After the disastrous battle at the Watchtower, Galatea falls back to Earth, electrocuted and burning up upon re-entry. She just so happens to land in Harry's backyard. From there, everything changes.
It took some doing, but eventually Harry was able to pull himself away from Galatea's depraved training sessions. Mostly because it wasn't him she was training… right? It was Hermione and Cheetah who were being trained, and besides, they were both coming along nicely. Even if it still did feel weird for Harry to think of Mione in that sort of way, it was becoming less and less weird by the day.
Meanwhile, Cheetah was… well, she was half-human, half-really big cat. She'd broken pretty damn fast on his cock, which frankly made Harry wonder if maybe she was always looking for something like this, always looking for a Master and Mistress to submit to, just like Hermione, but in a bit more denial about it. Either way, it was a lot easier to see her as his pet then it was Hermione.
Regardless, at some point Harry needed sunlight, and the four of them needed supplies. Galatea had been taking care of that using the Invisibility Cloak at first, but eventually Harry had put his foot down. Even if he'd given her money to leave in place of the goods, it still felt a little bit like theft, the merchants not really having a chance to refuse service or not.
And besides, sometimes you just needed to get away from everything and clear your head. Or at least, that was what Harry needed. And so, he'd ultimately stated, rather than asked, that he was going up to the surface and going to visit Hogsmeade on a little shopping excursion. Galatea had seemed pleased by him putting his foot down and by his domineering tone and had happily agreed.
She hadn't let Hermione or Cheetah go with him however, and he had to admit, the mewling moans of all three women that followed him up as Harry made his way out of the Chamber of Secrets were more than a little tempting. Eventually though, he was back in Hogwarts proper, and making his way out of the castle, he'd zipped over to Hogsmeade on his broom right quick.
Arriving on the outskirts of town, Harry had gotten off of his broom and strolled right in. He'd contemplated wearing his Invisibility Cloak to avoid people recognizing him, but ultimately decided against it. Why he didn't like being crowded, appreciation and recognition could only help him in the long run. Or at least, that was what Galatea had said. He'd been out of the public's eye long enough at this point, the last time he'd been in public view had been for his Order of Merlin ceremony, after all.
Regardless, foregoing the Invisibility Cloak turns out to be the right choice, because while people do recognize him and murmur to one another about his deeds and his glory as he passes them by, no one crowds him. The reason for this is obvious… it looked like the whole town had a party last night, and they were all hungover and stumbling about from that.
Harry can't help but laugh and enjoy the sight of dozens of hungover wizards and witches all lumbering back to their homes. It's a glorious sight to be sure, and not just because it keeps them from hounding him for autographs or favors. Nor because of just how much trouble the wizarding world has given him in general over his years within it. Though both of those things help.
It's also a glorious sight because it's emblematic of the wizarding world celebrating his triumph, his deeds, his glory as their own. Now maybe once that would have annoyed Harry somewhat, after all, what had they ever done for him? What had any of them done to help defeat Voldemort? But talks with Tea had led him to recognizing the value in being idolized and revered rather than feared and despised.
He could act sullen and angry. He could scowl and bite off the head of anyone who so much as tried to claim his glory as their own. He was a teenager after all, he practically had the right to do so. But what would it help? If he wanted the wizarding world to change, if he wanted to make them better, then he needed to have influence over them. Galatea had been very clear about that, and so far the beautiful blonde alien had yet to lead him astray.
Stepping into the Three Broomsticks with a grin on his face, Harry is just planning to grab a Butterbeer and then be on his way. The place is deserted of course, but before he can make his way to the bar, he catches the Three Broomsticks' proprietor, Madame Rosmerta, coming down the stairs from the upper floor. The gorgeous older woman is currently fixing up her dress as she does so, in particular her bodice, and Harry can't help but think… well, if he didn't know any better, he'd say she was getting up to something improper. But of course, that couldn't be, right?
"Oh, Harry! So good to see you again, young man!"
