
7 months since then

"It has been 7 months....... I miss her dearly..... . . . She isn't with me anymore.... then why do I feel a presence behind me?" A horror, slight romance and a plot twist.

Cold_Coffee_7514 · Autres
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

<p>It has been 7 months. <br/><br/>7 months since that horrifying event.<br/> <br/>I think it's time I get over her.<br/><br/>But can I ? After all she was my first love, the one that I fell for the moment I saw those sapphire eyes. Those eyes that made me calm and felt like home. That smile that made my problems fade away. That laugh- no ! <br/><br/>I shake my head. <br/><br/>No no no no ! It has been whole 7 months ! I have to get over it. She would also hope for the same.<br/><br/>I look at the clock. 7:30 pm. I should get ready. This is the first date that I will be having after that. <br/><br/>I felt someone on my feet, looking down I saw my cute little fur ball snuggling against my feet. She likes to do this whenever I have to go out. It's one of her antics to prevent me from going out. <br/><br/>"Meow~" <br/><br/>"No Kuro, that won't work on me. Dont worry I'll be back within a few hours. Behave well."<br/><br/>With that I drive off. <br/><br/>"Oh you are already here. Did I keep you waiting for too long ?" <br/><br/>"No, not at all. Infact I just reached here. So....shall we go ?" I say. <br/><br/>She is my co-worker. A beautiful blonde woman in her twenties who is also 3 years younger than I. We met on her first day at work, when she got stuck at a task given to her. As time passes we became quite close to eachother too.<br/><br/>"Yes of course." <br/><br/>We go to a small restaurant for a dinner, matching the vibes of the current weather. We eat and drink (though me made sure not to drink too much as we had to drive on our own) and talked and random things here and there.<br/><br/>After our dinner we decide to walk around and enjoy the weather tonight. We walk peacefully side by side. The weather right now perfectly compliments out little date. The gentle dust of snow falling of us, the chilly wind brushing our cheeks and the slight warmth of her body besides me. <br/><br/>It is getting late now. <br/><br/>As we are walking, she takes a few steps ahead of me. I halt. She turns around and says,<br/><br/>"For it being our first date, I truly enjoyed it and I'd love to go out with you again. So what do you say?"<br/><br/>"Yes sure I enjoyed this too. Today is Wednesday and we will be having a holiday on Sunday, but I don't think any of us will be able to go out because of the project we are working on right now. So how about Thursday next week ? Since we both have holiday that day ?" <br/><br/>"Oh that sounds wonderful ! Sure"<br/><br/>She takes a glance at her wrist watch. 9:00. It showed. <br/><br/>"Oh the time really went fast, didn't it ? I will take my leave now. So, Thursday next week right ? Be sure to text me !...."<br/><br/>Her eyes soften and this time she looks at me with genuine care,"...and please take of yourself." <br/><br/>She gives me a hug and walks away. <br/><br/>I watch as she gets in her car and drives away. I too head to my own car. <br/><br/>Just as I was about to open my car, my hand pauses and stays on the door handle. A shiver runs by my spine and goosebumps rise all over me. Am I being watched ? I did felt eyes on us the whole time but I didn't think much of it and crossed it off as just my imagination. But this right now, I am certain that someone was watching just a while ago. <br/><br/>I come home and Kuro greets me as usual. <br/><br/>Taking a quick shower, I get ready for bed. Kuro, jumps in with me and lay beside me, curled in a ball near my chest. <br/><br/>"Night Kuro"<br/><br/>"Meow"<br/><br/>I shitch off the light and doze off to sleep. <br/><br/>Minutes later a shattering sound comes from the living room. I grab the gun from my drawer. Kuro too gets all alert and walks over to me silently without making a single sound. <br/><br/>Shuffling noise can clearly be heard from the living room. I pressed my ears against the door and try to hear what exactly was being said and what is happening, but it was all futile now as the noise is completely gone. <br/><br/>I swing open the door and point my gun towards where the 'supposedly' intruder should be. But to my surprise, no one is there.Yet the proof of someone being here is present. There lay a broken vase, water in it spilled everywhere. Roses lying on the floor, squished and mushed up. <br/><br/>I immediately call the police, not wanting to take a risk. <br/><br/>Someone was definitely here just a while ago. The proof lies in, number one, there is no way that vase could have been fallen down without someone knocking it. And number two, the roses are trampled, as in someone had done it on purpose. Stomping on them on purpose. <br/><br/>I look around the house, looking for something else, but alas I couldn't find a single clue, neither of the person nor from where did they came. <br/><br/>Soon the police came, did their interrogation, searched up the whole house, though were unable to find any clue just like me. But they did find something that showed that someone other than me was here. <br/><br/>I was told to that it is not safe here, since similar cases of murders have been going on around the neighbourhood, but this was the first time the victim was a male so they aren't sure yet if it was the same person or a different culprit.<br/><br/>I called up my brother and asked if I could stay at his place for the time being. He agreed immediately and asked me to buy something for him as a gift. Chuckling, I said yes and drove to his, obviously taking Kuro with me too.</p>