
A Ballad of Absurdities

What if dreams were something much more mysterious than we imagined? The story follows Mary, a vivid dreamer in her attempts to escape from the bizarre tales of her dreams. What is reality and what is a dream? Carefully tread along the story that absorbs you into a rollercoaster of madness, where it seems the narrator of dreams does not wish to let the protagonist escape his amusement.

0MaryamS0 · Urbain
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18 Chs

Dark Ballad- Nightmares

"Mr.Grey?! Please, this isn't funny", Emily cried, hoping Grey would reply to her.

Before she knew it, she was walking down an unfamiliar street in the middle of the night. It was too quiet and the dim streetlights barely lit the streets. All the houses had their lights turned off, but the last house in the street had its lights on.

"Okay, this is still the dream realm. If I enter someone's dream, their narrator might notice me and Grey can then find me, good!" Emily felt hopeful.

She knocked on the door and no one replied. She started feeling anxious but then the door slowly swung open by itself.

"Okay, um, it's the dreamer's nightmare, not yours, calm down Emily!" she reassured herself.

She entered the house and saw a girl that looked like a porcelain doll with curly golden hair and big hazel eyes playing with her dolls in a baby pink room. She looked around seven years old.

As Emily entered the room, the girl noticed her and asked cheerfully, "Do you want to play with my dolls?".

"Ah, ...sure", Emily was relieved that the dream seemed more normal than she thought.

Yet something fell off about this.

"This doll is the Princess and this doll is the Prince" she excitedly told Emily. Emily smiled back.

Emily felt that there was something creeping at her back. But before she could turn around. She noticed that a circle of dark-bodied creatures had surrounded them.

Her heart was racing. But the little girl did not notice them and kept playing with her dolls.

The dark figures stood close and hovered over them. "Okay, Emily ignore them like this little girl"

They stood over them noticing their every move, while the girls laughed while playing dolls.

Then they suddenly disappeared.

"Oh My God!", Emily could finally breathe.

Tears started falling down the little girl's face, "I... was so..scared..."

'Did she know they were there the whole time?' Emily quickly hugged the little girl.

"It's okay, it's just a nightmare."

"I....*sniff*... I told Mary to ignore them...*sniff*... but she didn't listen to me...*cries out*" The little girl cried.

"It's alright, tell me everything, who is Mary?"

"She's my...*sniff*...little sister"

"And where is she now?"

"They....they took her away"

Chill ran down Emily's spine.

"It's okay sweetie, I'll get her back, do you remember which way they took her?"

"I don't.. know..."

"It's okay"

"But our brother went after her, I tried to stop him as well, but they left me here alone, I'm so scared".

"Okay sweetie, calm down, I'll get them back so just relax, okay?"

The girl sobbed silently in Emily's arms for a few minutes and after she had cried, she smiled at Emily and thanked her. The girl started to fade back to reality, her dream was over, and Emily waved her goodbye.


I didn't wait around for the imposters to attack me. I quickly dashed for the front door when my mother grabbed the back of my shirt, and with all my might I dragged her weight with me towards the door and busted her hand as I closed the door.

A loud horrifying shrill came out of her as she retrieved her hand. I ran outside in the fog in my pajamas and barefooted.

'Omg, omg, okay now what?', I rummaged my head for any good ideas, till I saw Henson's house.

'Oh please Henson, be there!' I hoped as the three figures behind me closed in.

'Damn it, I know I'm a slow runner, but this is unfair.'

I reached Henson's house and without ringing the bell I just tuned the door knob. The door wasn't locked.

I stumbled inside and slammed the door closed and locked it. I breathed heavily as sweat trickled down my face. It was finally quiet.... A little too quiet.

I managed to stand up and I peeked from the window beside the door. The three figures that had looked like my parents and sister now looked like some twisted creatures, but all three of them had stopped moving.

They did not dare approach the door. "It's like,...they are afraid of something", I whispered.

"Yeah, they are... they're scared of me", a voice whispered back.