Harry can't help but smile a little bit at that. He and Rosmerta weren't much more than acquaintances, but he could appreciate the way that she treated him as just another student from Hogwarts. For a few moments, they catch up, talking about what's been going on, with Harry having to skirt around what he'd actually been up to.
And then Rosmerta's eyes light up, and she's grinning a secretive sort of grin.
"You know, it's quite lucky that you're here. Harry. There's an American upstairs that's been asking after you. Why don't you head on up and make her day? I'd see it as a… personal favor, if you did so."
Despite being in a relationship with a blonde space alien that frankly blew even Rosmerta's looks out of the water, as well as having two pets eager to satisfy his every need… Harry was still a little weak to flirting from a seductive, sultry, older witch. He blushes a little and in the end agrees to go and see what this American witch wants with him.
Of course, as he heads upstairs, he completely misses the way Rosmerta's secretive grin morphs into a wide, lewd, lecherous sort of smirk, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Making his way to the Three Broomsticks' second floor, it's not hard to find the room that Rosmerta was talking about. It's the only door in the hallway that's slightly ajar. Thinking nothing of it, despite everything that had happened to him in the past while, despite the experiences he'd had and the ways his life had changed on him… Harry walks right on through the door, not even bothering to knock.
Only to go ramrod straight, his face going bright red when he sees what's waiting for him on the other side. There, bent over facing away from him in the middle of the room is one of the shapeliest pale behinds Harry has ever laid his eyes on, and it's attached to a pair of legs that go on for DAYS. The woman grumbles as she tugs up a pair of ripped, fishnet leggings, and Harry has to focus to hear what she's saying.
"Damn you Rosmerta, why do you always have to destroy my fishnets? I'm going to get you back for this, I swear by all my magic…"
Feeling distinctly uncomfortable, Harry blushes and has to admit… he's definitely stepped in it this time. And yet, maybe it's the way Galatea has been helping him come into himself… but he doesn't step backwards, he doesn't leave the room and pretend like he didn't see what he'd seen. Instead, he clears his throat and gives a nervous cough to alert the beautiful shapely woman to his presence.
She immediately straightens up and whips around, eyes wide as she realizes that she's not alone and just who it was who walked in on her. A light blush dusts her cheeks, even as Harry pauses for a moment, taking in the American witch's beauty. She really is absurdly gorgeous, to be honest. Like, maybe even as beautiful as Tea? Or maybe more beautiful, just in a different way?
There's no denying that Harry has developed a bulge in his pants, one that Zatanna can't help but notice. Luckily for him, he's sort of set the scene with the Heroine as it were without knowing it. He has no idea who she is yet or why she wants to meet him, but Zatanna knows all about him, and she knows exactly what he's capable with that big fat cock of his.
Shaking off her embarrassment at having flashed him and doing her level best to ignore the way her recently eaten out cunt grows wet all over again at his bulge, Zatanna smiles and inclines her head.
"Harry Potter. I've heard a lot about you. I'm Zatanna Zatara."
With her cordial greeting, Harry slowly relaxes. At least this American witch isn't going to tear his head off for seeing what he'd seen. But then, did that mean she was interested in him? Or was he reading too much into it? Shaking himself a little, Harry focuses on the task at hand.
"Yeah, Rosmerta told me you're American? And that you wanted to speak with me?"
Struggling to do the same, bringing her mind back to the actual problem before them rather than her memories of Harry's cock and what it was capable of, Zatanna lets out a shuddering breath and gives a nod of agreement.
"Indeed, I did. Or rather, do. Though, not because of anything to do with the magical world. In fact, this is distinctly separate from all of that. Please, let's have a seat and talk, shall we?"
Brow furrowed in confusion and the beginnings of trepidation; Harry nevertheless sits down. Maybe he's just a sucker for a pretty face, but Zatanna doesn't strike him as out to get him or aiming to hurt him… so he'd hear her out. Zatanna makes sure the door to the room is closed and locked this time, and then joins him at the room's sole table, though rather than sit across from him, she makes a point of sitting perpendicular to him, facing him so that her long legs are on full display as she crosses them, one over the other.
