

Meanwhile at Eispalast palace... the impersonator is still playing his role as Erick Silverstream. Taking shelter in the large throne room of the North Pole Palace, in his right hand he holds a glass of Erick's favorite drink. He sat relaxed celebrating his success in usurping the throne of King of Draecorona and the Dragons clan who obeyed his orders.

“This tiara is really great.. I wonder why the original King of Dragons didn't use it as well as I did.. other than sitting on the throne in this huge palace, what is he actually doing.. when he first arrived here I thought the Dragons clan was very cruel and prominent their strength.. but, tsk.. too much peace here.. poor Dragons.. have great strength but the King is weak…” He took another sip of his drink. The loneliness of Eispalast at that time became his own freedom. From the outside and inside he looks very much like Erick, but his eyes and personality are totally different. As for what makes Dragons obey him is the absolute power of the Blue spirit.

"But yeah.. Draecorona is the easiest kingdom for me.. compared to other clans like.. Celestials for example, they are descended from angels who are tasked with eradicating demons.. I who are controlled by darkness can't possibly possess them.." He continued his own conversation , comparing 9 other Arc Chaestra clans that he couldn't reach.

“Siren.. ah, in the end I will only rule the sea, not the entire Arc Chaestra. Humans.. guarded by the Unicorns.. those horses will quickly notice the existence of my soul.. Demigod? It's the same with Celestial.. so does Miwamori.. my legs burned when I passed the protective amulet.. also Nereida who was protected by the moon's grace.. just one night I was there my head was dizzy because of the positive energy from the moon which was too strong.. " Now he stood up and slowly descended the stairs, down from the high chair of the throne. Actually imitating Erick who has horns and a tail is a bit uncomfortable for him. But he doesn't care as long as 9 kingdoms slowly fall into his hands.

"Hmm…. Then Mavr Lykos.. I should be able to enter because Shapeshifters are also representatives of darkness but.. well they have a strong soul and stance.. the same as Beasts.. until I arrived here.. hahahaha.. I didn't think Dragons were so easy to provoke especially with the existence of this tiara.. amazing.. hahahah even the leader items of the Shapeshifter and Beast can't do this..” His fingers flicked the sapphire that was attached to Erick's tiara. Not only deceived the Dragons clan indirectly the impersonator also deceived the sacred tiara.

Eispalast is white, blue and silver because the current holder of the throne is Erick who is in the form of an ice dragon and has a silver-blue Magia color. Eispalast a magical palace that will change color according to which dragon class Magia holds the throne. Despite their diverse appearance, there are only three types of dragons in Draecorona namely fire dragons, water/sea dragons, and ice dragons.

All Dragons have horns with unique individual shapes. Their pair of wings is sturdy and able to take them to any distance. Only sea dragons can't fly because they don't have wings. Even though they are wingless, the layered fins on their bodies are no less functional than the wings of the fire and ice dragons. The sea dragon is also a conqueror of the waves and the deep blue of the ocean.

The hallmark of the ice dragon is white skin or scales with light blue to dark blue stripes. Their hair color tends to be white, blonde, or gray. While the fire dragon has orange or red scales alternating with golden yellow. Their hair is also a light color like red, black, or orange. Even though they have a water element, water dragons are more often active on land, living in villages side by side with other dragons. Their scales are green to dark blue with matching hair color.

Draecorona is the north pole. The kingdom excelled in the mining of gem stones and fisheries. The eternal ice sheet that stretches as far as the eye can see displays its own beauty. White side by side with blue. The name Draecorona comes from 2 words namely Draken which means dragon and Corona which means crown. Explanation that is sufficient where indeed all the dragons there are under the control of the Blue Spirit. Apart from being inhabited by the Dragons clan, there is also a wealth of fauna such as polar bears, arctic foxes, owls, caribou, arctic rabbits, seals and many more.

What do Dragons eat? Unlike the carnivorous beasts, they are omnivores. They like to hunt deer, rabbits, sheep, also catch fish in the arctic sea. Vegetables such as cabbage and radishes could still be grown and harvested on the outskirts of the kingdom.

