
36 Hous Until Midnight

Set in a post-post-apocalyptic world, this relatively short story tells how the teachings and experiences of other people shape goals and lives, and how they can either break or make a person.

The_Enchanter · Sports, voyage et activités
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Chapter 1: Prepared

Below the depths of the irradiated earth, lies a bunker. whithin its farthest room, sit dozens of rifles, shotguns, and pistols on a weapon rack, alongside multiple knives of varying calibers and purposes.

There are also shelves stocked with various medical supplies, including bandages, antiseptic solutions, pain relievers, tweezers, and other medicines and tools.

Connected to it is a storage room with boxes upon boxes filled with cans of food and bottled water, as well as ammunition cartridges for different types of guns. next to it are multiple books in a large bookshelf, containing knowledge and instructions on running and using the things in the bunker.

A wide garden bed lies in the next room over, a sun lamp hangs above and nourishes a variety of plants growing beneath, efficient enough to support a human for decades to come.

Two water distillers as big as a human resides beside the garden, a bucket of water rests near the nozzle of a pipe attached to a distiller, with the clean water fully extracted, the machine waits until it's powered once again.

Going even deeper below the bunker, lies a second floor. inside this floor is a room with various generators; diesel, gasoline, propane, there are even stacks of batteries that serves as a buffer. In the corner, is a lead lined box, its an active and fueled RTG generator, though the power output is low, it has an effective lifetime of a millenium. The room's vent, connects to a exhaustion pipe outside to safely remove the gaseous waste produced.

And now, the room that the entrance to the bunker risides in is the kitchen, the drawer attached to the ceiling holds pans, spatulas, pots and other tools, complete with a propane and wood stove, it also acts as the living room with a two sofa and a radio for receiving signals

Suffice to say, this is a bunker that could've only been built and stocked by groups of people. Yet it isn't, its merely the work of a single human, a doomsday prepper.

Going back to the surface, a wind of air that smelled like rust howls past the roads and through the decaying buildings.

Two humans walks down the road, a man and a woman, one injured while the other supports them, the man seems to have a laceration in the abdomen.

The wounds have been crudely bandaged and disinfected, but still needs immediate medical attention.

they go on... walking slowly until they get to the bunker, being carefull to avoid opening the wound and worsening the injury

At last, they arrive and the bunker door creaks and opens.