
7 Reasons why I shouldn't be a gangster

That's a piece of pie!" The new recruit says. But the big boss counters him. "Actually no, even the square root of pi is endless. 1.77245385091."

Long_dr3am · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
9 Chs

Chapter four

Hideyoshi is restless, something does not add up whenever he think of Itsuki's family's close connection to his brother. He went to the Hiroshima residence to seek out his answers. He was welcomed by an old woman. "May I help you young man?" She tenderly asked.

"My Onii-san is Benjiro-"

"Oh your his Otōto!, come in!" She cheers, cutting him off.

He reluctantly bows his head in respect for the old woman. He followed her as she speaks up. "My husband is with my daughter,they went out for his monthly check up and my granddaughter is at school." She informs him as they walk in further in the house, she gestured for him to sit on the couch as she will shortly be back to prepare a tea for them to enjoy.

Hideyoshi now looks around the living room thoroughly what captured his attention was the pictures on the tables along small anime figurines.

A familiar face took his attention. He picks up the picture frame where Nancy is wearing a her white wedding dress with a man standing behind her smiling in his black tuxedo.

"You know Akihiko?" The old woman walks in back the room as she carried a tray of tea and a few snacks.

She placed down the tray on a nearby table and walk towards Hideyoshi who was still holding the picture frame with hands slightly trembling.

The old woman sweetly smiled at him and chuckles. "Who am I kidding of course you know Akihiko, his your uncle. Benjiro always visited us here because of him. Akihiko was a gentle soul."

Hideyoshi eyes widen as he slowly passed the picture frame to the old woman carefully.

The woman half-heartedly smile. "Your father even attended the wedding too. He was so proud of his little brother." She paused. "I recalled your father told me you weren't able to attend because of some business at Kyoto."

Hideyoshi nods his head.

"No matter, child you are welcome in this household anytime you want to visit." She told him.

Okemia's face was full of bruises the same goes on his body. Nobody dared to intervene in their fight six hours has passed. Okemia's underlings are all worried for him. He is going to die if this continues. Everyone was amazed how Itsuki was showing off his true skills in one on one combat. He was a monster and was pretending to be that pathetic all this time.

The crowd moves away as Benjiro walks in with unfamiliar faces. He walks towards the brawl occurs. Itsuki stops from punching Okemia's face and steps away while Okemia struggle to breathe on the ground. Benjiro looks down at Okemia. "Don't push it kid, I need you alive." Benjiro sighs. "Where's my Otōto?"

Okemia chuckles, his voice strained answering. "Why you asking me sir?"

Benjiro lazily fishes his phone from his pocket. "He isn't answering his phone. He didn't took anyone with him on his way out the hospital. His being reckless whenever his throwing tantrums like when we we're kids." Benjiro scratches the back of his head. "My patience running thin, kid. Don't test me."

"I don't know-"

"Cut his hand." Benjiro spat.

The stoic faced man emerges from the crowd holding a dagger.

"Stop!" Across the field Hideyoshi yells out as he runs.

A smile appears on Benjiro's lips. "Nevermind, don't do it Ryoto."

The man stands behind him and hides back the dagger.

Hideyoshi now stands face to face with Benjiro. "Why did you and father, hide Akihiko Yagami?"

Benjiro placed his hand on top of Hideyoshi's head, giving it a light pat. "It was necessary for you, my Otōto." His tone soft, he removes his hand on top of Hideyoshi's head and beams a smile. "Let's get back home, I'm sure you we're exhausted anyway who told you about oji-san?"

Hideyoshi's hand curls into a fist. "Don't treat me like a kid, Onii-san." He firmly stated.

Benjiro's eyes narrowed.

Ryoto placed a hand on Benjiro's shoulder. "Easy, don't forget his still your little brother." Ryoto sighs. "Don't give him that look."

Benjiro closes his eyes and shakes his head as he turns and started to walk away from everyone while the rest of ground zero division follows him including Itsuki. Although Ryoto stayedon his ground and looked at Hideyoshi carefully. "Everyone in my division is insane, boss." He told Hideyoshi who looked at him. Ryoto nods. "Your older brother is one those lunatics who worked with my group just like a freelancer whenever your old man was alive." Ryoto clicked his tongue. "Akihiko Yagami is your old man's half brother from another mother. His mother died giving birth to him, he was placed on a orphanage back in Kyoto. He joined the organization not knowing his own origins but luck strikes and he met your father. They became the best of friends and due to their close resemblance to one another. Your father got curious, they jokingly took a dna test for their drunken mind. I was there to witness that for that time I was the youngest watch man your father recruited." Ryoto chuckles. "Crazy as it is, it proved them that they we're siblings."

Hideyoshi furrowed his brows. "Then why did they all hidden him from me-"

"He resemble so much of your grandfather, am I right?" Ryoto cuts him off.

Hideyoshi bit his lip as his hands trembled.

Ryoto shakes his head and sighs. "Your grandfather is a monster." He paused. "Good thing you we're able to kill the dog." Ryoto grins.

Hideyoshi closed his eyes momentarily, trying to stop those flashes of unwanted memories on his mind.

The six year old Hideyoshi plays catch with his puppy. Their long time household helper Jina Lee has left home to go and accompany his older brother who attended a classmates birthday party. His father was at the study room, reviewing business documents. His little puppy had gone further deep into the garden to chase the ball.