"Now, I only ask that you hear me out, Harry. I'm not here to harm you, I'm here to help. But I need you to let me explain before you do anything too rash, okay?"
For a moment, Harry wonders if he should be offended by that caveat. Then he remembers everything that Tea had done in the Ministry of Magic in his name. Even if this American Witch, Zatanna Zatara said she wasn't here on magical business but something else, it was entirely possible she'd heard about how Voldemort and his Death Eaters were taken down.
Was she afraid of him? Looking her in the eye, that wasn't the impression that he got. It was more like she was concerned FOR him, more than anything else. Strange, but Harry had already resolved to give her a chance to explain herself, whatever the fuck this was. So, he nods jerkily up and down, sitting straight in his chair as his mind whirls with what she could be about to tell him.
"Sure. I'll hear you out."
A grateful smile on her lips, Zatanna lets out a soft sigh of relief. And then she begins to talk… about Tea. She begins to talk about Galatea, about his alien lover, and Harry listens, despite not wanting to, because he promised that he would.
As Zatanna finishes outlining just about everything, she peers at Harry, trying to gauge the young man's reaction. It's a lot to take in, she knows that, and she knows better than most how Harry feels about Supergirl's clone, after that night spent connected to Supergirl's mind. She knows that Harry's feelings are unbelievably strong for Galatea at this point. Even still, she also knows, both from that brief connection and from her own research, that Harry Potter is a hero. He's a bright young man, just trying to do the right thing as he finds his way in the world.
She can tell he's reluctant to believe everything that she's told him about Galatea's crimes, however. The trouble that the Argoan clone caused in the normal world before somehow ending up in the midst of the magical world's problems hadn't been any small, laughing matter. The laundry list of Galatea's crimes was quite long.
"Even… even if I do believe you, Tea is far beyond me. I've seen what she's capable of… I can't stop her."
The quiet admittance makes Zatanna's heart ache for the young man, just a bit. Of course, Harry's first instinct upon learning everything that his lover had done, would be to confront her directly. Obviously, that was NOT what Zatanna wanted. Harry was right, he alone wasn't enough to put a stop to the menace that Galatea represented.
However, his heroic words, his need to solve the problem before him… it certainly segued quite nicely into Zatanna's pitch.
"You don't have to stop her alone, Harry. No one expects you to. But with my help, with the Justice League's help… and not just that. Once we're done bringing Galatea to justice, you would make a great addition to the League. You can easily join without risking the Statute of Secrecy, after all, I have. And with me as your mentor, you'd be an asset to the League, a hero to people all over the world, not just the magical community of the British Isles."
Harry frowns at that, furrowing his brow, clearly skeptical.
"From what you told me; Tea nearly destroyed your guys' base before…"
Zatanna's smile grows a little brittle at that, and she's quick to correct him.
"While true, she did so with the backing of a shady organization based over in America. If not for their assistance, she alone could never have done so much damage."
And then Zatanna launches into the true recruitment pitch, extolling the virtues of the Justice League and explaining the many perks that Harry would get for joining. As she does so, as they talk back and forth with Harry questioning her and Zatanna doing her best to answer, or if need be deflect from his questions, she's subtly playing with her legs.
Crossing and uncrossing them, she gives Harry more than one glimpse at her wet slit beneath her torn fishnets as she does so. There's a pool of Zatanna's juices on the seat of the chair now, and truth be told, she has… ulterior motives for being so enthusiastic about getting Harry on board with the League. How could she not want to gobble this handsome young man right up? Especially after she saw how he handled an Argoan. Mm, she wanted a taste of his cock directly, after using magic to choke herself on a facsimile of his dick all night long.
Eventually, unable to take it anymore, Zatanna begins to edge her toes up the length of Harry's trousers. His eyes, which had already been struggling to remain focused on her face as they talked, go down to where she's beginning to play aggressive footsies with him.
"You know, Harry… I never told you about how we found out Galatea had survived her fall, did I?"
