been dealt with.

Geto then gives a nod before turning away.

(Geto):" Good, then I'll be waiting on the roof please do be quick I want to get something sweet I heard there's a new ice cream shop downtown.

(???):" Really sounds nice I'll finish in 5 minutes top"

As Geto was heading towards the roof he started thinking about the day he found a young Ken.

'Small Flashback'

We see a small 1 year old child that appears like Ken is seen covered in cracks over his skin and blood covering his body. The young Ken sits there curled up whimpering as he seems like he is pain, but as he sits there two men walk up one with white hair and Beautiful blue eyes and an average looking man with black hair. Ken opens up his eyes revealing almost soulless eyes with orangish red swirls where his iris should be. The two men approach the boy who backs up in fear before the pain gets to him collapsing grabbing his chest whimpering more the two men look at each other before the white haired man sighs before walking up to the kid slowly before reaching his hand out.

???:"Hey kiddo everything will be alright because the super handsome and strongest sorcerer Satoru Gojo is here.

'FlashBack End'

(Geto)*Thinking*: I wonder how will you react to the truth boy.

Geto finally reaches the roof and summons a giant pelican before settling in its mouth with the girl.

(???):" Master Geto let's get that ice cream"

(Geto):" Ok first let's get your sister then we'll go"

The girl got in the pelican and flew off with Geto.

'Outside Hospital'

After everything went down Ken made sure to walk Yue home and every time he saw one of those small creatures he would take her on a different route, and after awhile he finally got her home. As he was getting ready to leave and home Yue stopped him

(Ken):" What's wro-

Yue suddenly kissed him.

(Yue):" I hope you get better Ken-Ken"

Yue then walks in closing the door behind her leaving Ken slightly dazed before he smiles and shakes his head.

Ken: 'That Girls'

Ken then makes the long journey home which was overall uneventful and then walked in his house.


As Ken got home he started heading towards the bathroom passing a small picture of a younger-looking Geto and a White-Haired man with writing on it "Your Handsome Savior and his ugly sidekick signed Gojo" As Ken walked past the image he gave a small laugh after passing the photo he made it to the bathroom where he washed his face and looked in the mirror where we can now see he has Red Hair with frosted tips and a single snow white hair strand, his face was pretty handsome looking with smooth skin, and lastly his eyes were Orangish-Red with swirls with heavenly blue dots here and there making his eyes look hypnotic.

As Ken was going to start thinking about what happened and what happened with that man he started to daze off in silence before a sudden notification on his phone caught his attention.


(Ken):"Huh- What oh my phone.

Ken grabbed his phone and looked at the notification.

*Ding Welcome to the Cross-Verse Chat Group*

*Would you like to join*


Ken was confused about this but didn't really think much about it and pressed Y

*Welcome (Anomaly) for being the first to join you have gained the role [Admin] would you like to send 4 invites*


Ken was a little confused but still thought he was being pranked went along with it what was the worst that could happen anyway.

*Ding invites sent*

*For sending invites portable mode unlocked, Starter pack obtained, inventory unlocked*

Now Ken was worried this app screen is now In front of him instead of on his phone and was thinking he was going crazy.

(Ken): "What the hell."

As Ken was going to say something else he heard another ding looking at the screen he saw people joining.

*Ding Reset joined*

*Ding Crybaby joined*

*Ding Electric Man joined*

*Ding Rusted Knight joined*

All Ken could think of at the moment was.

(Ken): "Huh."