
Samurai Edge

The following day, 19 June, the Bravo team stood in their office, waiting for their Captain to arrive.

"This is weird…Captain Enrico was never late till now…" Rebecca mumbled, her eyes flicking to the door.

"He's human, Rebecca. Everybody's late sometimes." I replied, leaning back in my chair.

"Yeah, don't worry, Rebecca. The new guy's right." Edward chimed in with a grin.

"The new guy has a name. Can you use it?" I raised an eyebrow, amused.

"Maybe after a week or so." Edward shot back.

"Even after all this time, I don't understand you. Do you enjoy helping the rookies, or just enjoy when you antagonize them?" Forest asked with a sigh.

"Can't it be both?" Edward raised an eyebrow.

"I pray for your future children." Richard laughed.

"Ooh, I'm not that bad!" Edward defended himself.

As the bickering continued, I turned to Kenneth. "Does the Captain usually arrive late?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

Kenneth gave a small smile. "No, this time's a special circumstance."

Rebecca gasped. "Is it finally gonna arrive!?"

"What? What's arriving?" I asked, but was promptly ignored.

"Oh, come on, Kenneth, don't ruin the surprise!" Edward whined.

"You know I can't keep a secret." Kenneth shrugged.

"No, no, it's fine. Alex is still in the dark about it!" Richard grinned, leaning toward me.

"In the dark about what?" I asked, more confused than ever.

"You'll see soon." Forest said with a grin, clearly enjoying my confusion.

"Rebecca, do you know about this?" I turned toward her, but she was already grinning, lost in her own excitement.

"Yes! It's finally arriving!" She raised her fist into the air, ignoring the others.

I sighed and leaned back, the tension building as I awaited the Captain's arrival.

The door opened, and Captain Enrico stepped inside, carrying two cases.

"Sir!!" We all saluted, standing straighter.

"Morning." He waved at us, placing the cases on the desk.

Rebecca's eyes immediately locked onto them, anticipation clear on her face.

'Alright, what's this all about?' I thought, watching her.

"As part of S.T.A.R.S., using the standard police department guns just won't cut it." The Captain began. "So, with the help of 'Gunshop Kendo' we have our own customized weapons."

At the mention of Robert Kendo, I glanced at the cases in surprise as the Captain opened them.

"Your personal Beretta 92F handguns, better known as the 'Samurai Edge'!" He exclaimed, his grin widening.

"This is all I've ever wanted!" Rebecca cheered happily.

"Since when?" Richard asked with a chuckle.

"A week ago!" Rebecca responded eagerly, reaching for one of the handguns.

"Keep them safe, alright?" Captain Enrico warned, eyeing all of us. "I don't want to hear you've lost or destroyed them."

"Yes, sir!!" We all replied in unison.

The Captain looked over us for a second, his smile softening. "That's good. Now, I officially welcome you to the Bravo team."

"Woohoo!!" Edward cheered while Kenneth clapped.

"You officially passed the 'initiation'." Forest said with a smile.

"Hey, we should have an actual initiation for future members!" Richard joked.

"Future members? I won't even be able to get into the office at this rate." Edward chimed in with a grin.

"This isn't a secret society, Aiken. No need for an initiation." Captain Enrico chuckled, shaking his head.

Meanwhile, Rebecca and I both stared at our new weapons in awe. "Robert really knows his stuff, huh?" I mumbled, inspecting the sleek design.

"No wonder his business is booming." Rebecca replied, examining the grip with professional precision.

I turned to the Captain. "Does everyone in S.T.A.R.S. get these?" I asked.

Captain Enrico shook his head. "Only the Alpha and Bravo teams."

"Why's that?" I pressed, curious.

"Barry Burton, Alpha's senior member, is good friends with Robert Kendo." The Captain explained. "He convinced Kendo to back their team."

"Then why do we have them, too?" I asked, still puzzled.

"Because of our amazing Captain, of course!" Edward exclaimed, arms wide.

