
A Card In Your Game

Young girl gets kidnapped and sold off to a man's vicious hands

Layla_Happy · Romance
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3 Chs


"Master William. If I may, let me take care of this slave"… Came a voice form behind William, I looked up in the direction of the voice to see Henry looking down at me. He glances over his shoulder at Henry, seemingly annoyed by the interruption."Be silent, Henry. I will deal with Luna as I see fit. She is mine to do with as I please." He turns back to me, his gaze intense. Henry bowed his head and looked at me with an angry face. "Now leave us be." He glances over at me, his gaze sharp and threatening. "Unless you wish me to punish you as well." His voice is low and dangerous, enough to make me quake with fear. His eyes narrow, almost predatory in his observations. "But enough about that. You still have not answered my question." He said. "Question, what question?" I say confused.. "What do you think would happen if I were to send Clara away and focus solely on you for the remainder of the night?" He asks, his voice low and dangerous. He takes a step closer to me, closing the distance between us. But I didn't remember him asking that earlier and didn't know what to say.

He reaches out and gently touches my cheek, his fingers tracing the outline of my jawline. His gaze is intense as he looks down at me. "Do you think you could handle it?" His tone is almost taunting. He wants to see if I will challenge him or submit to his demands, but I will not submit to his demands, not him, not a monster like him. I want to get out of this situation as fast as possible. You want to defy me?" His voice drops even lower, almost growling as he speaks. "I gave you a chance to prove yourself and you have already failed miserably. But since you are so eager to leave, I won't stop you, try running away let's see how far you can get, slave." he says as he backs away "You should know by now that I don't make idle threats. If you choose to leave, you will face the consequences. But if you wish to stay, I can promise you an unforgettable night." he began to walk away to the mansion leaving me no choice but to try to run away quickly..

He lets out a sinister laugh as he watches from the mansion's window. "You can run, but you can't hide." He mutters to himself before disappearing from view. As I struggle to run away, I hear a low growling noise getting closer and closer in the forest. And suddenly, I'm tackled to the ground. I look up and see a large, menacing creature with glowing eyes and sharp teeth looking down at me. "Didn't Master William warn you?" *Came Henry's voice, he appears next to the creature, casually stroking its head. "This is Wolf Beast who answers to master William's orders. He tends to have a taste for runaway slaves like you." I look away as he looks at me in discussion, just like always, then picks me up on his shoulder back to the mansion where William waited.