
A Beastly Proposal

|Cover image generated by me!| |Shout-out to Forteller for this amazing book cover!| [ WARNING: MATURE CONTENT, GORE] Bianca has spent her life trapped. Born into a wealthy family, she was treated more like an object than a daughter by her father. When she finally became aware of his betrayal, a fire ignited within her. Revenge became her sole purpose. For years, Bianca honed her skills, learning everything she could about the world beyond her gilded cage and cultivated a persona of elegant indifference. Finally, she felt prepared to strike. Her target: The Selvaggio Mafia family. More specifically, Achille Selvaggio, the ruthless underboss known as "The Beast in human flesh." Achille, a man as feared as he is respected, holds the key to Bianca's revenge. But getting close to him will be a dangerous gamble. Bianca hatches a daring plan. She will make Achille an offer he can't refuse - a proposal so shocking, so audacious, that it will force him to confront his own demons. A proposal that will change their lives forever.

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48 Chs

Dress Rehearsal For Deceit.

A wave of cool air washed over Bianca as she stepped into Giardino di Moda. The elegant script on the signboard promised an oasis of fashion for Bella Notte's elites. The soft chime of the doorbell announced her arrival alongside Signorina Silvana. Sunlight streamed through the expansive windows, illuminating a space that seemed to have stepped out of a dream. Rich wood paneling lined the walls, tastefully adorned with luxurious velvet drapes in a deep emerald green. Bianca couldn't help but admire the effortless elegance. 

Silvana, ever the picture of sophistication, glided beside her, a critical eye already scanning the latest arrivals. "These gowns are lovely," she remarked, her slender fingers trailing across a delicate silk confection in a captivating shade of lavender. "But Bianca, why this particular boutique? We usually frequent Signora Medici's establishment."

Bianca's gaze lingered on the dress, appreciating the intricate embroidery that danced along the bodice. "It's a tad too...frilly," she murmured, the word laced with a hint of disdain. Her eyes drifted across the room, landing on a pair of shimmering burgundy gowns displayed on a mannequin. A sly smile played on her lips. 

"There's an upcoming event, isn't there?" she countered, her voice taking on a mischievous quality. "Perhaps Giardino di Moda has something more appropriate for a grand soirée."

Silvana followed her niece's gaze, a furrow appearing between her brows. "And you think that suitable dress can only be found here?" 

Bianca's smile faded, replaced by a determined glint in her eyes. "Yes," she replied with a single, emphatic word. Her attention shifted from the dresses to the rows of shoes lining the far wall, her perfectly manicured hand tapping impatiently on her purse as one of the staffs approached her.

Just then, a young woman with a cloud of blonde bobbed hair and eyes the color of the finest olive oil entered the boutique. Her elegant blue dress swayed gracefully with each step. The staff, usually attentive and discreet, practically tripped over themselves to greet her. 

"Excuse me, Signorina, I will attend to you shortly." the woman who had addressed Bianca moments ago bowed to Bianca and strode hastily towards the newcomer, all courtesy forgotten.

The atmosphere in the room crackled with a sudden shift. Heads turned, whispers erupted, and an air of hushed excitement permeated the space. Even the other women, adorned in their finest attire, seemed eager to catch a glimpse of this captivating figure.

Silvana sighed, a hint of frustration coloring her voice. "Why is that girl here? Perhaps we should come back another day."

But Bianca, unfazed by the commotion, simply adjusted a stray strand of hair and took a confident step forward, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes.

"Ariana Moretti, I presume?" Bianca greeted smoothly, her voice carrying effortlessly across the bustling room. "I've heard much about your remarkable talent. Being named the nation's top artist at such a young age is quite a feat."

The surrounding women gaped at Bianca's audacity, their eyes wide with disbelief. Even Ariana seemed momentarily flustered. A flicker of uncertainty crossed her olive eyes before she composed herself, a polite smile gracing her lips.

" I'm Bianca by the way, just Bianca." Bianca introduced herself as she thought, ' Do remember that name.'

"Thank you," she replied, offering a brief nod. "It's a pleasure to meet you…Bianca."

Bianca offered a confident handshake, her gaze steady. "I wish I could chat further, but I should probably get going. But before that, tell me, Signorina Moretti," her voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper, "is your work truly as captivating as they say?"

Ariana, clearly eager to return to her shopping spree, offered a tight smile. "I believe so, but perhaps another time we can—"

"Of course," Bianca interrupted politely, her smirk never faltering. "Wouldn't want to keep you waiting." 

Bianca turned and walked away, Ariana's gaze following her, a slight furrow etched on her face as she thought, ' what's with that woman?'

As Bianca turned back towards Silvana, a sly thought wormed its way into her mind. 'Not an entirely successful introduction, but it sufficed. Now, I have a good idea of the kind of woman she truly is.'

Silvana shot her niece a questioning glance. "Bianca, what was that all about?" she demanded, her tone laced with exasperation.

Bianca, unfazed, simply shrugged and picked up a burgundy gown from the rack, the rich fabric cascading down her slender frame.

 "Today seems like the perfect day for a little shopping spree, wouldn't you agree? " she asked, a playful lilt in her voice. "Also...What do you think of this one? "

A furrow etched itself between Silvana's brows as she watched Bianca disappear into a cloud of burgundy fabric. The girl's theatrics never failed to irritate her.

