
7 Creator Games

The series begins with a girl, who creates a non-human kingdom (See: Ideas that when dreaming: They wake up!) This kingdom is vegetal, animal and pro-human by metamorphosis, it has a fight on land with 4 other kingdoms: Caterpillars, Fungi, Wasps and Humans (See: Prays XHuman) The girl has grown up and cares about ecology; and the characters initiate a connection of the non-human world with the human world because they contaminate a Bay. Pollution that gives rise to Covid-19, Covid-20 and Covid-21 (human self-destruction / non-human self-defense?) This causes a Metamorphosis on the part of the Creator and the Prays is now transmigrated to Human (See: Vallemar) The girl remembers a problem in her cousin's family with drug aspects and the cousin is now Bierny, this character falls in love, but at the same time suffers a scam by Jack Latro, with the BitCoin in the pyramid mode ( See: BitLove) Bierny is transmigrated to Vallemar and both (bipolar / human and pro-human characters) fall in love with Nalexa. Nalexa has a sister named Alondra. Alondra falls in love with Xuli Latro who has been adopted by Jack Latro and specialized in Espionage, Hitman, and Finance. Bierny must mentor Xuli Latro to help him in his relationship with Alondra otherwise he will lose his marriage. There is a cycle of seven days for the change of project of life, character and personality; otherwise they will fall into a cycle of repetitions that the Creator has established for the bad guys; at the end a flood will eliminate everything created: Who will be saved? (Read: The Creator Of Seven Games) GenX ----------------------------------- Comprising: BitLove: (WPC # 160, Ranking: 2, Plate) https://www.webnovel.com/book/bitlove_19277591006022105 -----------------------------------/// Seven books are connected and aligned with the slogans: Prays XHuman (military, kingdom no human) WFP # 32 (White Sea School) WPC # 160 (BitLove) WFP # 34 (7 Creator Games)

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Its Traffic Light Tables were tuned in entertaining afternoons.

In the midst of the dilemma of 'existential disorders'; those of the marriage routines; perhaps simple men or women in their way of life.

Something arises that we could call the shock of 'the last afternoon' and this occurs: when: 'a heart dies'.

If you have read and in that order: to 'Crespo', to 'Barreto', to 'Galindo'; you will know that I am combining interpersonal experiences; extracting the best from each one. And giving me the luxury of paraphrasing his writings.

And you should call what motivates you: Day or if you want 'the Tomorrow of your life' and what demotivates you: Night or if you prefer 'the Darkness of your day'. In the middle of these two opinions: This is what will make the difference: La Tarde. This way you would have a complete picture of what is happening around you, but at the same time deep within you.

Let's talk about the Traffic Light Table, triple entry: First Column: Me.

What were you busy with before starting a relationship with another person of the opposite sex.

What were you planning to do?

What were your ideas of personal fulfillment!

And we don't talk, you still depend on the family or not. We talk about oneself.

If one manages to define, from three lines:

A first line, to answer a: What do you want?

A second line for the implications of a: character, and

A third line to recognize: your personality.

In the future you will be able to understand another, I reiterate: define: What do they want? Their temperaments! And their personalities.

To this triple entry table: First Column: Me. Lines: love, character and personality.

We add, 'differentiating the following information' if it is for a Second Column: He or She. With their respective three lines: love, character and personality.

Many of us (and I include myself in this table to define). If we had stopped to describe what we do not observe with the naked eye: we have to look between 'the views of others'.

I am referring to people who have already made this Matrix and obtained a result: partial or total, inconclusive or procedural.

Partial, is when you are alone: ​​growing; then, the information has to be updated; but this is not yet a map (point: one, starts in your personal room and point: two, ends in the other person's room.)

Paradoxically, I ask: Did you have a private room? Or was it a shared room? Why some incidence or influence factors are already extracted from there.

If it is the case of having had a room: 'private', we note that your parents were one of those types of parents who achieved everything in their lives. That they were functional and consequently their children too.

If, on the contrary, it was not like that, but you had to share the 'public' room, adding other sub criteria such as someone of the same sex, age than you or different in sex and age, among many other things. Your learning of the realities exponentially accelerates in a positive or negative way.

Overall, you never had to make this list, because others already made it for you and for you and from you. And it's not about life-long dependency. Rather, it is the functional. If someone managed to tie with her Creator, he will do the same with what was created: he will have empathy. Just go around your desk, if there are other teenagers or young people with no worries: Like you !? They, as well as you: 'come from functional homes'.

Unfinished, how is the formula already a familiar algorithm? Yes, you had to stop doing something that you had been doing: days, months doing; it is more than certain than others before you: be they parents or brothers or sisters, the same thing happened to them too. And around you: there will be people, men and women with the same characteristics. It is like a magnet: the good meets the good, the bad meets the bad, the fair with the fair, the unfair with the unfair ...

Procedural, it is the line of the automatons or social robots, the independent ones, those who suddenly find themselves doing something because they see that others are also doing it, they do not define what to do but follow the same course of things, they adapt easily . They live: enjoying and achieving everything. And by common sense, they join others who live 'similar processes'. The autonomy of their activities, the responsibility of their actions, the growth of their body, the development of their social skills; are some of the characteristics to list.

Returning to the saga: Bierny advises this to Xuli Latro. Well now they are great friends and share two women who are sisters: Nalexa and Alondra, but with different qualifications. It is as if four seasonal moons come together and need to: order their orbits, their geographic spaces, their environments and climates, and their environments and life influences. But repeating what was said: they would be a mess, with seasonal voids and total chaos.

—Well, my unimaginable friend Xuli Latro; Every 'last afternoon' shock, feel free to come get me and we'll chat, "Bierny said.

"Oh!" Count, to the truth with it. Well one can be

r expert in everything professionally speaking, but social reality is something else. When you meet a woman. "She said, Xuli." Adding at the same time as Bierny:

"And more to a woman who is your sister !? (both laughing)

"Ha. Ha Ha

They laughed until they squirmed, in their seats and ended up throwing each other: the cushions, the ball, even the remote control, was thrown into the air ... It really served as mutual therapy: 'mentor and mentee'.

Bierny and Xuli, although at first they were competing for the same woman: Nalexa; then Xuli: she gave up the relationship, because she realized that Nalexa loved Bierny and he loved Nalexa. And nothing could be done to change these realities. Then Xuli, focused all of her strategies to conquer Alondra; years later she succeeded; and he also managed to be, Bierny's best friend. His Traffic Light Tables were honed in entertaining afternoons.

What is sought in these friendly meetings is to 'avoid' the shock of 'the last afternoon' and this occurs, I repeat, when 'a heart dies'.

If you read: BitLove: (WPC # 160, Ranking: 2, Writing Prompts Contest Silver Winning Work)


The plot extends to: 7 Creator Games.

(Contestant work for WFP # 34, Writing Formule Practice)

Guest writers, as protagonists:

KeiSky (Philippines) / DJ Carma Latro (Costa Rica)

Bierny (Peru) / Nalexa (Mexico)

Xuli (India) / Ferlui (Colombia)

Meghan (Canada)

Books and Authors Cited:

Novel (long) La Ultima Tarde (Barreto, Peru)

Novel (short) When a Heart Dies (Galindo, Mexico)

Poetry. Andanzas del Amar (Crespo, Puerto Rico)

(English version) https://www.webnovel.com/book/7-creator-games_19366455705122805

(Spanish version) https://www.webnovel.com/book/el-creador-de-7-juegos_19366871205123905

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