

On getting to the office, Hayden was busy finishing up my schedule when I came in. I had walked into my office with such fury...

"what happened?" Hayden asked.

"quit it." I said, taking a seat.

"quit what?" he asked innocently.

I tore my gaze from my desk, and met his eye.

"quit asking me questions. it's annoying." I said, rolling my eyes.

"oh, I apologize." He said, I could hear the sincerity in his words. For some reason it calmed me down.

After some moments of silence, I stare at him. Still swirling in my seat, I ask him.

"how do you do this?" I pause, elbows on my desk, back of palms beneath my chin.

"do what?" he asked again, blinking innocently. I hid my smile. I had to admit he did look cute with his black hair, which was neatly combed to the front. it covered his forehead perfectly.

I cleared my throat, "how do you... always manage to change my mood?" I asked. "oh, that's just how I am. I usually have this positive aura." he said, rubbing the back of his neck with a nervous smile on his face.

"Hmmm, I see." I said, getting to my feet. "did you deliver the message I gave?" I asked changing the topic.

"yes." he replied.

I was quiet for a while. "perhaps..." I muttered to myself.

"any problem ma'am?" he asked.

"no,'?" I shook my head. " it's just,I know Liam. He won't give up easily. He's as proud as a peacock is of its feathers." I said turning my back to him.

A few seconds later, I turned to him. "tomorrow if he comes... tell him I didn't come to work. Tell him I don't come unless there's an emergency or unless I have an important schedule." A short pause. "and if he asks who you are, tell him you're my secretary. And don't take orders from him."

I said, grabbing my coat and my bag. I made my way to the door. I was about opening the door when his voice halted me. "but who is he to you?" He asked, "an old friend." I said over a shoulder, before walking out my office and making my way to my car.

I get into my car, start the engine and drive off
