
Stopping off at McDonald's

{This story is ready to read on my P-a-t-r-e-o-n. If you wish to read ahead then the link is https://www.p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/easyread. Be sure to remove the dashes. I hope to see plenty of you there and enjoying this novel.}

~~~(POV: Hannah Fiona)~~~

~~~(Date: November 3rd, 2025)~~~

~~~(Time: 6:00 PM)~~~

~~~(Location: McDonald's on the way back to Holden)~~~

Ulysses holds the door open for me, and he has to duck his head as he enters the restaurant. There aren't that many people here, only a single family. They give him strange looks seeing how tall he is. On the court, while wearing his basketball shoes, he's pushing 7'2. He's wearing slip-on sandals right now, making him around 7'0.

When he's barefoot, he's 6'11. So he's already so far above the normal when people see him. They look like they're seeing a unicorn or something. "What do you want, I only got twenty bucks, and that's not going to go far here." He whispers to me as we approach the front counter. The old Hispanic lady working the register looks at Ulysses and is at a loss for words.

I'd love to help pay, but I'm just as flat broke as he is. Mom and dad don't give me any money despite having it. They say that having money at my age is a distraction, and I need to focus on my future as a gymnast. "Welcome to McDonald's. How may I take your order?" The cashier gets over her initial shock and asks us what we want.

We both get the orders we want, which comes out to 18.55. He gives up the twenty and puts the rest in the donation jar. We find a table, and he struggles to get comfortable. Even when sitting down and across from each other, the height difference is insane. "Don't look behind you..." He leans in as he whispers, and I do the opposite of what he says.

To my displeasure, the family of parents and young adults are recording us, more specifically, Ulysses. My head turns, and I look into Ulysses's disappointed eyes. "You're living a pretty inconvenient life outside of home and school, huh..." I always knew, and I saw it from time to time. Never this personal before. When we're supposed to be unbothered.

He gives a half-grin and slowly nods his head. We're both only 17, and we should be experiencing a cheesy puppy love... Not being recorded for the world to see... "Sorry, I deal with this when I go to places with strong basketball fans... We're in the part of Oregon that loves basketball..." His hand reaches over the table and grabs mine.

His smile makes my heart skip a beat, and I can't help feeling like a love-struck idiot. "But, this is a chance to show people that I have someone in my life that I love... I get tired of desperate women approaching me... You've seen it before..." And how... There were so many times I've had to stop myself from going psycho bitch Hannah.

He really does make a great point, and before I can respond, he leans forward and locks his lips with mine. My mind is wiped clean, and I sink into the amazing gentle kiss. We move our lips just a bit, but it's a modest amount. He pulls away and takes his hands with him. I can't help trying to follow him back across the table. Only to be brought back to reality.

We don't get many chances to be affectionate away from school or our homes. His aunt makes sure the bedroom door is open when I come over, and my dad doesn't like Ulysses. Says that a person taller than him shouldn't be my boyfriend. Mom is fine with him, though. "Here's your order." The arrival of our food stops our intense staring match.

He's ordered more than me. It's obvious why. I don't eat much fast food, and my small order allowed him to have a larger one. He hardly ever eats fast food, mainly because of the home-cooked means he gets every day from his aunt. She's a fantastic cook that makes healthy food. She's taught me a few things about feeding Ulysses.

She's welcomed me with more than open arms, and I'm really happy that she's allowed me to get close to Ulysses. I heard she's had to drive off the bad ones with a stick. "How's the food?" His question is asked with a mouthful of fries, and I can't help laughing. I whip out my phone, and I take a picture of the scene. It's a keeper for sure.