
3. His attention drops

The first three months he treats you like a princess. He takes you out to your favorite restaurants, calls you at 8am just to say good morning and listens to your favorite celebrity stories.

Pure Bliss! Right? Wrong! Then out of the blue everything changes. He doesn't care about taking you out anymore and he prefers getting McDonald's drive-thru for every date. He only calls you when you ask him to and beg him too. Every time you mention a celebrity name he rolls his eyes.

Deep down you know that something is wrong, but you brush it off and tell yourself that it is normal. While I do think that a relationship eventually leaves the honeymoon stage and becomes a constant part of your life, I want you to understand that certain things shouldn't just happen to charm you the first 3 months. But yet it's your job to determine what type of relationship you want. Do you want to be in a healthy relationship or are these signs of a toxic relationship.

God will allow a man to show you his real self so that the two of you can connect on an authentic level. If the real him is nothing like the person you first met, however, then this is your sign from God that he is not the one.

Just because you have been getting to know each other for a while and you would like to be in a relationship you shouldn't force it. Even if it means that you might feel lonely. 

Instead, thank God for ending things early so that you only cry for two weeks instead of two months. And allow God to lead you to the right one. God knows you better than you do and will match you with the man that is best for you. That man won't lose interest and treat you well forever.