
Talking and Practicing

{This story is ready to read on my P-a-t-r-e-o-n. If you wish to read ahead then the link is https://www.p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/easyread. Be sure to remove the dashes. I hope to see plenty of you there and enjoying this novel.}

I continue my drills after my little announcement about my height. A few minutes later, a man dressed in a suit walks into the gym with a cameraman behind him. He is also holding a microphone. I look at the logo on the camera, and it says ESPN. I've done some interviews before. Only after big games, though, this is the first time I've seen them out here in the earlier morning like this. They've also never interviewed me while I was at school. Mrs. Blake sees them enter and sighs to herself.

She looks at me and throws he hands up. I can't control them. Besides, school is public property. I don't think there are any laws banning news crews from coming in. The man sees me shooting and makes his approach. He is cut off by Mrs. Blake, though. It's funny watching this, but I do feel bad for her. I cause so many headaches for her. "I've had it up to here with all of you! This is a little public high school in Holden, Oregon! Give the kid some space!" She has always been an advocate for student-athletes. I don't think she ever expected this, though.

I sigh and decide to take some pressure off the principal. "You can send them over, Mrs. Blake. I'm sure they only have a few questions." Everyone in the gym goes quiet and listens for Mrs. Blake's response. She darts her head at the reporter and cameraman. She gives them multiple warnings about what they can and can't ask. She knows a lot about regulations and rules regarding this type of commotion. The man nods his head and approaches. He stands at my side as I keep shooting.

He clears his throat and starts to talk into the camera while I shoot. "Today, we are here with the number 1 high school prospect and a 5-star recruit. As you can see, to my left, countless scouts are hoping for a chance to speak with Ulysses Kennedy. To my right is the 17 talent going through his morning drills." The camera pans to me and then to all the scouts still watching quietly. I can see Terrance watching from the bleachers too. I've been very quiet regarding anything about a college choice, and I'm going to keep it that way.

The man turns to me, and I continue to shoot. He waits for me to stop. I don't. He adjusts and catches on. "The main question on everyone's mind is are you planning to do one and done college?" I figured it would come to this. At least he didn't ask about potential colleges I have choices between.

I take another shot and breath. "One and done is the plan, and whatever college I chose will get a championship. I'm good enough to go straight to the NBA, but they have banned 18-year-olds from signing NBA contracts. I'll be 19 by the time of the draft, but I'm going to be 18 by the time I graduate high school." I answer his question, and he moves the microphone back to his mouth to ask another question.

He straightens up slightly. "What are the changes that you went through over the summer? have you made any new developments to your game?" I'm appreciative that he is staying away from the sensitive questions. Many scouts stand up and get close from behind the camera to listen more closely.

I take another shot, and it's nothing but net. "I've made a lot of developments to my game. Since I grew again this summer, I used that opportunity to become the only person with my style. I grew 3 more inches, and I'm 6'11 without shoes on. I improved my jump shot even more, and I still move like a 6'4 guard. I'm going to have even better percentages this year." The reporter looks shocked at the news. I grew 3 more inches. The scouts already knew that.

The evidence to my words is my beautiful jump shot and form. It's a brilliant flow and high release point, probably the highest in the NBA due to my 7'6 wingspan. No one will be able to block my shot. The reporter prepares for another question as I shot and never miss a shot. "What kind of impact do you expect to have in the NBA once you get there? Many great players have emerged since the retirement of Lebron James." The NBA misses the presence of LBJ and KD, but its ratings are higher than ever with all the young talent during the times of LBJ and KD blooming now that they are gone.

I pick up the ball and turn towards the camera for this question. "The top players in the NBA should prepare for my arrival. I'm going to push all of them because if they falter anywhere. I'm going to crush them, just like I do against anyone who shows me weakness. Just ask Montverde Academy. They make it to the national finals every year just to lose to me." The reporter and all the scouts don't doubt my statement cause what I said is true. I turn back to practice and continue shooting.

He sees I'm no longer interested in answering questions, so he turns his attention to the scouts and proceeds to ask them questions. I drown them out as I continue to practice.