"Couldn't have achieved this without him." Richard added with a grin.

"Huh? Really, Captain?" Rebecca asked, surprised.

"Don't exaggerate." Captain Enrico chuckled. "It simply took some convincing…and money, of course."

"Ah, these moments remind me why our team's better." Forest said with a smile, and Kenneth nodded.

"Couldn't let Wesker get the jump on us. Whatever they have, we can earn." Captain Enrico laughed, though I couldn't help but sense a hint of rivalry behind the words.

I raised an eyebrow, processing his words. 'So there is a rivalry between our teams.'

"Now enough chit-chat." Captain Enrico waved us off. "Get to work."

"Captain! What should we do?" Rebecca asked, her excitement still apparent.

"Since you seem to enjoy it, you're on patrol today." He smirked, glancing over his shoulder as he walked toward his office.

Rebecca's lips twitched, but she didn't argue.

"Alright, sir." I nodded, then turned to her. "Were you trying to use reverse psychology on him yesterday?"

"Shut up…" Rebecca muttered, her head hanging low in embarrassment.

As we headed for the door, Forest stopped me. "Got anything planned for tonight?"

"Huh? No." I replied, then shrugged. "But sorry, I don't swing that way."

"Okay, funny guy." Forest rolled his eyes. "Me and a few others from Alpha are hitting up Jack's bar. You wanna come along?"

"Uh, sure." I said. "I've got nothing else planned."

"Good. Just wait for me here after your shift." He added before heading off.

"Already making friends, huh?" Rebecca lightly punched me in the ribs. "Don't forget about your partner."

"Haha, I won't." I grinned, glancing at the clock. "There's still a few minutes until our shift starts. Want to hit the range until then?" I raised my new Samurai Edge.

"Hm? Why?" She blinked in confusion.

"To help you shoot better. Isn't that what we planned?" I smirked.

"Oh, you were serious about that!? I thought you were joking!" Rebecca exclaimed in surprise.

"Nope. Just don't blame me if you shoot better than me." I laughed.

"Why is the shooting range so far?" I muttered as we trudged through the parking lot, the distance between the main building and the range seeming to stretch on forever.

"From what I've heard, this place isn't used much outside of the monthly RPD events. They have a competition and even hand out a title and trophy for the winner." Rebecca replied with a shrug.

"Really? What's the title?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Raccoon Police Department's Best Sniper." Rebecca gestured dramatically, her grin infectious as I let out a chuckle.

"Is that the RPD's version of 'Employee of the Month'?"

"Nope." She smirked. "We actually have that too."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "I see… maybe I'll give it a try."

"Well, if you're serious, you'd be up against Forest and Chris. They're both known for their precision. And, from what I've overheard, Forest doesn't win all that often when he goes up against Chris." Rebecca leaned in, whispering like it was some kind of secret.

"Even more reason to participate!" I declared with a smile. "I'll avenge my teammate!"

Rebecca rolled her eyes, clearly amused. "Sure, that's why you'll join."

I grinned back at her. "Hey, just wait and see."

We finally arrived at the shooting range, the long trek across the parking lot almost feeling like a workout in itself. The range was quieter than I expected—though that probably wasn't a surprise given how often the RPD used it.

I glanced over at Rebecca. "You ready?"

"Of course!" She lightly pushed me forward. "Now c'mon, show me how you do it!"

"Okay, don't be so impatient." I pulled out my new Samurai Edge, the weight of the gun feeling just right in my hands. "Alright, let's see what this thing can do." I exclaimed, then lined up my shot, focusing on the distant target.

The gun was a perfect fit. A balance of weight and power, built for precision.

"Not bad." I muttered, firing a few shots.

Rebecca took a step closer, her eyes scanning the target. "Hmm. You're doing alright, for now."

"Alright?" I shot back with a grin. "Is that all you've got?"

She rolled her eyes, though I could see the challenge lighting up in her gaze. "We'll see who's got the better aim after a few rounds."