"… No, you didn't."
Smiling, Zatanna creeps her toes higher and higher.
"You remember how I said Supergirl's clone and she were found to be mentally connected, right? Well, Galatea's little fall didn't disable that connection. Supergirl, otherwise known as Kara… she's been dreaming about Galatea's adventures every night. From the killings… to the things she's been doing with you."
The way Harry's green eyes widen in horror and mild self-loathing at that revelation are just another example of the young man's hero complex. But Zatanna isn't trying to guilt him into agreeing, as is made obvious by the husky tenor in her voice.
"You and the clone… you've been sexually tormenting poor Kara, night after night."
As Harry sits there, frozen in the chair, Zatanna brings her other foot up to join the first, and showing off a nimbleness and dexterity that would leave most women around the room envious, she manages to open Harry's trousers, using her toes to unbutton and unzip his pants, before fishing out his cock. Harry's breath hitches, and he looks about ready to say something before Zatanna begins stroking up and down his stupendously massive length with her feet, causing him to groan and toss his head back in enjoyment.
"Can you imagine it, Harry? Kara feels every stroke, every thrust you put into that filthy, evil clone. She feels it every time you fuck Galatea to a screaming orgasm. She lays in bed each night and dreams of your big, fat cock plowing her senseless. Poor girl can't ever actually experience it though, not while she's trapped up on the Watchtower, and you're down here in the magical world, forever out of reach."
Harry's breathing is uneven now, his gorgeous green eyes slightly glazed over. She can tell he's imagining it, like a knight rescuing the princess from the tower. Perhaps not exactly what Zatanna intends, but the American witch is too turned on at this point to stop and think about the tale she's weaving.
"She wants you so badly, and all because you've been thoughtlessly tormenting her dreams. She's told me how it's no longer just her nights though, Harry."
Lowering her voice to just a whisper, but making sure it carries all the same, Zatanna goes for the killing blow, pressing her big toe into a spot between Harry's cock and ball sack, near the base of his dick, even as her toes on her other foot massage his glans.
"Her every waking moment has been consumed by thought of you, Harry. She wants you. Don't you want to go to her? Don't you want to be her hero?"
That does it. With a loud groan, Harry cums. Zatanna is mildly surprised when she does too, not having realized how much the build up was affecting her as well. She wasn't even touching herself, her hands clinging to the sides of her chair to provide her with stabilization as she gave Harry the best foot job she'd ever given anyone.
And yet, when the first spurts of his white, hot seed hit her legs, Zatanna cums too, spasming as her pussy juices slicken her insides further. At the same time as she's bucking up and down in her chair, Harry is cumming all over her feet, her legs… even reaching all the way up to her thighs before collapsing backwards and panting heavily from the exhausting experience.
As Harry sits limply on his chair, Zatanna scoops some of the sticky cum on her thigh and then scrapes the finger along her gushing wet pussy lips as well, before depositing the cocktail in her mouth. She keeps her eyes on Harry as she does so and smiles wickedly when he watches every single movement of her finger from start to finish. His cock is already growing hard again, or perhaps it never actually went soft, because he's still at full mast as the gorgeous black-haired heroine finally rises from her seat.
Stalking her way across the small amount of space between them, Zatanna slides onto his lap with ease. She didn't talk about it much, but before she'd become a stage magician of some renown, back when she was quite younger… there'd been a summer trip abroad that had ultimately resulted to her dancing on some tables and some laps in order to pay her way through her travels and ultimately back home.
And yet, none of those men can lay a candle on Harry James Potter. As she sidles into place, his hard, hot, throbbing cock is engulfed between her smooth thighs, flexing against her warm, wet core. Zatanna moans wantonly as she drapes her arms over Harry's shoulders, wrapping them around back behind his head. Leaning in, her breath breezes over Harry's ear as she reiterates her earlier words into his ear.