Hideyoshi felt bored and so he makes his way back inside the mansion. He faintly heard screams coming from one of the rooms upstairs. He looks around and found nobody around. He felt odd about it but decided to follow the screams only to open the door a bloodied man lifeless on the floor as his grandfather holds a bat on his hand with blood stains on it.

His grandfather's in his fifties, the man has aged but still he was strong enough to take down someone without hesitation. His grandfather gave Hideyoshi a smile that scared him, goosebumps shows on his skin. He steps back from the door.

"Hideyoshi, forgive grandpa." The elder man sighs as he step towards Hideyoshi.

Hideyoshi grew stiff as he couldn't dare to move a muscle.

"Otou-san (father in Japanese)." Hideyoshi's father walks in and place a hand on Hideyoshi's shoulder.

The man smirks. "Our little Eyoshi, found out grandpa's hobby." His obsidian eyes shifted to stare hard at his own son. "It can't be help Katashi, his in now and you can't delay it any further son."

Katashi went down on his knees and kneel. "Otou-san, I begged you please."

The elder man scoffs. "One way or another you will have to prepare your sons to continue this lifestyle Katashi, get it to your thick skull."

Katashi bows his head down the marbled floor his forehead touching it. "Otou-san please-"

The old man grabs roughly Katashi's hair, resulting for he and his father's eyes to meet. The other has an empty looked while the other has pleading one's.

Katashi was pushed back down the marbled floor. The old man kicks Katashi forcefully the stomach as Katashi's face flinches trying to keep in the pain as he kept his silence. The man stops as Katashi still didn't budge to show any signs of pain.

Few gun shots we're resonated the hall.

The old man suddenly felt pain on his chest as blood seeps through his white polo shirt. He turns back to see the young boy holding a gun all bloodied that once was possessed by the very man he had killed earlier.  Hideyoshi's grandfather smirks at him before he falls down the ground and take his last breath.

Katashi's eyes widen his gaze shifting from his father back to his youngest son.

Katashi immediately got up and walk towards his son, taking the gun from his little hands.

He throws the gun down the floor and takes off his coat as he wipes away the blood stains on his son's hands. "Hideyoshi, you protected me son. You did nothing wrong." He assured the boy who was trying so hard not to cry in front of him.

The boy obediently nods. "Yes, Otou-san."

Rushed footsteps soon was heard. Mobsters working under their family wearing black suits we're all looking at the both of them.

The youngest of them all, Ryoto Yahiko 14 years of age, steps in forward and speaks up. "Katashi -sama, what are your orders?"

Katashi embraces his youngest son in his arms. Hideyoshi buried his face on his father's chest. "Kill everyone, Ryu."

Ryoto laughs as the others looks at him confused.

Ryoto then replies. "Consider it done, Katashi-sama."

Hideyoshi all could hear right after we're cries for help as the mansion turns into a blood bath.

The police force came along with the ambulance. Three people came out as survivors for the massacre at Sanders mansion.

The case goes on for a few years, the people killed who was working under the Sanders family, their families were all compensated greatly as sympathetic condolences we're given to them from the new head of the house. Soon the case gone closed as no one bothered any longer for those relatives of the fallen individuals lived a comfortable life now. Money really changes those in need.

But nightmares from that day still haunts Katashi's youngest. He has gone secretly paying the known best doctors to help his son from such horrible dreams of the past. Luckily after two years slowly Hideyoshi was able to managed his life back again.

But the new friend his father invited on their new home had triggered his bad dreams as he screams his lungs out, tears falling from his eyes as he held on his older brother's hand tightly.

Akihiko's face was filled of confusion.

Memories of Hideyoshi's past had invaded his thoughts as Hanzu drives the Mercedes-Benz while Hideyoshi sits behind his arms crossed on his chest, looking out the window's car. "Hanzu, I recalled you and Itsuki are quite closed?"

Hanzu hesitantly nods his head and answered. "Yes, boss." As his eyes we're glued on the road.

After an hour ago we're confrontation between him and his older brother happened. He decided to bring with him Hanzu as he had ordered Josh, Okemia's vice captain to look out for the latter who was all battered by Itsuki. Okemia was admitted at the hospital who one of their family has big shares invested also, from the last text Josh sent Hideyoshi. Okemia was already at the VIP room receiving the best treatment on his unconscious ass. It left a smile on Hideyoshi's face despite the chaotic situation. Hideyoshi also sent a text message to his older brother that'll he'll be staying back at Kyoto to clear his head and not to worry as he bought Hanzu with him.

He knew it wouldn't assure his older brother's thoughts about his safety and will probably send him more people around which he didn't mind as long as they won't bother him for the time being.

A sigh escapes Benjiro's lips after reading the text his little brother had sent.

Itsuki looks at Benjiro questioningly. "What's the matter bro?"

"Tell Ryoto that after he does his job, he must followed and protect Hideyoshi at Kyoto." Benjiro tells him.

Itsuki chuckles. "Your too lenient with him."

"It can't be help his my Otōto besides I promised Okaa-san (Mother in Japanese). I will always protect Hideyoshi." Benjiro stated.

"From what happened today, you can't always protect Hideyoshi. One way or another he will know everything." Itsuki replies.

"I know but he can't hurt himself more than it needs to be."

"You have a visitor sir." A young woman announced upon entering the garden where Hideyoshi drinks his tea peacefully.

"Who is it Ren?" He asked the head servant.

"Miss Akira, sir." The woman responded.