
2. He doesn't know what he wants

Here goes the good old "what are we" conversation. In your head, it takes place at least once or twice a week. But in reality, it takes weeks until it actually happens. So you try to introduce the topic spontaneously and act super laid back while doing so. That's when he hits you with the 'Let's just see where this goes and take it slow' attitude.

Usually, that's when I run to the bathroom and ask the holy spirit to take over and remove all sharp objects around. But on a more practical note that should be the moment when you take a mental note – Kira Red Flag!

I hope we all know that the bible says: 'He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord' (Proverbs 18:22)

So if he found you, but doesn't even know what he was looking for? How does he know if you are really a good thing for him? It's like wandering through a department store and buying a pair of expensive heels because they look good on the shelf.

After 3 weeks in the closet, you realize that you should never have gotten them because they don't fit any of the clothes/lifestyle you have. Because deep down you are a Nike and Sandals kinda girl. But a man who doesn't clearly communicate what he wants from the beginning is stringing you along to see if it will change over time.

No matter how many Bible verses on patience you memorize he will always waste your time. Luckily scripture is clear on the fact that a man should be able to lead you not mislead you, meaning he needs to have a vision of where the right relationship will go and not just hurt you in the end.

So, if he doesn't have a plan for your relationship it's a sign he's not the one God has picked out for you.