"There are many, many advantages that the League can offer you, Harry. All you have to do is join. I know for a fact that Kara is DYING to meet you. And I think we both can agree that she'd be so very grateful, if you and I took care of that pesky clone for her~"
Swallowing thickly, Harry pauses for a moment… but only a moment. As soon as he gives a weak nod of assent, Zatanna smiles wickedly and shifts herself around with the practiced ease and the old experience of the stripper she once was for a short time so long ago. It's like riding a bike, in the end. Straddling him, she happily sinks her cunt down on his cock, greedily taking him into her, perhaps a bit too fast… but now that she's finally got the real thing inside of her, she can't wait any longer. A loud moan leaves Zatanna's lips, one that she ultimately stifles by leaning down and nibbling at Harry's neck.
Finally… finally, finally, FINALLY!
Harry can only groan as this out of this world American woman bounces up and down on his cock, her need for his dick growing more and more apparent by the second. Well, that and grip at her scantily clad ass, his fingers sinking DEEP into her cheeks through the torn fishnet leggings she's wearing as he finds himself wondering if the villains who she apparently fought on a regular basis were really in it for crime, or if they committed their criminal acts solely to get a chance to take her in after she showed up to arrest him.
Because honestly, if it was the latter, Harry wasn't sure that he could blame them… not a single one. Zatanna's cunt feels absolutely heavenly around his cock, and having one of the most beautiful, vivacious, slutty women he's ever met riding his cock within an hour of meeting him is… honestly amazing.
… He's still not sure if he really believes her about Tea. But at the same time, it makes all sorts of sense. Galatea has been an incredibly intense, dangerous being for all the time that Harry has known her. Well, since she healed of course. She wasn't doing much of anything when she was still convalescing. Maybe that was part of what made it so hard to look at her as a bad guy, as the villain.
He'd seen Tea at her weakest. He'd saved her life, hidden her away, and nurtured her back to picture perfect health. All of that hard work he'd put in had then been rewarded in a way that Harry's Saving People Thing had never been rewarded before, with Galatea giving him her body, becoming his lover… and doing so much more for him in the time since as well.
She really had turned his life around, to be honest, and even thinking about her in a negative light… it was hard, even if he somewhere deep down he knew that this American babe was telling the truth about her. He could tell, Galatea's lessons on the matter helping greatly in that regard, that while there were times when Zatanna Zatara had skirted around issues and deflected rather than answering his questions… she'd never actually lied to him.
Which was nice and all, but it didn't change the fact that she'd still engaged in an uncomfortable amount of doublespeak, something Harry had been growing better and better at seeing through with Tea's tutelage. Though, that did mean he and Galatea HAD actually been tormenting this poor girl, this… Supergirl that Galatea was apparently cloned from. Or rather, Kara as Zatanna had named her.
He can't help imagining a copy of Tea, whimpering and squirming in her bed up on a space station in orbit around the planet, while he and his alien lover fucked the night away. If Kara really was suffering, then Zatanna was right, it was Harry's duty to alleviate that suffering and find a way of saving her.
But was joining this Justice League and turning against Galatea really the best way to do that? Part of Harry didn't think so. Another part of him thought that Galatea might have been using and manipulating him all this time… but even if she was, so what? Everything they'd done together so far, everything she'd done… it'd all been for him, for the betterment of his prospects. Harry wasn't so blind that he couldn't see the positive impact Tea had had on his life.
And yet, how could he possibly resist Zatanna's body? And so, Harry had… not quite lied, but certainly not told the entire truth when he'd given Zatanna that weak nod of agreement. It wasn't that he was fully against joining the League… he just needed to think about it some more. And as strange as it might seem, Harry did his best thinking these days when a gorgeous woman was fucking herself on his cock.
Though admittedly, Zatanna's absolutely phenomenal body, from her pale jiggling ass gripped tightly in his hands, to her voluptuous chest and her hourglass figure, made it a lot harder to think right now. And then, a flash of movement catches Harry's attention out of the corner of his eye, and any chance of thinking things through while fucking Zatanna flies right out of the window when he sees what's going on in the background.