I chuckled, taking aim again. "You seem to be forgetting who's supposed to help you." I fired, the bullet hitting the middle of the target.

"You said it yourself. 'Don't blame me if you shoot better than me'." Rebecca repeated my earlier words with a shrug.

"That was to encourage you!" I laughed, then the two of us started our small training session.

After a little fun at the shooting range, our shift began, interrupting our "training". And so, another boring day on the job dragged on.

With nothing happening, the night crept in at a sluggish pace, the only source of enjoyment being Rebecca's company.

Fortunately, we survived the monotony, returning to the station when our shift finally ended.

"Captain, can we please do something besides patrolling?" Rebecca asked as the two of us stood in Captain Enrico's office.

The Captain raised an eyebrow. "I thought you liked patrolling now?"

"That…" She glanced off to the side. "I do! It's just that I want to mix it with something else!" She exclaimed, a bit too eagerly.

'Weren't you an abider of the rules? Lying to your Captain isn't allowed, I'm sure.' I shook my head, smiling at her efforts.

"Is that so…" The Captain leaned back in his chair, contemplating. "Alright then, I'll see if I can assign you other tasks from tomorrow onward." He nodded.

"Yes!" Rebecca cheered, and I couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm.

"But that doesn't mean patrolling is off the table. You'll still be doing it most of the time." Captain Enrico added, dashing some of her excitement.

"Yes, sir!" We both nodded in unison.

"As long as I can get a breather sometimes…" Rebecca mumbled under her breath, making me chuckle.

"Alright, now get out, you two." the Captain shooed us with a small smile. "I've got plenty of work left to finish."

We left his office, lingering in the main hall for a few minutes.

"Captain Enrico seems really busy, doesn't he?" I muttered, staring at the statue at the end of the hall.

"Yeah, but with everything going on, it makes sense." Rebecca replied with a sigh.

I couldn't help but feel bad for him. Did he even have free time? He always seemed buried in paperwork, practically carrying the team on his own since the higher-ups only seemed to care about Alpha.

"The Captain's a pretty admirable guy, huh?" I suddenly said.

"He wouldn't be the team's Captain if he wasn't!" Rebecca laughed.

"What are you two doing?" A voice called out behind us. We turned to see Marvin approaching with a grin.

"Lieutenant!" We saluted.

He waved it off with a chuckle. "It's alright. We're off duty now—no need for that."

"Heading home, Lieutenant?" I asked, hoping to make conversation.

"Of course." He laughed. "Can't keep the kids waiting."

"Hm, you're married, Lt? What about your special half? Isn't she waiting too?" Rebecca teased with a playful smile.

Marvin's grin faltered. "I'd rather not talk about that."

"Oh, yeah, of course!" Rebecca immediately backed down, her cheeks reddening.

"I'll be off now. Don't stay too long." Marvin said before heading out through the front gate.

"Uuuhh…did I mess up?" Rebecca hung her head. "I feel so bad…"

"You couldn't have known." I reassured her, patting her shoulder. "And Marvin doesn't seem like the type to hold a grudge over something like that."

"I guess…" She mumbled, and our conversation was cut short as a few familiar faces approached.

"Alex, you ready to go?" Forest asked.

"Of course!" I nodded, then greeted the others.

"Chris, Barry, good to see you."

"How you doing, kid?" Barry asked.

"Seems you got an upgrade since we last met." Chris noted, pointing to my handgun.

"Yeah, all thanks to Captain Enrico." I chuckled.

Chris nodded. "Enrico's a good man. He always looks out for his subordinates."

"Unlike our rock of a Captain." Barry added with an amused smirk.

"You shouldn't say that about your superior." Chris sighed, shaking his head.

"You can't say it's not true, though." Forest retorted, making Chris shrug.

A new face joined the group—a man with a red bandana tied around his forehead. "You're Alex Mercer, right?" He immediately extended his hand, shaking mine enthusiastically. "Joseph Frost! Member of Team Alpha!" He said with a grin.

