

Many would wonder why if you were Transmigrated into the world of Pokémon, you would choose to become a poison-type specialist. Well, to be completely honest I don't know, It was that or Dark type specialist but for some reason, I feel more comfortable with Poison if I were more inclined I would get a Tyranatar because of it Dark typing although I wouldn't be so inclined to the Dragon pseudo-legendary except Hydreigon.

So I have a little suspicion that I may be a Poison/Dark type myself but that may be my ego speaking or I have read too many Pokemon SI's…

I look at Axel on my shoulder who was happily snoozing away. I chuckled at that and continued on my walk when suddenly my PokéDex started ringing.

I grabbed it out of my pocket idly noting that my Toxel had jumped at the sudden sound of ringing, I looked down at the caller ID to see…

Professor Oak..

My eyes widened and I stared at the screen for a couple of seconds and then snapped out of it took a deep breath and answered it.

I was greeted by the smiling face of a middle-aged man with neatly trimmed white hair and a clean-shaven face with warm brown eyes, "Young Veronal!" He greeted a with a relieved face, "You were late to our meeting at Pallet Town and I was starting to worry for your safety." He said with those same warm eyes and slight smile he had on since the call had started like a grandfather speaking to his grandson.

"Uh, yeah, sorry mate, I got fuc- I mean I am currently a wee bit lost," I said and stopped myself from cursing I didn't want to curse at THE Professor of Pokemon.

"Ohoho, well have you forgotten that your PokéDex has a map feature?" He said with amusement in his eyes I felt the urge to facepalm at not checking if it had such a feature. "Well, it is to be suspected you have only had it for a week since you arrived in Kanto." I cracked a grin at that, he was helping me to know more about the previous owner of this body.

"Yeah, sometimes I can be a- Pardon my Kalos but a bit of a Fuckin' Daftee." Professor Oak's eyes widened and he laughed at my language not used to it.

"They weren't lying when they said those from Galar have a bit of a potty mouth hahaha!" He said wiping a tear from his eyes.

"Yeah haha," I said with an awkward grin not knowing what to say.

"Alright, I will inform my jr scientists that you will be a little longer than expected, I will give you your Bulbasaur as my sponsorship requires, I must say Poison type specialists don't come much often except for your father of course but he is a rare breed being a Poison type himself." He said going into a bit of a daze while speaking as remembered something my eyes widened but I quickly clamped it down to avoid him seeing.

So I was right about humans having a type in this world huh? But that's not all the previous owner of this body already was a poison-type specialist…

"Are you alright Young Veronal?" Oak said with a slightly confused face at me suddenly becoming deeply in thought.

"Sorry was thinking about something, but yeah I will be there as fast as I can Professor." I said and he nodded, "Alright then I shall be hanging up then, see you soon." The call ended and I sighed in relief then a massive smile came onto my face.

"I Fuckin' love Venusaur…" I mumbled with a sharp grin and idly patted Toxel's head. Seriously I do indeed love the Bulbasaur line, it was the starter I played with when I was playing my first game of Pokemon Blue on my GameBoy colour.

I looked at Axel on my shoulder and pulled out the PokéDex once more and finally found the map feature and noticed that I was just on the outskirts of Pallet I only had to take a sharp right and keep heading straight to Arrive at Pallet Town.

"Thank fuckin' god…" I mumbled under my breath and started heading towards where the Map feature was directing me.

[10 minutes later.]

"Yeah, anyway moral of the story don't drink a whole bottle of whiskey and proceed to leave your house alone it's just asking to wake up buck naked in Glas- I mean Galar City dressed up as a clown with only your Boxers on!" I said and my Toxel laughed at my ridiculous story, hopefully, my Toxel isn't smart enough to realise that there ain't no such thing as Galar city in the world of Pokémon.

I eventually see the lights of buildings in the distance and see people walking around with Pokémon such as Rattatas and Growlithe.

"So this is Pallet Town eh?" perhaps I might seem a bit less excited about seeing such an iconic area of the world of Pokémon but sadly it was turning night and when I said I saw people walking with their Pokémon they were just heading towards their houses to cool it a night.

So, I couldn't really see it I only really see the houses that were Illuminated by the lights coming through their windows.

Eh, whatever, bit anti-climactic but I honestly don't care.

I jumped over a fence to get into the town and started heading towards the all so obvious Science building that was near a large field where I could see all kinds of sleeping Pokémon, must be where the professor keeps the Pokémon that trainers can't hold because of the carry limit.

Eventually, I make it to the door and knock on it lightly.

I had already recalled Axel when I was jumping the fence since the baby-like Pokémon was snoring away on my shoulder and I didn't want to wake him.

The door opens to an average-looking scientist.

"Uh… hello?" He greeted me with a confused expression, he had the weird nasally voice that stereotypical nerds normally have.

"Xebec Veronal?" I said with a raised eyebrow and flashed my spikey teeth at him making him flinch, 'Ah, so these aren't normal, must come from my suspected Aura Typing.' I am brought out from my musings about my sharp teeth by the specky guy.

"Oh yes! Professor Oak asked me to lead you to his personal laboratory once you arrived." He stepped aside to let me in and I walked in with my hands in my pockets he led me to a door, "Just go in he should be just writing at this time so it shouldn't be a problem to just enter, I must go back to attending to the nocturnal Pokémon, have a good night young man." He said and walked away.

I grinned once more and braced myself to personally meet Professor Oak!

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