As Zatanna rides Harry hard and fast, moaning into his ear and clinging to him for dear life, her inner walls squeezing down HARD around his big fat cock… Madam Rosmerta has snuck her way into the room. She IS the Three Broomsticks' proprietor, so it's no wonder she has a key, but even still… the beautiful, buxom older witch makes eye contact with Harry and though he goes stiff beneath Zatanna at the sight of her, he manages to hold in his reaction and keep from shouting out when Rosmerta brings a finger to her lips and gives him a wink.
Her other hand, her other fingers… those descend to her skirts, which she eagerly hikes up when it becomes exceedingly obvious that Harry has no intentions of ratting her out. As Zatanna's moans and Harry's groans fill the room, right alongside the sound of flash slapping against flesh and the squelching noises of Harry's cock piercing up into Zatanna's twat and her twat in turn gripping oh so tightly at his cock… Rosmerta begins to finger herself, right then and there.
With the consummate definition of a cougar fingerfucking herself in front of him, and an absurdly tight heroine pussy wrapped so snugly around his cock… Harry can't stop himself from tipping over the edge. With one final heartfelt groan, he loses control and gives Zatanna the load she's been fantasizing about and dreaming of for weeks now. Ever since she snuck that peek into Kara's mind, ever since she shared in the girl's dreams, she's been jonesing for another fix… for a taste of the REAL thing.
Poor Kara might not be able to enter the wizarding world, track down Harry Potter, and take a fucking ride on his cock with little fanfare, but Zatanna had connections, she had options… and even though she had half-convinced herself it was for the greater good and that she was doing this for more than just her own wholly selfish reasons, the simple truth was she was desperate for this from the moment she got that second-hand taste, addicted to Harry's cock and needing more of it, even if she hadn't admitted that fact, even to herself.
As they both explosively orgasm, Zatanna cumming from the sensation of Harry cumming, the American witch's shrieks fill the air for a little while as she spasms and shakes and seizes up in Harry's lap, clinging to him harshly in order to keep herself from falling off of the living seat he represented. Harry clings to her right back, to be fair, his seed flowing up into her womb as his fingers knead her glorious ass cheeks through her torn fishnets.
But eventually, they both come down from their respective pleasure highs, and its in what SHOULD be the ensuing silence that Zatanna finally catches onto the fact that they're not alone. Hearing Rosmerta's moans of pleasure, the American witch whips her head around, only to grin lasciviously when she sees who it is.
Rosmerta doesn't stop fingering herself, and Zatanna doesn't tell her to get out as she slowly leverages herself off of Harry's still-hard cock. Instead, the two witches engage in a casual, albeit lewd conversation, one that confirms what all the clues have been pointing to since Harry entered the Three Broomsticks.
"You always have been such a fucking voyeur, Ros."
Zatanna's tone is shameless as she smiles cheekily at the woman that she's apparently friends with benefits with. Meanwhile, Rosmerta scoffs, the cougar's lashes fluttering as she gives as good as she gets, despite being in the throes of self-inflicted pleasure.
"Mm, this League of yours must be desperate for members, if they're accepting whores like you into their ranks, Z."
Pouting playfully, Zatanna shoots a wide smile in Harry's direction before planting her hands on her hips and shrugging, doing quite interesting things to her gorgeous tits in the process, making them bounce and jiggle from the shrug.
"This is special circumstances, for a very special new… 'member'. A special induction ceremony for a man that you can't say doesn't deserve it~"
Rosmerta just nods at that, their catty little back and forth coming to an end with Zatanna's remark. Dropping to her knees in front of him, Zatanna looks back over her shoulder, licking her lips sultrily as she reaches back behind herself and tears her fishnets even further, showing off her creampied pussy lips nestled betwixt her thighs.
"Ready for Round Two, Harry? It certainly looks like you are~"
The young wizard doesn't need to be told twice. Eager to get more involved, he quickly gets up out of the chair and practically lunges forward. In his eagerness, however, that slick, well-lubricated cock of his slips between Zatanna's gorgeous, soft, ass cheeks and rams right into the wrong hole, penetrating her anus right then and there.