"Oh, um, nice to meet you." I blinked, caught off guard by his energy.

"Don't mind him." Barry interjected with a chuckle. "He's always like this."

"What are you talking about? Everyone should live in the moment like me!" Joseph grinned.

"Not everyone is as stupid as you, though." Forest quipped, making Joseph roll his eyes.

"Alright, let's stop wasting time here." Chris said before turning to Barry. "You coming with us?"

"Nah, my wife wouldn't like me coming home drunk." Barry shook his head.

"You don't have to drink, you know?" I raised an eyebrow.

Barry stared at me for a second before bursting into laughter. "Hahaha! You're a funny guy, kid!"

"But I wasn't joking…" I mumbled, earning a pat on the shoulder from Chris.

"No need to try—it won't get through to him."

"What about you, Rebecca?" Forest asked.

She shook her head, finally easing from earlier. "Don't want to get in the way of a boys night out." She even deepened her voice for effect.

"It's fine, Rebecca! Jill comes sometimes, and man, she can hold her alcohol." Joseph said, grinning.

"No, I'm pretty tired. I'll just head home." Rebecca declined politely.

"If that's what you want." Joseph shrugged.

Rebecca and Barry headed toward the entrance.

"Have fun, guys!" Rebecca called out.

"See you tomorrow!" Barry added, waving.

"Say hi to the kids for me!" Joseph shouted after him.

"No!" Barry's voice echoed as he disappeared through the front door.

"So, where are we headed?" I asked Forest.

"To Jack's Bar." Forest replied. "It's a bar-and-grill located downtown, not far from the station. I'm sure you'll like it."

"Woo! Let's goo!" Joseph shouted into the night as we left the station.

Downtown Raccoon City was a mix of old and new. Modern office buildings towered over vintage storefronts. Neon signs buzzed, and the occasional rumble of passing cars echoed through the streets.

As we approached the bar, the smell of grilled food and alcohol hit us. Jack's Bar stood out, apparently not just for its prominent sign but for its atmosphere—a popular hangout for police officers and locals alike. The sound of laughter and clinking glasses seeped through the slightly ajar door.

"This place seems busy." I noted, observing the small crowd lingering outside.

Forest shrugged. "It's a staple for us. A good place to unwind after a long shift."

"Or a boring one." Joseph added with a grin.

"Or both." Chris chuckled as he opened the door.

Inside, an interior illuminated by dim lighting was presented to us. The smell of sizzling meat came from the grill behind the counter, and a jukebox hummed faintly in the corner, overshadowed by the loud noises of the TV.

"There's a reason Jack's is always recommended." Chris said as we stepped inside.

We made our way to the counter, where a middle-aged man with a trimmed beard was drying glasses. He glanced up and grinned broadly.

"S.T.A.R.S.! Good to see you!"

Joseph sighed. "Can't you call us by our names, Jack?"

"Too many of you to remember. All I know is, S.T.A.R.S. members are my best customers—there's not a day I don't see at least one of you here!" Jack laughed heartily.

"Was that a compliment or an insult?" I muttered to Chris.

"Hard to tell." Chris replied with a smirk.

"Table for us, Jack?" Forest leaned casually on the counter.

"For you guys? Always." Jack motioned to a nearby waitress before his gaze landed on me. "And who's this?"

"Alex Mercer." I introduced myself.

"He's a rookie." Chris said, clapping my shoulder.

"Don't underestimate him, though—heard he's pretty tough." Joseph added.

Jack chuckled, leaning forward slightly. "Well, welcome to the squad, young blood. Hope you like my place."

"I'm sure I will." I replied with a polite smile.

The waitress, a young woman with auburn hair and a kind smile, then approached. "Forest, Joseph, Chris—want me to show you to your table?"

"Yeah, thanks, Cindy." Forest nodded with a smile.

As we were leaving, Jack's voice rang out from behind us. "Hope you'll keep the streets safe, young blood!"

