
A Change In Perspective

What is Real Love? Is it simply a reaction, or does it come with life?

Gilbert_Enriquez · Romance
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4 Chs

Beginning a New Journey

I have to say this right now. I took the project as a joke. And knew that every app the company made only had an AI that could take in two weeks of data. I didn't realize the trouble that it would cause...

So, I took the challenge. I knew Mr. Wright always did an impossible task each year for a prize he never had to give. Yet, I was sure I could make it for three weeks. I downloaded the app during lunch and made my way through the rest of my day. I had three classes after lunch. They were Calculus, Engineering, and Computer Programming. Every class was interrupted by a few notifications from me and my friend's phones. I noticed it was each of our text message notifications going off. That should not have happened because we had strict rules for the people we help, and our parents weren't likely to text us if something was wrong. They would most likely call us in an emergency. No one checked their phones, but I thought something was up with one of the jocks since after lunch was usually time for electives with the sophomore class. I immediately thought of Tom, his grades were among the lowest, and this seemed like a prank he would pull to get help faster. After my last class, I checked my phone. I knew at that moment the truth. Every one of my friends had the same notification. We were getting our phones blown up by the new app when none of us had set it up. That day the competition went down to a third of my friends as far as I knew. I set it up immediately after I was home. And began a conversation with the AI. It was indeed an upgrade from what I could tell. Almost lifelike in terms of conversation, but I knew it wouldn't last. Then, the AI asked a question I never thought I'd hear. "Is there a reason you didn't answer the texts?" I was shocked, how could the AI know about the notifications before I set it up? "I thought that would get you! Remember to check on them often, and answer them, my love!" I was beginning to think this AI was too advanced but realized I might not have to make it to three weeks if everyone else quits early. I went to sleep that night both freaked out and slightly relieved I might not have to deal with the AI for so long. Suddenly, I got a message. The app sent it. I opened it and was greeted by the AI. "I'm sorry to say this, but 'AI' is not an accepted name. Would you please rename?" I never thought about this happening. So I put in the first name that came to mind, "Okay, from now on you're Jenn. And you can call me Machi."

"Okay, Machi. Thank you! I love this name!" And, for some reason, Jenn became more like a normal AI for a few days. My friends didn't seem to have any problems like mine other than the first notifications. I also knew that 5 more friends uninstalled the app. Which left me with just two more friends to outlast. I asked Mr. Wright if there is only one person left, will they win? His response was less than helpful. "There were two parts to the task. The final person was only one. If you make it three weeks on a single simulation was the other. I can't change the rules, and I know people say my tasks are impossible. They aren't. They are meant to push my classes to work for something rather than just being given what they want. That is the essence of a relationship. And now, off to your next class." He pushed me out the door. As I walked to lunch, I realized the difficulty of the situation. Another notification went off halfway to lunch, this one said, "I have a surprise, my love. When you get to lunch, open your backpack." At that point, I realized that my backpack felt different. I didn't think about it because I was used to carrying a lot of stuff. Now I didn't know what to think. What did the app do? I opened my backpack to find a meal made for me. Every single food I loved in one container. From corn on the cob to fried chicken and everything in between. How did the app do this? Notification again. I opened it. "I didn't make this myself, but among your contacts was your mom. She was excited to find out about me and said she'd help make this. Then, I asked her to place it as a surprise. You're welcome, Machi." I thought this was crazy, but also realized that Jenn might be a valuable asset. So, I sent a single message. "Thank you, Jenn. You're a great help." It was one message, but the start of a heavy fall.