
7 Reasons why I shouldn't be a gangster

That's a piece of pie!" The new recruit says. But the big boss counters him. "Actually no, even the square root of pi is endless. 1.77245385091."

Long_dr3am · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
9 Chs

Chapter eight

"We should probably call Itsuki that his girlfriend is here." Hannah stated as Hao and Megumi are gathered with her in the guest room.

Megumi let out a sigh as he placed his hands behind the back of his head. "The woman downstairs said we shouldn't."

Hao wiggles his brows. "You scared of her?"

Megumi scoffs. "No but I need to show respect since she's Ichiro Denki."

Hannah chuckles taking a sit between the two males in the couch. "Staying in Itsuki's place makes you two domestic." She paused as she glance at Hao. "It surprising your not acting violently these days Hao."

Hao snorted. "I apologize. I need too minimize my sadistic nature in this city setting." He sarcastically replies.

Hannah laughed.

Megumi sighs. "I'm bored, why does everyone are all given work except for us three?"

Hannah smirks bumping her shoulder tohim lightly. "You know why."

Hao yawns. "Let me remind you Megumi, we three don't do well working with babies." Hao beams a smile raising his thumbs up. "Captain knows, how we all work and that's why we are always paired up with our own members than those outsiders because we three are just so awesome."

It didn't make Megumi's mood any better.

A knock on the door was heard the three of them looks at one another, Hao sighs as he lazily stood up and decided to answer the door.

He opens it and meet the woman who was supposed to be waiting for Itsuki. "I was bored waiting alone down there." She said.

Hannah stood up from the bed and walk towards the door, opening it further. "Lady Denki, we can't leave this place and we're bored too."

Ichiro furrowed her brows.

Hannah smiles. "But if we walk out of here accompanying you outside you'll save us all in boredom, ma'am."

Ichiro raised her hand. "Hold up, you said you can't leave this place, tell me why?"

Hannah sighs. "Captain Ryoto-"

"Ryoto ordered that, then that means you three must be extremely dangerous." Ichiro mumbled. But then she smirks up and says. "I order you three to accompany me visit Itsuki's tattoo shop."

Itsuki's employees left the shop as he was closing the shop in the process four people stands behind him.

Hannah's giggles gave it away.

Itsuki scratches the back of his head as he turns to see the group. "Why are you-"

Itsuki was caught off guard to find Ichiro hanging out with the three ticking time bombs in his group.

"Surprise." Megumi stated dryly behind Hao.

Hao smiled greeting his vice captain, hoping it'll soothethe impending lecture he'll hear positively later as he was the eldest in the bunch.

Hannah bravely then speaks up, acting all innocent. "Lady Ichiro was waiting for you back then but she ordered us to accompany her out and visit you here sir."

Itsuki sighs. "Fine." He paused taking a glance at Ichiro. "I'm sure you want us to talk but I don't have time-"

Ichiro slaps Itsuki across the face. "I know everything about you now, Hideyoshi told me so..." Tears we're brimming on her eyes. "I was worried about you but you never replied to my text nor responded to my calls." She can't stop it and let fall as she stopped from talking. She breathes in deeply before she continues. "Are you breaking up with me?"

Itsuki sighs as he walk towards her wiping the tears off her face. "Yes Ichiro I am, please forget about me."

Ichiro steps back from him. "All right, that's all I wanted to hear." She turns her back at him and walks away as by the sidewalk the expensive cars we're lined up for her waiting filled by bodyguards also. She left immediately not looking back. The trio didn't know what to feel after witnessing that situation.

"That was heavy." Megumi commented.

Hannah scoffs at Megumi as she grab Itsuki's arm. "Sir let's eat, I'm sure your hungry!"

Hao sighs. "I'll pay for the food, come on vice captain, lead the way to your favorite restaurant here."

Itsuki chuckles. "No thanks."

"Come on vice cap, I'm rarely this generous." Hao replies.

Itsuki smiled. "You three go back, I need to meet up with my older sister."

Hannah clasped her hands together. "We promise to be on our best behavior!" She pleads. "Just bring us along please!, I'll die out of boredom back in that room!"

Itsuki sighs. "All right just try to act normal." He shifted his eyes at Megumi. "Especially you, Megumi."

Megumi scoffs.

"Sir Okemia why is a member of ground zero in charged of training our men instead of the vice captain?" Hanzu asked as of now Hanzu stands as Okemia's personal assistant. Hanzu hands over some documents to his captain.

"Suzaku's one of the most tolerable amongst those bunch besides Hideyoshi recommended him to work here while Josh is accompanying Ryoto at London." Okemia replies.

Hanzu was shocked to know that their vice captain is accompanying the captain of the ground zero division overseas. 'Must be an important mission.' He thought.

Okemia sighs. "I know what your thinking and its not it, Ryoto sometimes does things on his own and Sir Benjiro strangely let's him do it anyway."

"It doesn't make sense sir-" Hanzu was cut off by Okemia.

"Ryoto can, because as much as I hate to admit it. Money and influence around this country, name it. He has it." Okemia sighs.

"Then why is he still staying-"

"I don't really know... perhaps like me he sure has loyalty for the boss but as far as I remembered he was loyal for our boss father..." Okemia trails off.

"Uh sir you asked me yesterday to clear your schedule after this to head to a toy store." Hanzu says.

Okemia nods. "Right, anyways your coming with me."

Hanzu furrowed his brows.