Now, Zatanna has never given up her ass to anyone before… she is, by all accounts, a full-blown anal virgin. As such, Harry's penetration causes her to scream out in both agony and ecstasy, pain and pleasure warring in the American heroine as he begins to reshape her wholly unprepared asshole to more appropriately fit his conquering cock.
Harry knows he fucked up, he knows he got the wrong hole… and he waits for Zatanna to tell him, waits for her to SAY something and demand he get out of her ass. He'll do it, of course, he'll apologize and all of that… but not if she doesn't say anything. And she doesn't, to his mild surprise… and increasing pleasure. Despite her pain, despite her discomfort, the gorgeous heroine never once tells him to pull out or informs him that he's fucking the wrong hole.
And so, Harry keeps fucking her ass. He keeps fucking her ass, because frankly, he's not about to pass up on an opportunity to plow this slutty American witch's extremely tight butthole silly. Holy SHIT is she tight, if he didn't know any better, he'd say she'd never done anal before! That couldn't be right though, right? Maybe she'd just never had a cock as big as HIS up her tight little asshole before.
Either way, Harry fucks Zatanna's ass to his heart's content, causing Zatanna to shriek and squeal and lose any semblance of control she might have had over the situation. Her eyes roll back in her head and her mouth forms into a wide O as she cums her brains out again and again from being anally pounded there on the floor of the tavern room.
Meanwhile, Rosmerta has not been idle. The cougar of an innkeeper has crept over to where Harry and Zatanna are fucking. She now looms over Zatanna's head in fact and is eagerly and giddily fingering her pussy right atop Zatanna's face. The American witch is too lost in her own pleasure to notice the shower of pussy juices sprinkling across her upturned face, but Rosmerta is having the time of her life doing so all the same, and frankly, it's arousing as fuck for Harry to watch her do such a humiliating thing to the beautiful American femme fatale.
"That's right, Harry. Give this bitch the plowing she deserves! Fuck her ass! She's always been so prudish about it before! Wouldn't even let ME stick a couple fingers up there! Go on! Show her what she's been missing out on!"
Well fuck, how is Harry supposed to say no to that? With Rosmerta egging him on, Harry plows Zatanna's pillowy pale ass to his heart's content, his fingers sinking deeper into her soft, pliable butt cheeks then ever before as he groans and growls and grunts in contentment. His cock thrusts in and out of Zatanna's tight, puckered hole, and over time it becomes far less tight, the reshaping of her anal passage to more snugly fit his cock proceeding along apace.
Finally, without any warning, truly unable to hold it back any longer, Harry cums inside of Zatanna's ass. He might have said something, but he wasn't even sure if the American woman was all that present any more. Either way, he cums in Zatanna's ass, pumping her bowels full of his seed. This in turn prompts Zatanna to experience one last squealing orgasm, explosively climaxing all over the floor between her legs… which in turn prompts Rosmerta to let out a cry.
The gorgeous cougar's pussy juices positively flood out onto Zatanna's face, turning what was a shower, into a bit of a waterfall that very nearly drowns her before Rosmerta's weak knees finally give way and she slumps down to the floor. The Three Broomsticks' proprietor collapsing gives Zatanna a place to slump forward, and the seemingly exhausted magician promptly does so, going face down in Rosmerta's lap.
For a moment, Rosmerta's eyes are too crossed for her to be able to make out anything as the older witch pants heavily and slowly recovers from her pleasure stupor. When she finally uncrosses her eyes however, she ends up immediately going cross-eyed again just trying to take in the sight of Harry's softening cock, looming right in her face.
Taking advantage of Zatanna's current state of unconsciousness, Rosmerta leans forward and claims it for herself with nothing more than her mouth, inhaling Harry's prick past her lips, her tongue massaging it's length towards rapidly regaining its hardness.
