
5. You prayed for God to show you if he's not the one

Now, ladies, this is a big one, so listen clearly!

If you are praying to God and asking Him to show you whether the guy you are seeing is the right one for you and suddenly this same person starts acting up. He stops calling and texting or goes off the radio for days.

That is your sign! HE'S NOT THE ONE FOR YOU! Don't believe me? Then use this PDF and find out how to know if God wants you to date someone: 50 question to identify the one.

I know it hurts, especially if things were fine just a week ago. However, God is a God of action and protection.

This means he will end things if the man you're pursuing isn't your husband. This also means that this is not an invitation to blow up his phone and convince him to change. Instead, strive to maintain a balance between your actions and your faith in God. Because at the end of the day God will do what is right in his sight. And you need to trust in God and believe that whatever happened, is good for you.