

She was specially and carefully craved in the rightful places to befit me and me alone.

Sunny_star_999 · Fantaisie
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20 Chs


" will you promise dad that no matter what happens his little princess will not give up on life?

" yes dad I promise to make you proud".

" pinky promise? He asked while raising his hand.

" yes I pinky promise". I said and lock my little finger with his.

He asked me to place my head on his chest and put the hair on my face behind my ear.

" dad? I called out to him.

"Yes my princess".

" when are we going back home, you haven't forgotten I have birthday party tomorrow. And this hospital smells a lot". I said why wrinkling my nose.

" soon my princess. We will as I recover to celebrate my princess birthday okay?.

"Sam? He said after a while.

" yes dad". I answered him.

"Where's your mom?. He asked me.

"Sssshe at home. I quickly replied.

"Why is she not here with you?.

" Umm she was asleep when I left the house". I told him trying to keep a calm face while my heart was in a marathon race.

" tell me the truth Sam.he said in a firm voice.

"Sh...she " I stopped halfway.

"She is what?

"S..ssshe fainted when she received a call from the 911. I said why panicking. Scared that he will faint.

"Which room was she admitted?he asked.

"She is in th ICU dad".

" whenever she wakes up tell her that I love her so much. Tell her that her presence in my life was a huge blessing to me".he said and Exhaled.

"Can you do that for me? He asked.

" yes I will tell mum everything that you said ".

" that's my girl". He said and patted my head.

" can you go and call the doctor for me?. He suddenly asked.

" sure wait for me I will be right back okay?.

" okay my princess".

I quickly left his room and went out to look for the doctor. In my haste I made a wrong turn and went to the part of the hospital meant for the pregnant women.

" Umm please where's the doctor's office? I asked a nurse who was passing by.

" which doctor kid?.

"Aish" I sighed when I realized that I didn't know the doctor's name.

" I don't know his name but I think he is in charge of burnt patients?. I asked with uncertainty.

" please can you direct this kid to Dr Brian's office?. She asked another nurse.

"Sure this way kid".she said and led me away from there.