When Ziel becomes king, Eispalast is red, orange and gold because Ziel is a Fire Dragon with reddish-orange Magia. When there is a King from the Sea Dragon faction, the seat of the throne will decrease to form a basin which is then filled with water. Flags and carpets bearing the Draecorona emblem were plastered to fill every empty space. The emblem is a dark blue winged dragon, drawn thousands of years ago by the ancestors of the Dragons clan. The portrait of the painting of the first King to Erick is neatly arranged along the far hallway.

Asteria chose their King from the lineage, Nereida got their leader based on the choice of the Moon flower. Draecorona? From the winner of a test held every old King’s term has expired. Whoever is able to carry the might of the Dragons but clings to humility, is the one who deserves to be crowned the King of Dragons.

There are guards at every door to important rooms such as the throne room, study room, library, to Erick's room who take turns on guard every day and night. Surely Erick himself recognized every face and name of the guards in his palace. He will warmly greet and inquire about their news as if there is no barrier between the King and his subordinates. Countless times Ziel felt proud of him, it was not wrong to choose an Erick as the successor to the throne.

Sometimes we think we are actually the main characters in the story of life.. but actually we are not..

The impersonator turned his gaze outside, gulping back the rest of the drink in his glass.



"Hook.. uhuk uhukk .." The glass in his hand suddenly fell from his grip and shattered on the floor.

“… there's something… in this drink…” the skin on his face slowly peeled off, revealing a sinister black face behind it.

"aakhhhh…. What's with my face… no… my perfect disguise….”

“…. I know... something is wrong with our King.."


A maidservant, appeared behind him. Seeing him slowly turning into a horrible form. The imitator was surprised to see her sudden arrival. The maidservant held a silver knife in her right hand, trying to figure out what was going on.

“… you…” while covering his face with both hands the impersonator looked at the maid.

".. the glass.. I coated it with our pure Magia.. silver Magia.. it seems that the purity of our Magia is the one that reveals the falsehood and darkness that your figure hides .." how brave the maid named Joanna was. Her daily routine of meeting and speaking a few words with Erick made her heart sensitive that something was wrong with the King she had served.

The impersonator turned his gaze to the broken glass. Indeed, if you look closely, there is a thin glow of silver Magia that Joanna smeared.

“..WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO OUR KING..!!!” Joanna stepped forward, silver knife drawn at fake Erick.

Her opponent smiled faintly and didn't move an inch until...

Ting.. ring...

The silver knife in Joanna's hand fell. The maid was now strangled and lifted by the impersonator's strong hand.

"How dare you.. to challenge me.. even though you're just a pathetic servant in the size of Eispalast.."

“hkk… uhh.. le..t me.. go….” Joanna could only give up trying to get out of her opponent's grip. Her slender fingers clawed at the grip, making white scratches which unfortunately failed to injure her opponent.

“Forget it.. forget what you just saw.. you didn't see anything….” The fake Erick's face that had returned to normal now stared blankly into Joanna's eyes, hypnotizing her into forgetting what she had just seen in his true form.

"... I.. won't--"

“…forget it…” Erick's normally clear, light blue eyes turned red and terrifying. Joanna couldn't understand what kind of creature she was dealing with.

“.. damn.. imperson--…”

"You'll forget..."

"… no…."

"….. for.. get.." the firm look in Joanna's eyes slowly faded. Her yellow eyes withered and then closed. The brave servant is now unconscious in the hands of the villain. Her body was lethargic and limp.

BRAAK...!!! The large doors of the throne room were opened, two guards entered because they heard a commotion from inside.

"..your majesty, we heard screams.. are you okay?"

"Ah no.. it's nothing.. this maid, she was just surprised because the glass I was holding fell and broke on the floor.." Fake Erick's face has somehow returned to normal with smooth skin, blue eyes and golden horns .

"maids? Joanna? What are you doing..?"

Joanna was standing stiffly staring blankly at the window. She did not immediately answer the guard's question. Her slightly messy blonde hair covered part of her face.


"Joanna? You are okay?" the guard approached, worried because of her slightly strange behavior.

"what's wrong with you? You weren't this pale earlier..."

“………….” Joanna still looked down, speechless.

"Joanna hey..!!!"

“… what am I doing?”