
The Beginning

In space, a spaceship was floating peacefully next to a small planet in an unknown region in the vast universe.

In the spaceship, a woman was standing in front of a glass window, staring calmly at the planet. But if someone were to look closely, he would notice a hint of excitement in her eyes.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in."

The door opened, showing a stern man who was wearing a military uniform. The man walked in the room and bowed slightly.

"Your Highness, our investigations are done."

The man spoke respectfully as he handed a device to the woman. It was an electronic device that contained the reports about that planet in front of them.

The woman took the device and looked at the reports.

"A planet that appeared out of nowhere without anyone noticing? How peculiar."

The woman spoke calmly as she continued through the investigation reports.

They were just on their way home after a long journey, only to notice a small planet that wasn't supposed to exist here. This region was one of the most dangerous regions in the universe. It was confirmed that all the planets in this region had already been devoured by the Space Beasts. So how could a planet exist here?

And such a small planet at that. It wouldn't even be a snack for those beasts.

The man nodded his head.

"Yes. When we left on our journey, there were no planets here. That's why our radars alerted us about this change on our way back."

The woman nodded. But after a while, she frowned slightly.

"The reports say that there's no sign of life on the planet."

The man seemed puzzled by her reaction but he still replied respectfully.

"Exactly. We scanned the whole planet but found nothing except for a small construction that looked like a stone palace. But there's nothing special about it."

The stern man didn't find it strange at all that a lone palace existed on the entire planet. Some powerful beings sometimes seclude themselves in empty planets before finishing their seclusion and leaving.

The woman appeared to be thinking for a while before handing the device back to the man.

"That's impossible. I can sense an enormous amount of energy from this planet. It's most likely from that palace."

The stern man was shocked, but only for a moment. The scanning devices of the ship didn't detect anything. Even someone with his level couldn't sense anything, which is extremely terrifying.

He bowed slightly to the woman in front of him.

"I apologize for the inaccurate information. Allow me to lead a team to investigate the palace."

He wasn't apologizing due to fear of punishment or anything. He was disappointed that he wasn't competent enough to collect the right intel required by the woman in front of him.

That's how much he respected her despite many people thinking she's cold and ruthless. It's true though. But only to her enemies.

"No. Something feels off about this place. Stay here and guard the ship in case one of those beasts appear."

The woman walked past the stern man while speaking.

"I'll go check that small palace myself."


High up in the sky of the small planet, a woman was standing on air as if on the ground. Her silver white hair was fluttering elegantly with the wind. Beneath her, a 'small' stone palace that seemed as ancient as time itself.

She observed it for a few moments before descending right in front of the gate. She walked towards it unhurriedly then pushed it lightly.


The gate opened surprisingly easy and a huge hall appeared in her line of sight. The woman walked in slowly, calmly and confidently.

'It's not that large.'

She thought while observing everything around her. She noticed several doors on both her sides as she walked in. At the end of the hall, a huge gate almost as big as the entrance gate stood there. In front of the gate, was lying a strange glass coffin.

And shockingly, someone was inside the coffin.

The silver-haired woman observed all of that quietly. She became cautious when she saw someone lying in the coffin.

'That's strange. The terrifying energy seems to not be coming from that person but from the coffin itself.'


While she was thinking, the man inside the coffin opened his eyes slowly and started staring at the ceiling.

The moment he opened his eyes though, the silver-haired woman felt all the energy coming from the coffin disappear instantly.

She frowned slightly and quickly retreated to the entrance, ready to leave at any moment if something happened. It's true that she was very confident in her strength, but that doesn't mean she wouldn't take the necessary precautions against unknown factors.

'Urgh. What's this? Where the hell am I?'

Unbeknownst to her, the man who woke up in the coffin seemed very confused. After staring at the ceiling for some time, he pushed the led of the coffin and struggled to get out.

He stood up and looked at his surroundings.

A huge gate, small doors on both sides and a silver-haired woman.

'What situation is this?! I was just… I was just…'

'Wait… What was I doing before getting here? Why can't I remember?'

A sense of confusion filled him. Soon that confusion turned into fear when he couldn't even remember who he was.

'How could this happen? I clearly remember… I feel like I remember… Yes...I am… I…'

Can't remember anything.

Now beside fear, he was feeling very lost. He stood up in a daze until a voice woke him up.

"Are you the owner of this place?"

The silver-haired woman was watching the man all this time. His struggle to get out of the coffin, his confusion, fear and loss was very in her eyes.

What puzzled her was that the man who was sleeping in the coffin radiating the terrifying energy, was a mere mortal with no power at all.

A mortal that can be erased with just a thought.

"I… I can't remember anything."

The man replied in a somewhat dazed tone. It seems even this woman didn't know anything about him.

The woman walked over from the entrance and stood a few meters away from the man.

"I can try going through your memories to give you what you need. Is that okay with you?"

Seeing the memories of a mortal is as easy as breathing for her. That way she could get the information she needed and help this poor guy remember his identity.

Random Info Tip: Smallest Planet

Kepler-37b is an extrasolar planet orbiting Kepler-37 in the constellation Lyra. As of February 2013 it is the smallest planet discovered around a main-sequence star, with a radius slightly greater than that of the Moon and slightly smaller than that of Mercury.

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