
A Certain Academic Mental Out

A big Toaru fan was about to be reincarnated in the world of MHA by a bored ROB to live out his power fantasy, unfortunately just before he was sent on his merry way he unwittingly mentioned that stories in which the heroes don't struggle aren't actually all that engaging. This revelation had made the ROB choose to reincarnate him as the weakest of the level 5 espers Misaki Shokuhou. If that wasn't bad enough, the ROB also added that if he didn't acquire a hero license from UA he would die. Now, with his dream of a power fantasy thoroughly crushed he must use his mediocre wits and meta-knowledge to pick up the pieces and hopefully not get destroyed by the timeline.

Anithoal · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

as humble as a beginning could be


I shot awake in a panic. A large part of me hoped this was all one big nightmare, but looking at my surroundings showed a wholly unfamiliar room. If this was a nightmare, it was certainly far from over.

I note my surroundings. I woke up in an unusually large room. Apart from the bed, the only furniture in the room was a single wooden dresser chipped on the sides. The white paint on the walls was falling off in some areas. There was a closet right in front of the bed. To the right of the closet stood a lone door, likely the way out. The only light source came from two screen doors, likely leading to a balcony. I'm gonna be honest this room looks like crap.

Apart from its enormous size, this room is a- wait why the hell is this room so big? Maybe the room isn't significant? Maybe I'm just small? I look at my hands and yeah... they're not those of a 16-year-old. My skin looks so nice though nice and smooth. I grab a lock of my now noticeably longer hair and note its unnaturally yellow hue. The shock of the situation kinda held me back from noticing all this crap that should be obvious. I mean this is me we're talking about. How could it possibly take me this long to notice the absence of my own dick? Yeah, that's gone too. Weird I hadn't noticed how light it was down there. I would've panicked more about the news of my buddy's untimely demise if a second presence hadn't made itself known. (again)


I look to my left and see the form of a sleeping woman shifting around in her sleep. She's facing me so I'm able to get a look at her. She appears to be a very beautiful girl around college age if I had to guess. She has messy lavender hair tangled up in all sorts of directions. And She appears sleeping rather peacefully. I don't know how much longer she's gonna sleep but I won't wake her up as judging from the very notable bags under her eyes she needs all the rest she could get. The most important question right now is who the hell is she? If I just woke up right next to her then she's someone I'm close to right? So how is she related to me?

Oh that's right she's my sister. Wait. how do I know that? Oh is it that thing? The thing where I get the memories of the person whose body I'm in from before I pulled a freaky Friday on them. The glowing guy said I would be reincarnated as Misaki though not body-snatching someone, so what's going on? I'm 4 years old right now but shouldn't I be a baby? Did the glowing guy just decide to put me in an older body? Watching a baby would be pretty boring so it's not beyond the realm of possibility. Well whatever the case I'm glad I don't have to consciously experience infancy, It genuinely sounds like hell.

Speaking of hell, I'm now stuck in the world of 'My Hero Academia' a show that I despise for a myriad of reasons. The displeasure of being here would've been mitigated by the fact that I would have crazy OP powers. But now? I'm just pissed. Not only am I stuck in the shitty world from a shitty show but also stuck here as the weakest of the level 5 espers. Ok, she's not that weak but she's weak nonetheless. I mean her primary power functions only with the use of a remote control. Without the remote her power doesn't work. I'll admit Mental Out as a power is extremely powerful but it's something only Misaki could make the most of. Misaki is an esper and esper powers grow and function based on the understanding their user has over what exactly their power does. Accelerator controls vectors but if he didn't know shit about them his power wouldn't do jack shit, nor would he be able to find unique ways to use it. The best example of understanding helping unlock new ways to use your power would be the 3rd-rank level 5 Mikoto Misaka. Her power allows her to control electricity on paper. Still, her use of it allows her to do a bunch of cool things like making magnetic currents, controlling iron sand, hacking devices, and replicating a railgun. Misaki Shoukuhou's power 'Mental Out' allows her to control people's minds, read people's memories, communicate telepathically, change a person's personality, destroy willpower, destroy memories, transplant emotions, brainwash people, and find the memories of an object through a form of psychometry. She can do all this through the manipulation of the conductive efficiency of the fluids that go in and out of the brain. This is a terrible ability to have if you don't shit about neurology.

I don't know shit about neurology.

The glowing guy said I'd have to obtain a hero license or else I would die, and I have to do it while stuck with Mental Out. The least heroic and least combat-effective power. I'm screwed, there isn't any other way to put it. I might as well start crying now. I'm a 4 year old now so it's socially acceptable to do so, right?

I clench the bedsheets in frustration. Goddamnit... this wasn't how this was supposed to go. I was supposed to be powerful, popular, and male. Now look at me, stuck in the body of a blonde girl and currently cursing my circumstances. Why the fuck did I even say that to him? If I just kept my mouth shut this would've never happened. I'm supposed to become a hero? As Shokuhou Misaki? What a fucking joke. I hope you like comedies glowing guy.

"A-Awah what's wrong!??"

Oh crap, I woke her up with my crying. I'd rather not continue looking like a little bitch in front of the first woman I met after being reincarnated, so I immediately put a halt to that. Now she's fussing over me... I better come up with a good lie to hide the fact that I was crying because I was reincarnated in a crappy Shounen series as Misaki.

" *sniff* t-these pajamas *sniff* are gay."


" *sniff* Oh, you think so too? I thought it was just me."

It was true. These pajamas were indeed gay.

The 'onee-sama' whose name I recall being Renko just stared at me as if I'd grown a second. I could almost imagine the hamster wheel inside her head spinning in order to process what I'd just said. She eventually settled for "she's a kid and kids say weird shit" and promptly went to get ready for whatever day job she had.

That left me home to asses my surroundings. The first thing I went to find was a mirror. One look in the mirror and I was greeted with the all too familiar face of Shokuhou Misaki. Granted a bit younger as I was currently 4 years old but still unmistakably Misaki. Blonde hair that went down to my waist, skin as smooth as asscheeks, and of course her iconic shoujo manga eyes. I'll admit the sparkles are pretty, but that doesn't distract from the fact that they look gay as hell.

Now that I've confirmed my appearance it's time to talk strategy. I need to get into UA. To do that I need to pass the entrance exam. The exam consists of fighting robots and I only have a power that brainwashes people. I could just go the Shinsou route and go into UA's general studies class with the hope of potentially being transferred over to the hero course. That route seems to be the most unreliable though as the story was in its last arc around the time I died and Shinsou still hadn't been transferred over. I guess I have no choice but to pass the exam. If the invisible girl, headphone jack bitch, and fucking Mineta were able to pass the exam surely I could do it too? I won't be having the power fantasy I was hoping and neither will I be able to court any of the female cast, but at least I won't die again. The glowing guy did all this shit to me because he wanted to be entertained. I'll be making a valid effort towards that endeavor, after all, it's only natural for a prospective hero to help out those in need. If I'm stuck in a shitty shounen I might as well have fun with it.

I should get off this sink is causing my knees to hurt.

If my new body's memories serve correctly, i'm currently 4 years old. If my old body's memories of canon serve me correctly, kids usually develop quirks at the age of 5. I'll have to wait a little longer before I get to experiment with Mental Out, but that's fine I can wait. It'll be the first step towards... it'll be.It'll be. let's just leave it at that.