
A Certain Magical Reincarnation

In a world of swords and magic, the Nameless Lord brought disaster four centuries ago. His dark legions invaded, and he wielded fearsome power. As the gods fell, they gifted the world a hero, blessed with divine favor and light. The hero repelled the darkness, but the Nameless Lord vanished suddenly. Records claim he was defeated, while legends whisper he retreated, awaiting his return." *** "Trevor, a mundane editor from Earth, died one fateful night. But as his life ended, a new one began. Reincarnated in a magic world as Reo Bellar, he found himself in the midst of a centuries-old conflict. Reo longs for a peaceful life in the suburbs, surrounded by friends and family. Raised by gentle parents in a small village, he discovered unusual abilities in his new body. Now, seeks the secrets to his past and of his rebirth. 'I'll be straight with whoever brought me here,' he thinks, 'I'm not interested in being a hero or vanquishing demons. Just a quiet life, away from all the excitement...' But fate had other plans for our Prince of Woe.

DBM_Novelist_ · Fantaisie
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109 Chs

Chapter 53: Number One

While it may seem ambitious and easier said than done, achieving the title of "the best" is a lofty aim. Chances are, you might never best, and even more likely,you suffer more losses along the way. But I feel with that mentality, you can grow far more stronger than you can possibly imagine!

If your driving force is the desire to protect, then striving to be the best should be your ultimate goal.

"...," Mr. Ridge maintained an unwavering composure, his gray eyes fixed on me with a stoic intensity that seemed to penetrate the air. The somber atmosphere around him carried a palpable weight, a detached unspoken force that demanded reverence and admiration at first glance.

As my gaze met his, I couldn't help but feel the imposing aura emanating from Mr. Ridge. His physical presence, the unwavering gaze, and the domineering stature collectively conveyed an unconscious assertion of power, instilling a sense of awe in those who found themselves in his presence.

The pressure from this unspoken dominance bore down on me, creating an almost tangible tension in the environment. It was as if the very air had thickened, and I found myself navigating through the uncharted territory of maintaining composure under Mr. Ridge's watchful eye.

In that charged moment, an odd inclination to offer a military salute flickered in my mind, a subconscious response to the perceived authority of this enigmatic figure. Suppressing the strange and oddimpulse to salute, I held my ground and met Mr. Ridge's gaze, awaiting his response with a mixture of well hidden anticipation and trepidation.

Breaking the silence, Mr. Ridge finally spoke, his voice cutting through the stillness of the atmosphere,

 "Reo... was it? That's an aggressive way of thinking. Strive for the best, and nothing less, is it?" A subtle amusement played at the edge of his lips, a minuscule hint of a smile concealed beneath the well-groomed beard that adorned his face.

"I understand how presumptuous and aloof it may sound, but success and power isn't for the timid and hesitant. The weak. And going at it half-heartedly would only result in further losses, crushing disappointment, and inevitable breakdown, " As the words escaped my lips, a sense of conviction prompted me to lower my gaze instinctively, almost as if acknowledging the gravity of the statement. 

Then flashing a small grin of my own, I spoke up at Mr. Ridge.

"Allow me to clarify that everything I've mentioned stems from what I perceive as the key mindset for personal growth—be it in strength or any pursuit in life. Acknowledging the ambitious goal of being 'the strongest and the best' is no small feat," I asserted, reflecting on the arduous path to excellence.

Mr. Ridge asked, a wider grin etching across his face. The seriousness in his eyes wavered for just a moment as a subtle playfulness danced in their depths. I met his gaze with a simple smile, my response measured and composed.

In the following moment, Leon's dad erupted into hearty laughter, creating a sense of confusion not only within me but also among the other kids, Leon included, who were now wearing expressions of perplexity.

"Wh-why's he laughing?" Trise's hushed inquiry reached my ears, blending seamlessly with the puzzled murmurs of the surrounding children.

"Huh? What's so funny? I don't get it?" Leon, wearing a quizzical expression, took a bold step forward, his arched brow reflecting his bewilderment. As his gaze oscillated between me and his father, I maintained my position, a wry smile playing on my lips.

"Haha. I must say, I'm pleasantly surprised!" A few fleeting seconds passed, and Mr. Ridge directed a warm smile my way.

"Surprised?" I tilted my head inquisitively.

In response, he nodded with a mild amusement, then focused on me, his eyes reflecting a mix of familiarity and curiosity. "I've heard a lot about you from Cliff, your father. So much so that he's practically boasting," Mr. Ridge chuckled, shaking his head with a resigned sigh 

His gaze fixed on me, a faint hint of amusement playing in his still grey eyes. I could sense him sizing me up, evaluating me in that brief, intense moment. An odd nervousness settled within me. 

Curiosity mixed with a touch of concern as I frowned, thinking, 'What exactly has Cliff been saying about me?'

