
A Cause for Revenge

Emmanuel doesn't get favors often. When he framed up and thrown into prison despite his age, he becomes obsessed about knowing how he was framed. The answer to that leads him to a damning realization and a burning hunger for revenge

rapmike1 · Urbain
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8 Chs

Chapter seven

Four years later

Olanma looked at the television absent minded. It is an election year and the politicians were in full swing, convincing and deceiving the populace with their honey-laced tongues and deep pockets. Her mind was focused on her husband and her son.

Things had become better between both of them. Ebuka hasn't accepted him as a son, but he treats him like one and Emmanuel has warmed up to him and the family in general. The wounds he suffered has healed so far.

Yet, her mind was unsteady. It was three years ago when a prophet, who was invited by the landlord,came to the compound, giving various prophecies to everyone. When it came to her turn, he warned her to love her children equally and not to maltreat or cheat any one. It was his eyes that unsettled her, not the prophecy. It was strange and wild as if it belonged to a mad man. Yet it held her in a spell for a while and she felt he saw into her soul, into her ugliness and ungodliness.

Since then, she has been troubled. Ebuka had spoken to her and tried to calm her down, yet she couldn't get it off her chest.

"Sir, why do people talk about the Hausas and Fulani deciding who gets elected into office when the democracy is supposed to be about people's votes?"

She snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Emmanuel. He has grown a lot of inches, his face getting all the fine features of his father. His real father that is. His birth mark, a small stain that resembles a drop of water is now prominent on his fair skin.

"That's because politics is a game of numbers and the Hausas/Fulani have far more numbers than those in the south." Ebuka answered.

She watched Emmanuel chew on that for a moment. She wondered if girls were already chasing him. They were, after all it was two weeks ago when the Deaconess in charge of the youth section intercepted a letter a filter year old girl wrote for her senior sister. It was a love letter and it was for Emmanuel. He didn't know anything about that or so he claimed.

'I hope he grows to be a better man than Richards.' Richards was back in the country, she heard it in the news. He was running for senator and already has the backing of most of the elite in Lagos. She wondered if he knew about Emmanuel and if she should tell him. She decided not to, since he hasn't cared to ask after her. Moreover, Emmanuel knows nothing of his parentage, only that Ebuka is not his father. She may muddle things up.

Her mind was not over debating about Richards. She had named Emmanuel OlaOluwa, in honour of his grandfather, Richards father. He had Richards look and she was sure who his father is. If she can get to the grandfather, maybe things could change. Not that they were doing badly, but she wanted more. She deserved more, her mind told her. There was a chance. Richards son, Richards Junior was kicked out of three schools because of some misdemeanor. So she heard anyway. If she came with this alternative, Richards may accept Emmanuel. His grandfather may accept him and force him on Richards. After all, what's the use of all the wealth and plans if your heir was irresponsible and wild?

She stood up. She needed counsel, especially about this. If it goes wrong, she could be in a lot of trouble and Emmanuel's future may be dragged into it.

"Darling, I want to visit Nene."

"This afternoon? Can't it wait until evening? I am going back to the shop."

"We can go together...."

"And leave Emmanuel with Adaeze alone? Then you will come late and they will be hungry."

"I won't come late and Emmanuel is now a big boy. He can take care of himself and his sister."

"Emmanuel, is that true?"

"Yes sir."

Ebuka smiled. "Okay, I will trust you on it. But you must tell him what to make for the family this night."

She nodded and beckoned on Emmanuel to come.

"Boil the rice in the house. Take meat for yourself and your sister. I will be back before your father arrives."

Olanma went to change and headed off to Nene's house.

Nene, whose real name is Nneka Unaka, was a spinster who was in her forties. They have been friends since childhood but unlike Olanma, Nene has not been lucky with men. However, she is street wise and Olanma usually meets her for advice when she is in a bind. It was Nene who advised her to pin the pregnancy on Ebuka and marry him.

She told Nene everything about Emmanuel and what she wanted to do.

"So what are you waiting for? Go and find this man and do the needful!" Nene shook her head with vigour. "Or, you want to be poor for the rest of your life?"

"No. but what about Ebuka?"

Nene hissed. "What about him? Is the child his?"

"No, but..."

"Does he know that the boy is not his?"

"He knows but..."

"But what? But what, Olanma? You are not leaving him, you are only returning your son to his father. If I were you, I will leave him and carry my son to Richards. After all, you only married him because Richards left you."


"Don't shout my name, I only said my mind. I don't see anything wrong if you return the boy to his father. If this works well and I believe it will, you will be able to get Emmanuel the best education and experience. If he gets that and becomes a big man, he will remember you. Also his grandfather can name him heir to his inheritance. If things work extremely well, you can even marry Richards! You are still beautiful, you know."

"That's true." Olanma said.

She thought about it throughout the night and decided to give it a try.

The next day was a Sunday, so they went to church. Olanma went through the motions, thinking of everything that she discussed with Nene. It was rumoured that Richards had divorced his US wife. She didn't think of the possibility of becoming an Adeayo-Martins until Nene brought it up. Yet it will be unfair to Ebuka, who had stuck with her all these years.

'Or, you want to be poor for the rest of your life?' That question was ringing in her ear. Yes, they were not so poor that they couldn't feed, but they were next to poor. Ebuka was already thinking of stopping Emmanuel's schooling in order to start training him on phone repairs. She had to stand her ground on his education, but for how long? Adaeze will soon be in secondary school and then Emmanuel will be preparing for the university. How will she take care of their schooling?

She decided to at least get Emmanuel to his real father. Let Richards take care of his schooling at least, then she will think of Adaeze.

When the service was over, Olanma stood up, ready to go home when one of the deaconesses stopped her.

"Sister Olanma, God told me to tell you that the plans that you shouldn't go ahead with the plans you have made. He says that he will take care of the boy you have, but you must have faith in him. If you go ahead with your plans, you will only meet disaster. This is the message from God." The deaconess then walked away, not giving time for her to say anything.

Ebuka heard the message and asked her what she meant.

"I don't know." Olanma said when she obviously knew what she said.

Ebuka didn't believe her but kept quiet.

They got home quietly, Olanma still thinking of what the deaconess said. After they were done with lunch, Ebuka sent the children to play. Then he faced his wife.

"Olanma, what did the deaconess mean?"

"I don't know...."

"Don't lie to me! What are you planning for Emmanuel?"


His whiskers betrayed anger. "Olanma, when did you start lying to me? What's so hard for you to say? Are you planning to run away with Emmanuel?"


"You plan to divorce me?"

"No! Ebuka stop talking like this."

"Then tell me what's wrong! Why did the deaconess stop you?"


He threw his hands in the air. "I know what to do. I will talk to the deaconess and if I find any foul play." He poked her nose with a finger. "I will deal with you!"

"I just wanted to take Emmanuel to his father!" Olanma decided to say it. " I would have told you later but...."

"But what?"

"I didn't know how you will behave."

"Well you know now!" Ebuka was fuming. "You want to uproot this boy from the sound guidance he has been getting just because Mr Richards has returned."

Olanma's mouth flew open. 'How did he know?'

"You think I didn't know, right? I am not a fool. I knew everything from the moment that I discovered that Emmanuel was not mine. Now listen to me. Emmanuel will never see that man, neither will you. If you mention it again, that day I will descend on you, do you understand?"

Olanma didn't understand. He didn't care for Emmanuel from the beginning so why now? "I understand."

"Good. Good." His anger subsided as quickly as it came. "Go and prepare night food."

Olanma went to the kitchen. As she started to arrange things for dinner, she made a resolution.

She must find a way to kill Ebuka.