In response, Harry groans loudly and places a hand atop her head and in her hair, gripping at Rosmerta's locks as he begins to instinctively thrust forward. Still cross-eyed, Rosmerta can only choke on his dick as it gets thick and fat in her mouth once more, but it's something she does gladly as she inhales his musk through her flaring nostrils and drinks down the combined, complicated flavors that make up his messy cock at this point.
"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"
Oh yes, she was quite happy to gag on his dick indeed~
Harry can only groan as Rosmerta fellates him and he in turn face fucks her. It's instinctive at this point to take hold of a woman's head and thrust into her warm, wet, willing mouth. He's certainly done it enough with both Hermione AND Cheetah, once the latter was broken in properly and accepted her place as his pet. Now, Rosmerta wasn't like Hermione or Cheetah, Harry knew that… but he couldn't help his bad habits.
Besides, it didn't seem she minded all that much. As she chokes and gags and gurgles around his cock, her eyes are sparkling with lust and excitement while looking up into his eyes, and she has a hand massaging and fondling his balls while the other rests atop Zatanna's head. Tossing his head back, Harry groans his enjoyment out into the open air as the gorgeous cougar goes to town on his dick.
At the same time, he can't help but wonder if all the women in his life were going to turn out to be utterly depraved cock sluts. Really, it was getting a little ridiculous at this point… wasn't it? Or was this normal? It was sad to say, but Harry didn't really know. He'd spent the first eleven years of his life kept away from what was normal by his relatives' overreaction to his 'freakishness'. They'd treated him like a freak, so he'd grown up like a freak, kept in the cupboard beneath the stairs, not allowed to engage in normal modern media.
Sure, he'd then gone on to spend the past few years at Hogwarts… but it wasn't like that had been a normal learning experience for Harry, even by the magical world's admittedly abnormal standards. He'd been attacked year after year, he'd been forced to break all of the rules, he'd been treated differently then his fellow students, both by the faculty and by said fellow students.
Who was to say what was normal and what wasn't? One might say that Harry could compare his frankly disastrous attempts at dating Cho Chang to his new experiences, but in all fairness to Cho, she'd still been grieving Cedric at the time, so that was a bad example. Meanwhile, Hermione had been jonesing for domination the entire time they'd known each other, if she was to be believed.
What if it was true? What if every woman who entered his life just wanted him for his cock? What if-
In the middle of Harry's introspection, a wand taps against his balls and he looks down to see that Zatanna is no longer unconscious and Rosmerta is no longer in charge of his balls. The gorgeous cougar is still bobbing up and down on his cock and taking his thrusting member down the back of her throat quite eagerly though, even as Zatanna presses her wand into his nut sack and whispers a spell that causes Harry's cock to stiffen and engorge even further, and his balls to churn and inflate.
As she begins to lazily suck and lick and slurp at his ball sack while Rosmerta chokes on his dick, there's a whole lot of desire in Zatanna's eyes, making it clear that she's not done by far. Eventually, she pulls back from her worship of his nuts long enough to tell him as much.
"The induction isn't, mm, over yet, Harry~ I must test and fully explore your limits, to ensure that you are… worthy of the Justice League."
She couches it in such reasonable and logical terms, but Harry can SEE the avarice in Zatanna's eyes. That's okay though, because between whatever the fuck she just did to his dick and his altogether natural libido, Harry is more than ready to go for as long as Zatanna needs him to. He is a teenage boy, after all.
Slipping his other hand down to Zatanna's head, he laces his fingers through her silken black locks as well and pulls her into his balls. He doesn't say anything… he doesn't have to. She immediately begins to suckle at his gonads, while Rosmerta continues to merrily choke herself on his dick.
He may not have had any intention of engaging in a threesome with two of the most beautiful women he'd ever met today when he escaped from three of the other most beautiful women he'd ever met in order to have a break in Hogsmeade… but even if it was completely contradictory to his original intentions, Harry can't really bring himself to complain about how everything has turned out.
Tea must be rubbing off on him, because he was already thinking up the best way to turn all of this to his advantage.
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