"I won't disappoint!" I replied with a grin, though I couldn't help but catch a derisive scoff from one of the nearby tables.

Cindy then led us to a table near the edge of the bar. As we settled in, I noticed Forest discreetly giving Cindy a hundred-dollar bill.

"Forest…" She protested, looking flustered. "You don't have to give a tip. I haven't even done anything yet."

"Consider it advance payment. You're the one keeping us fed tonight." Forest replied, trying to look nonchalant.

She hesitated before pocketing the money with a sigh. "Fine, but you need to stop doing this."

As she walked away, I raised an eyebrow. "That was…unexpected."

"He always does that." Chris said, suppressing a chuckle.

"It's because he li–" Joseph began with a laugh, only to be cut off by Forest.

"No need to discuss that." Forest said, his voice tight. "We're here to relax, remember?"

Joseph shrugged, still grinning.

"I still don't get it…" I muttered, glancing between them.

Chris leaned in slightly, lowering his voice. "Her family's going through a rough time. She works hard to support them."

"Oh," I murmured, realization dawning on me. I looked at Forest, my perception of him subtly shifting.

We then ordered food and drinks, the table quickly filling with empty plates and cans. Joseph waved his hands dramatically, launching into a story.

"Picture this: I'm alone, cornered by a dozen drug dealers in a dark alley. One of them steps forward, and before anyone can react, I backhand him, grab his weapon, and take him hostage."

"Let me guess." Forest interrupted. "You used him as a shield, right?"

"Exactly!" Joseph continued, undeterred. "They opened fire, riddling him with bullets. When they stopped to reload, I took them all out with perfect headshots."

I raised an eyebrow. "And when did this happen?"

"Not important." Joseph replied with a grin.

"Sure sounds like fiction to me." Forest remarked, earning a groan from Joseph.

Chris chuckled. "You've got quite the imagination, Joseph."

The man in question slumped his head onto the table, getting a laugh out of us.

"The food's really good." I suddenly remarked, sparing Joseph from further embarrassment.

"Yeah, Will really knows his way around a kitchen." Chris agreed with a nod.

"The prices suck, though." Forest quipped, leaning back in his chair.

"I don't want to hear that from the guy who just handed out a hundred-dollar bill like candy." Joseph shot back, his earlier enthusiasm returning.

He turned his attention to me, a sly grin forming

"So, Alex." Joseph started, leaning back in his chair with a grin. "You ever lose a game of darts?"

I raised an eyebrow. "No, not as far as I remember."

"Good, because you're about to." He grabbed a set of darts from the wall and spun one between his fingers.

Chris sighed, taking a sip of his beer. "You'll win before even beginning, Alex. Joseph has one of the worst aims on the team."

"Not true!" Joseph protested, his face reddening slightly.

"Prove it." Forest said, smirking.

Joseph set up at the dartboard, missing his first throw so spectacularly that it hit the jukebox. We burst into laughter, unable to believe what we witnessed.

"Don't make me come over there, Joseph!" Jack shouted from behind the bar, barely hiding his own amusement.

"Sorry!" Joseph called back sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "The beers must be messing with my aim…" He muttered under his breath.

"That was something." Forest chuckled. "Kevin might be the only one who could rival you at darts."

"Who's Kevin?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Kevin Ryman." Chris explained. "He's an officer at the RPD."

"And my best buddy for darts!" Joseph added with mock pride.

"He's tried applying to S.T.A.R.S. twice." Forest chimed in. "Great cop, but his personality doesn't exactly scream 'elite unit'."

"Interesting…" I muttered, storing the name away.

Before Joseph could line up another dart, a loud voice cut through the bar's background chatter.

"When's the RPD actually gonna do something about those murders in the Arklay Mountains? It's been weeks!"

I turned toward the source—a man sitting at a nearby table, his voice thick with frustration. I recognized him as the one who scoffed when we first walked in.

Chris stiffened at the mention, his easygoing demeanor replaced with a quiet tension. Forest gave him a subtle shake of the head, and even Joseph's usual cheer seemed to fade slightly.

