

Sato Takahashi, a normal high school boy with some backstory(author's note:ill think later(ㆁωㆁ))...

Sato's pov:I was returning to my dorms....its pretty late(past the curfew)...i was passing through bridge side....usually its empty and I don't like crowded place...so I was using this way....

who would have thought this could be turning point for my life....

As I was passing I saw to person facing each other....I watched them from side lines

like a third person ....

One of them a boy around my age,he looks like an ordinary high school student except for his most striking feature, his spiky black hair. I also saw he also has black eyes.

He was wearing his school uniform along with an orange T-shirt underneath.

He looks like a delinquent.

Other person was a female ,looks like a middle-schooler,She has chestnut hair and is wearing a small hair clip,Her eyes are the same color as her hair.She is also wearing Tokiwai Middle School uniform , sporting white loose/slouch socks and brown loafers with a light brown vest sweater over a white blouse and a grey skirt.She looks familiar,a famous person or something.

They are facing each other...

well I don't care it's nothing to do with me,

I was preparing to went back to dorms but, I couldn't.

That delinquent looking guy and a middle-schooler how can I go igonring the scene.But the guy wasn't doing anything so I could be wrong.

I hid someplace away from there perspective as I silently obserbed.

Are they talking about something.

As I was waiting for that guy to something so I could interfere but he was standing facing the girl.

After some time I thought guy wasn't a threat just has delinquent look-a-like by the way he was acting.So I thought of going back.But then something happened.

Did the girl shot electricity..no.no.no maybe the guy is the victim.

The boy raised his right hand to shield himself from the attack,he was trying to block attack which will pass through him.

But something happend,the attack stopped or rather it vanished or negated by his right hand.That initial attack was at least level 3.

That girls is attacking again, can she use repeatedly ,she must be high-level esper .The guy blocked with his right hand again.

So the boy was the victim after all,

he is somehow blocking her attack and isn't attacking back or maybe the girl isn't allowing him to.

Wait is that black sand gathering around them.Girl is controlling the sand.Is this iron particles from ground and girls is controlling them with such ease.This esper ability is atleast level 4.

But Tokiwadai girl, Chestnut-hair,Electromaster at least peak of level 4.Is that girl 'Railgun',the idol of so many espers,she started as a level 1 and reached level 5.Yes,maybe she is 'Railgun',

Academy City's one of seven level 5 espera,and she #3,Tokiwadai's Ace 'Makoto Misaka' the 'Railgun',that is what people in this city call her.

But what is she doing here attacking a boy.Is she a bully or something.

She made a iron whip out of sand particles and attacked him again.Guy once again blocked with his right hand.No it wasn't blocked,it was negated.Is that guy one of level 5 too.I should get out of here iam just a level 0.

And here I was thinking about interfering,wait that girl got around and grabbed his right hand.

They are at standstill,Is she doing doing something.Guy raised his hand looks like he's about to hit her,well she attacked first so no interference from my side.

I am bonafide 'gender equality' guy.

But he didn't hit her and laughing awkwary,a gentle.an maybe with delinquent look.I feel sorry for doubting him.

Wait that guy passed out.Did she attack him directly,ni that guy is muttering something ,girls face is now completely red and she's gritting her teeth.

That guy is running.Wait girls attacked him.And he's coming in this direction and girl attacked again with so much more power .

wait wait wait...the hell it's coming in my direction,damn maybe I'll die like a coward hiding in a corner.

The attack hit me .DAMN ITS HURTS!!!!!

Its blacking out.In my last vision I saw girl running after boy and passed out.