A sudden change swept over Mr. Ridge's expression, the glint in his eyes shifting unexpectedly. "Surprisingly, Cliff's not exaggerating. If anything, he might be downplaying your capabilities," he remarked, his tone taking on a more serious note.

"What?" I uttered at the sudden intensity of his gaze, my eyes narrowing as I instinctively shuffled backward.

Closing the distance, Mr. Ridge advanced, his towering frame casting a shadow that swallowed me whole. His immense stature became a looming wall of intimidation, a presence so imposing it felt like the air itself had thickened.

A palpable pressure hung in the air, intensifying as I strained to meet Mr. Ridge's gaze. The sheer effort of lifting my eyes to his face became an ordeal.

As if sensing my discomfort, Mr. Ridge subtly lowered himself, aligning his eyes with mine at an unexpected level. It was a disarming gesture, momentarily dispelling the overwhelming sense of dominance.

His next words, however, injected a turbulent uncertainty into my thoughts.

 "...Are you sure you're really a kid?" 

The question lingered, creating a disconcerting swirl of confusion in my mind.

The question gained an ominous weight, amplified by Mr. Ridge's unyielding stare, void of any hint of amusement. The monotony in his voice, coupled with the dominating aura that emanated from him at such close quarters, made the inquiry feel like a relentless interrogation.

As he held my gaze, I detected an eerie flicker of light in the depths of his eyes, an unsettling detail that added an extra layer of disquiet. "...What...?" I stammered, involuntarily taking a step back, a shiver coursing through me in response to the chilling atmosphere he exuded.

Prepared to run actually.

"Father, can you cut it out? You're making him feel uncomfortable." Leon interjected from the side, voicing his dissatisfaction with a resigned sigh and a subtle frown. 

Mr. Ridge lingered for a brief second, then responded with a hearty laugh, a sound that echoed through the air. "Buahaha! Sorry for scaring you like that, young Reo," he said, retracting from me. His demeanor underwent a transformation as he traded his imposing presence for a gentler one, accentuated by a warm smile replacing the usual somber expression. The entire atmosphere shifted with this seemingly small action.

 "I'm sorry if I frightened you. You see, I possess an unusual ability—a talent for discerning the nature of a person or their potential from a mere gaze into their eyes." he explained, pausing as his expression reverted to its usual still and even look. The gravity of his words lingered, leaving a subtle tension in the air.

"...You...you have good eyes," he added, the usual somber detachment laced in his voice, each word carefully chosen, hanging in the air with a mysterious significance. His words carried a weight of mystery, leaving an air of curiosity lingering in the conversation.

"...Th-thanks?" I narrowed my eyes.

Mr. Ridge pivoted away, strides echoing as he distanced himself, and for a moment we assumed he was leaving.However, a few steps away, Leon's dad came to a halt, pausing in a contemplative stance..

"Reo," he called out, his back still turned, a certain gravity in his voice. "What you said, do you really believe it?"

Caught off guard, I arched my brow inquisitively. "What?" I questioned. "I mean...yes, of course I do. If you're truly going to strive for something, why not just strive for it with the mentality of getting it all? With that mentality, I believe humans—people can go far further than they can imagine."

The air held a pregnant pause, as if the conversation carried implications beyond the words exchanged, leaving a sense of intrigue lingering in the fading echoes of Mr. Ridge's departure.

'Just be number one'— even I grasp the presumptuousness and arrogance inherent in that statement. Achieving the pinnacle, claiming the number one spot, is undeniably a formidable challenge. Yet, if one can steadfastly uphold that mindset without succumbing to hubris, the potential for exceeding one's own expectations becomes boundless.

Undoubtedly, this journey demands considerable time, coupled with grueling sacrifices and losses. Nothing, after all, comes without a cost. In the end, however, without conscious awareness, you might find yourself at the summit, having achieved the elusive status of being number one.

"I see," Mr. Ridge replied with simplicity, glancing over his shoulder. "Reo," he called out again, a peculiar intensity underscored his words, seamlessly veiled within the enigma of his nature. "Do you share the same sympathy with your friend, Leon? Do you want to get stronger also?"

"I want to be the best." Stepping forward, I declared with even conviction.

In that moment, I caught a fleeting, mild grin on Mr. Ridge's face before he turned his head once more, leaving a trace of intrigue lingering in the air.

"Very well," I heard Mr. Ridge mutter, his actions shrouded in mystery. Swiftly picking something off the ground, he turned around and launched the object through the air at surprising speed.

Anticipating the unexpected, I braced myself, extending my arm to catch the incoming projectile. Stepping back, I found myself holding the same object. "What?" I blinked in surprise as the realization dawned— a wooden sword now rested in my hand, a tangible embodiment of the unexpected turn of events.

And in the next moment, Mr. Ridge declared aloud before everyone at the backyard.

"Reo Bellar, son of Cliff, fight me."

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