"You can't just rush these things." Another man replied calmly. "Whoever's behind it knows how to stay hidden."

"Yeah? Well, all this waiting is what got my brother killed!" The first man snapped.

"You've gotta admit, Jake." The second man countered. "Your brother was an idiot for going into the mountains with everything that's been happening."

"What the fuck did you just say?!" Jake roared, grabbing the other man by the collar. "Say that again, and I'll cave your face in!"

The second man held his ground. "I'm just saying the truth."

Jake didn't hesitate—his fist collided with the man's nose, sending him sprawling onto the floor.

Chris, Forest and Joseph were already on their feet before I could react.

"Alright, that's enough." Chris said firmly, stepping between the men.

"You've had enough for tonight. Go home," Forest added, his tone calm but authoritative.

Jake turned on them, his face flushed with anger. "What, you think you're better than me because you're S.T.A.R.S.? You can't even handle some animal in the mountains!"

I noticed the bar patrons retreating toward the edges of the room, the tension thick in the air. Jack and Cindy watched with an almost practiced calm, likely used to breaking up scenes like this.

"Look, we're not here to pick a fight." Joseph interjected, his usual humor replaced with a rare seriousness. "Just take it easy."

"Fuck off!" Jake snarled, shoving Joseph back.

I stepped forward. "Sir, there's no need for violen—"

Jake's fist connected with my face before I could finish, but I barely flinched.

"I said fuck off!" He yelled again, his breath reeking of alcohol.

Without hesitation, I threw a single punch, knocking Jake back into the table behind him.

"Oh, shit!" Joseph exclaimed, half in shock, half in amusement.

Forest crouched to check on the man. "He's out cold."

"Is he okay?" Chris asked, his concern evident.

"He'll live." Forest replied casually. "But we should call an ambulance to be sure."

As Forest pulled out his phone, Chris turned to me, shaking his head. "You could've tried to de-escalate that a little longer."

"Sorry." I said, a little embarrassed. "Didn't seem like he'd get the message otherwise."

"Well, at least it'll count as self-defense." Chris sighed. "Just think twice next time."

"Man, now our game's ruined!" Joseph lamented dramatically.

"We've been here long enough." Chris replied with a chuckle. "You can resume it next time."

Forest rejoined us after finishing the call. "Ambulance is on the way."

We moved to the counter to wait, where Jack leaned in with a grin.

"Nice work, rookie. Thought I'd have to bring out the big guns." He held up a revolver for emphasis.

I raised an eyebrow. "You were going to shoot him?"

Jack laughed. "Of course not! Just a little intimidation."

"For some reason, I don't believe you." I deadpanned.

"That's normal." Joseph chimed in. "Jack's got a bit of a reputation."

"Only good things, right?" Jack asked, still grinning.

"Of course!" Joseph replied instantly, earning a round of laughter.

After the ambulance took both men away, we said our goodbyes to Jack and Cindy before stepping back into the night.

"Alright, let's keep the party going!" Joseph declared, raising his arms dramatically as he stumbled down the street.

Chris steadied himself against a lamppost, chuckling. "What party? We're heading home."

"C'mon, we can't end it like that!"

"Actually." Forest said. "I think it ended on a pretty high note."

"Maybe…" Joseph conceded with a pout. "But I didn't even get a punch in! Alex stole the show!"

"That reminds me." Forest said, glancing at me. "You've got some serious strength for someone so slim. That guy wasn't small."

"Yeah…" I muttered, looking away.

"And how are you still standing?" Chris added. "You drank the most out of all of us."

"What can I say? I've got a resistant body." I smirked.

"Damn, is there anything you don't have?" Joseph said with mock exasperation, drawing laughter from the group.

"I do." I replied with a chuckle. 'More than you know…'

As we walked through the quiet streets of Raccoon City, I could feel a rare sense of ease. For a moment, the weight of my secret didn't seem so heavy.

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