
7 Spirits Overgod! - Douluo Dalu Fanfic

Author: I don't own Douluo Dalu. I'm just a huge fan of Tang jia san shao's stories that couldn't suppress the urge to write this. I will also incorporate many elements from other stories, webtoons, mangas, animes and games into this story after all this is just for fun........XD A young soldier sick and tired of endless fighting and killing. His only escape from this reality were his favorite stories, animes, mangas and games. When he finally had enough and decided to retire, he found himself betrayed by his superiors. Now lying in a pool of his own blood due to his superior's cunning plot, the young soldier swore that if he was given a second chance he would choose to live a quiet and peaceful life away from all the fighting and killing. Now reborn as Dai Xingchen the third prince of Star Luo Empire in one of his favorite novels, will he be able to keep his pledge and avoid conflict? Or will he accept the gifts he was given and become an existence beyond the Gods?!

Lord_Killen_King · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

Wind Drake's Fear!

"Twice Critical Aura?" Muttered Dai Xingchen.

Dai Xingchen then thought: "Could it be that this red beast is actually...."

Daisy then said: "My lord's chosen I'm afraid that even with your strength doubled, it would still not be enough to fight against the Wind Drake."

The Red Beast: "Now who said anything about him having to fight? The power boost given by the Twice Critical Aura isn't the thing that's going to allow you to assist that beast you wish to help."

Dai Xingchen then asked: "Then what is this Aura for?"

The Red Beast: "The true value of this aura is the fact that it came from me! Simply put once that overgrown green lizard senses my presence through this aura, he will immediately feel a strong sense of suppression. Once that happens that overgrown green lizard won't be able to fully focus on the fight and that beast you wish to help will naturally be able to gain the upper hand."

Hearing his words Dai Xingchen couldn't help but think: "The only time a spirit beast would feel a strong sense of suppression is during the moment when they encounter a spirit beast that is of the same species and possesses a superior bloodline to them.... It seems this red beast might really be...."

Daisy then said: "If that is how it is then I might have a far better way of utilizing this new aura of yours my lord's chosen."

Dai Xingchen: "Really? How Daisy?"

Daisy: "Listen closely my lord's chosen. In order for this method to work you will need to fully synchronize this new Aura of yours with both your Sharingan eyes and your Hollow Mask Spirit Skill. Then you must...."

Daisy then began to slowly explain her idea to Dai Xingchen.





Roars from both the Savage Saurus and Wind Drake could be heard as the two beasts continued their battle.


The Savage Saurus was then pushed back by several steps.

As the Wind Drake was about to continue it's assault, it suddenly spotted something by the corner of it's eye.

Dai Xingchen stood on a tree branch with his miniature shuriken launcher pointed straight at the Wind Drake's face. Dai Xingchen then pulled out the chain from his miniature shuriken launcher and dozens of shurikens with explosive tags attached to them went straight for the Wind Drake's face.

As for the Wind Drake it didn't do anything at all. It was completely confident that these small weird looking weapons that the human child had shot towards her would not be able to harm her at all.

When the shurikens got close enough, the Wind Drake immediately swung it's wing towards them intending to swat them away.

However the moment it's wing made contact with the shurikens, Dai Xingchen quickly made a hand sign and detonated them.


Dozens of explosive tags detonated right in front of the Wind Drake.

Naturally with the Wind Drake's powerful body, these explosions weren't able to damage it's body at all. However the smoke from the explosions were able to provide Dai Xingchen enough cover to do what he had planned to do.

When the smoke cleared, the Wind Drake immediately spotted Dai Xingchen right in front of her. However this time Dai Xingchen had his hollow mask on along with his new Twice Critical Aura covering his body.

"I hope you're right about this Daisy." Thought Dai Xingchen as he focused the power of both his Hollow Mask and Twice Critical Aura into his Sharingan eyes. By this point Dai Xingchen's sharingan eyes were now glowing with ominous crimson light.

At the very moment that the Wind Drake made eye contact with Dai Xingchen, the boy immediately stared back at the beast and unleashed his technique...

Hollow Mask and Aura Enhanced - Gengutsu: Sharingan!

At that very moment the Wind Drake felt as if the world had just suddenly completely turned dark.


"Roooar!" The Wind Drake raised it's head and suddenly saw a gigantic red dragon descending from above with it's mouth open seemingly intending to devour her. At that moment the Wind Drake felt not only strong suppression but also great fear.

Back in reality the Savage Saurus suddenly noticed that the Wind Drake looked somewhat disoriented and decided to take advantage of the situation.

The Savage Saurus quickly approached the seemingly disoriented Wind Drake, grabbed one of it's wings and... BANG! Slammed it down to the ground.

Seeing what had just occurred, Dai Xingchen who was now once again standing on a tree branch while holding his forehead due to a headache muttered: "It worked... But to think I would suffer such a painful headache as a backlash."

Daisy: "Even though your new aura has a strong suppression towards the Wind Drake, it doesn't change the fact that the target of your technique was a twenty thousand years spirit beast my lord's chosen. As such experiencing an excruciating headache as a backlash is to be expected."

What Dai Xingchen did was basically compressing his new Twice Critical Aura into his Sharingan eyes which he then further amplified using the power of his Hollow Mask. By doing so not only was he able to use his Gengutsu: Sharingan technique to make the Wind Drake feel a strong sense of suppression from the twice critical aura, but he was also able to instill great fear into the beast thanks to the amplification bestowed by the Hollow Mask.

However since this was the first time Dai Xingchen had used a technique like this and due to the fact that his target was a twenty thousand years spirit beast, it wasn't surprising that he would suffer a bit of a backlash.

After being slammed down to the ground by the Savage Saurus, the Wind Drake immediately woke up from Dai Xingchen's Gengutsu. It then saw the Savage Saurus about to swing it's claw towards it.

The Wind Drake then gave a roar and kicked the Savage Saurus away.


"ROAR!" The Savage Saurus roared as it was now lying on it's back due to the Wind Drake's kick. Seeing that the Savage Saurus was now down, the Wind Drake immediately flew up into the sky as fast as it could. It needed a few moments to get it's head together. It still felt a strong sense of fear from what it saw from Dai Xingchen's Gengutsu.

Seeing what had just happened, Dai Xingchen immediately asked Daisy: "Daisy how long was my Gengutsu effective on the Wind Drake?"

Daisy: "It seems to be only a few seconds my lord's chosen."

"A few seconds huh.... " Muttered Dai Xingchen as he stood up while enduring the intense headache.

He then turned his head towards the Savage Saurus who was now struggling to get up and thought: "It looks like this big guy still doesn't seem to plan on backing down."

After a moment Dai Xingchen used his Phantom Flicker Movement as he turned into a blur and rushed towards the Savage Saurus' side.

When he arrived at the beast's side, he stared at it with serious eyes and said "I can help you win."