

I open the door to be greeted by the good professor he has his head down writing behind his desk. I look around he has a large area with many computers and a area in the corner with lots of notes and an other area where he is currently sitting behind a desk. I flash a grin and clear my throat in an exaggerated matter.

This makes his head fly up and look eyes with me, "Oh! Young Veronal you scared me!" Even though he says that he didn't seem that surprised, does he have Aura abilities?

"Well, you made it just in time!" He said and stood up grabbing a red Pokéball from his desk drawer and walked over in front of me about four steps away, although is lab is big. "I was just about to call it a night young man, so you are indeed lucky hahaha!" He laughs and lightly tosses the ball towards me, I grab it from the air and look down at it.

"Is this?" I asked with a mad grin, to which Oak just laughed. "Of course it is! It's your very own Kanto royal, A Bulbasaur!" He exclaimed putting on the theatrics but soon yawned.

He rubbed his eyes suddenly bringing my attention to how tired he looked, "Well, I am going to bed now Young-" I cut him off "Just call me Xebec." I said making him smile lightly.

"Alright Xebec as I was saying I am going to make it to my bed, you should do the same after registering your Bulbasaur, just tap the ball over the top of the Dex and it shall work since I have forwarded it to your dex already it just needs to be physically registered by your hand." He explained as he put his labcoat on a coat hanger near the door.

"Alright Sir, Have a nice rest… Uh wait a minute… Do you have anywhere I could crash?" Oak chuckled at this and nodded, "Of course you may take one of the guest rooms on the second floor." He said and I nodded and followed Oak as he left and shut and locked his Lab/Office space.

"Just take a right down the corridor and you'll see a staircase just go un from there to the second floor and take any room you want they aren't locked and no one is currently using them." He directed me and I nodded and flashed him my signature sharp smile.

"Will do mate, have a good sleep." I said I may be a prick to most people but this guy has my respect, many people do but even more don't.

"I shall do that Xebec, I wish the same to you young man." He said and offered me a warm Grandfatherly smile and walked away down a separate direction.

I went where he directed me and took a random room and registered the Bulbasaur, my eyes widened when I saw it was female. Did Oak mean to give me this?!

I could fucking make lots of bulba-eggs and sell them for tons!

But I ain't gonna do that…

She is my Bulbasaur not some breeding cow. If she does make a egg it would be given to someone who deserves it in turn for something of equal or not more value.

I take my clothes off, I don't want to sweat throughout the night and make them smell like BO when I have to do shit tomorrow like get to know my new Pokémon and start the basis of their training…

I close my eyes and dream about being the very best…

short chapter around 600 words because I’m not gonna force myself to make a thousand all the time, 500 is my cap don’t worry but I am not an Expert Author nor one with pure literature skills and motivation. So sorry.

SinfulOnecreators' thoughts
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