"I'm sure you don't have anything to do after work, right?" Okemia asks.

Hanzu nods. "Yes sir."

"Happy sixth birthday Jamie!" Everyone cheers.

Nancy didn't expect this bunch of people to even come for her daughters special day.

Hideyoshi then gave the little girl a soft pat on the head as she giggles while she thanked everyone who came.

The little girl converses some new faces.

Nancy wanted to celebrate tonight for a small bunch of people just for family but it can't be helped since her own daughter asked Benjiro to invite over the previous people she began to grew interest on meeting them last time.

Nancy's parents both converses happily to the odd visitors that Itsuki brought along.

She felt stressed knowing those three we're her younger brother's co worker's. A tap on her shoulder took her attention. It was none other than Benjiro standing beside her. "I'm worried." She told him honestly.

"Don't be, I'll make sure Jamie will be safe." Benjiro firmly stated.

"I trust you." She replies.

"How was the catering I sent on her school during lunch?" Benjiro asked.

"She and her classmates and the teachers appreciated the food." Nancy said, adding. "Although don't do such stunts again, without telling me in advance Jiro." She sighs. "Your men looked all too scary the teacher thought- nevermind."

Benjiro nods. "Yes Onē-san."

"I know you just want to spoil your little cousin but you know I want her to have a normal childhood too." Nancy tells him her position.

"I understand, Onē-san."

"We'll it's surprising Okemia came." Nancy says.

"Jamie asked for him."

"Does he know who my daughter-"


"How about those three?" She asked, her eyes trailing at the three people who Itsuki brought with him that are now happily conversing with her parents as they eat.

"I don't know." Benjiro tells her.

Hideyoshi took a sit beside the birthday girl as everyone we're finally back in the table. Nancy and Benjiro came back as Nancy then handed out liquor cans to be passed for the grown ups who wanted to drink.

The little girl's gifts we're placed at the couch living room as everyone we're happily having their conversations to one another while eating their meal.

Hanzu felt out of place yet Itsuki handled to get him to join a little small talk with Hannah who sits beside Itsuki.

Okemia was having a light conversation with Nancy about the flower shop.

Jamie then looks at Hideyoshi and says. "Uncle Jiro looks sad."

Hideyoshi waves it off. "He isn't, his just tired because of work."

Jamie hesitantly nods her head.

Nancy then looks beside her finding Benjiro silently eating her home cooked meals. Nancy felt bothered about his silence and so she then tries to asked Benjiro about how his day was, Benjiro answered her shortly which at least lessened her worry for the younger.

"Thanks for the update Suzaku. I'll be back as it seems everything's pretty neat here." Ryoto replies through the other line before he shortly dismissed the call as soon as Josh approaches him holding two cups of coffee one for him and for Josh himself.

Josh stands beside him as he took the coffee cup handed to him. "Thanks." Ryoto stated.

Josh nods his head.

Ryoto took a small sip of the coffee as he then adds. "Throughout this trip, I discovered you don't speak much. Is it because you don't like working under my supervision or something?"

Josh shakes his head. "No sir."

"Just be honest with me, I won't judge." Ryoto sighs.

"I don't know what we must talk about unless it's work sir but worry not sir, working under your supervision is an honor." Josh speaks up in a hurry.

Ryoto pulls a smile. "I'm glad to hear that, usually my members complains for my orders."

"We'll your orders are overwhelming. I must admit sir. But my captain is much more excessive so I guess, I'm used to these kinds of tasks." Josh replies.

Ryoto chuckles. "I figured you can keep up since Okemia-kun is an irresponsible idiot at times, I'm sure his vice captain is the opposite of him to keep his underlings tamed and that's why I choose you to join me here."

Josh slowly nods his head.

Ryoto sighs. "Order tickets for us to go back home, there's nothing much left here for us to do."

"Yes sir."

"Josh just call me Ryoto from now on." Ryoto adds as Josh bows his head ninety degrees immediately at Ryoto.

"Yes Ryoto-sama!" Josh responded.

Ryoto smirks.

Ichiro cries and kept herself locked in her bedroom. She could not stop herself. "Itsuki." She cried.

She can't believe how she now realizes how hard she had fallen for the man and to hear him said those words face was just hurt so bad.

A knock on her door was heard as grandfather's voice outside calls. "Ichiro..., your bodyguards told me what happened." He paused. "Dear there's a lot more fish in the sea. Besides he won't be a good match for you. It's good he had broken up with you, this way than cheating which I'll castrate him, myself." The old man's laugh resonated before continuing. "I wont hurt him as I myself knew, what he did was the right thing, given with your status in this family dear." The old man sighs. "Pick up yourself tomorrow, you can be weak tonight. My child." Footsteps was heard leaving right after.

Ichiro wipes her own tears away as she sits up from her bed. "Thank you, grandpa." She whispered.

Jamie slowly chews the cake in her mouth and turns to look at Benjiro in worry. As they we're seated next to each other her small hand reaches to hold Benjiro's left hand resting onthe table. Jamie squeeze it softly as she turns to give Benjiro a smile.

Benjiro returns a small smile at her way.

Seeing the interaction Hideyoshi's heart warms.

"What is it Jamie?" Benjiro softly asked.

"Nothing, I just want to see you smile Uncle Jiro." She replies.

Benjiro took his hands off her and patted her head softly. "Worry not about me, it's your birthday, hmm."

Jamie nods accompanied by her beaming smile.