 ' Why does she keep doing this to herself?' Silvana sighed, the sound rustling the silk of her dress like a frustrated sigh. With a click of her heels against the polished marble floor, she followed Bianca deeper into the boutique.

Suddenly, the boutique door swung open with a dramatic flourish, shattering the serene atmosphere. A tall man, impeccably dressed in a charcoal suit that accentuated his broad shoulders, strode in. Two hulking men in black suits flanked him, their expressions unreadable. The man himself, with a face both handsome and vaguely unsettling, paused for a moment, his golden eyes scanning the room with a practiced disinterest. Then, his gaze landed on Ariana Moretti.

Silvana's hand instinctively tightened on her pearl necklace. She recognized him immediately, the name sending a shiver down her spine. Bianca, however, remained blissfully oblivious, her back turned as she continued to inspect the dresses. Silvana opened her mouth to warn her, but the words died on her lips as Bianca swiveled around, a flicker of something akin to amusement dancing in her eyes upon seeing the newcomer.

The man, seemingly sensing the shift in attention, moved through the boutique with a languid grace that belied the steely glint in his eyes. His every step felt deliberate, almost as if he were a predator stalking its prey. 

Ariana, engrossed in conversation with a visibly flustered shop assistant, didn't notice him at first. The other women in the boutique, however, seemed to shrink into themselves, their eyes darting nervously towards the approaching figure. 

The shop assistant, her voice trembling slightly, stammered, "Oh, isn't... that... Signor Achille Selvaggio?"

A flicker of recognition crossed Ariana's face as she glanced over her shoulder. The Selvaggio name held immense power in Bella Notte, a name whispered with both fear and respect, particularly among the city's elites. 

Silvana leaned in, her voice low. "Achille Selvaggio, the Eclipse Development heir. He's a powerful figure, and not someone to cross."

A sly smile played on Bianca's lips. The fear was palpable, a carefully crafted facade. 'But what lies beneath it all?' she thought, her mind a whirlwind of curiosity and something more. 'What secrets does the Selvaggio name truly hold? It is something only I know and I plan on using it to my advantage.'

"I wonder what brings him to this boutique," Silvana mused, her voice laced with a hint of apprehension.

Bianca crossed her arms, a thoughtful expression clouding her features. 'I wonder as well,' she echoed silently, her gaze never leaving Achille.

A radiant smile bloomed on Ariana's face as she practically skipped towards Achille . With a joyful cry of "Achille!" she swept him into a tight embrace, the scent of her expensive perfume clinging to him like a summer breeze in Capri.

Achille returned the hug with a practiced ease that masked his internal resistance. A flicker of something akin to distaste crossed his features, a fleeting emotion that most wouldn't dare notice. Bianca, however, caught it with a sharp eye and a barely audible chuckle escaped her lips.

"No trouble at all, cara," Achille murmured, his voice as cool. Ariana, oblivious to any underlying tension, beamed at him.

"Then let's shop together, shall we?" she chirped, her voice tinged with a youthful enthusiasm that bordered on childishness. "We could even wear matching outfits for the art auction! It would be divine, wouldn't it?" She tugged at his arm, attempting to steer him towards the men's section, her movements reminiscent of a playful kitten. 

'This is all Lorenzo's fault,' Achille thought with a grimace hidden behind a facade of polite indifference. Every public appearance with Ariana felt like a performance, a carefully choreographed dance for the benefit of the two families. 

Bianca's gaze lingered on the couple, a sly smile playing on her lips. 'Engaged, are they? It seems I misjudged her. Is she truly blind to his obvious discomfort, or is it a willful ignorance fueled by love?' she pondered. 'Regardless, it matters little to me. This engagement only adds another layer of intrigue to the game I intend to play.'

"Perhaps we should return another time, Silvana," Bianca suggested in a low voice, her eyes flickering between Achille and Ariana. "Their...enthusiasm seems to be consuming the staff's attention."

Silvana, ever the pragmatist, nodded in agreement. As they made their way towards the exit, Bianca stole one last glance over her shoulder. Achille was now deep in conversation with the boutique owner, his posture rigid and guarded. Their eyes nearly met, but Bianca quickly averted hers, the encounter leaving a strange tingle in her gut.

**A memory surfaced, a vivid flashback from years ago.** She had been a wisp of a girl then, secretly attending Ariana's seventeenth birthday party. Curiosity about her step-siblings had propelled her to sneak into the opulent Moretti's villa. It was there, amidst the laughter and revelry, that she first laid eyes on Achille. But what truly captivated her wasn't his undeniable beauty, but the chilling aura that clung to him. An unnatural darkness swirled around him, a dense mass that sent shivers down her spine. Upon closer inspection, she recognized it - the unmistakable presence of tortured souls. 

A young boy, burdened by the weight of the damned? The enigma fueled her curiosity, sparking a fire within her. Now, years later, that spark had morphed into an all-consuming desire. Achille Selvaggio wasn't just a target, he was an obsession. He was the missing piece in her grand scheme, the fulcrum upon which her future pivoted. Every interaction, every stolen glance, was a calculated move in a game of seduction and manipulation. With unwavering determination, Bianca vowed to draw him into her orbit, and ultimately, to claim him as her own.