
Chapter 24:Last day in Ban Ard

In a large garden a crowd of half naked men could be seen surrounding a couple of trees, between the two trees stood a shirtless young man balancing on a thick rope tied to their trunks.

The young man had long flowing black hair that reached his waist, he wore a benda that covered both his eyes and in his right hand he held a crossed sword while in his left he held a curved saber.

The crowd of soldiers kept throwing various projectiles at the young man as he expertly knocked them all down using his two weapons while continuing to dance on the rope.

Behind the crowd of men, a middle-aged man was lying in a hammock wearing nothing but shorts while drinking from the wine glass in his hand in a relaxed manner.

The middle-aged man pursed his lips and grabbed an apple from the bowl of fruit next to him, tossing it to the young man, who shook his head slightly and dodged the apple.

The young man continued to dance on the rope as he dodged and blocked the various attacks and projectiles for over an hour before stepping off the rope and tossing his two weapons to the side, throwing himself to the ground to rest.

Removing his blindfold, the young man found himself surrounded by burly men awkwardly glaring back at him.

Deciding to ignore these guys, the young man simply fell asleep right there and didn't get up for another hour.

Rising groggily, Viltz looked around and found his training partners sleeping in the middle of the lawn of the wide garden.

Looking down at his rough hands full of calluses and scars, Viltz sighed and got up.

"Sigh, with these hands i can't relieve my stress in the bathroom and i don't have time to go to the brothel during my days off either, looks like i'll be the first sorcerer in history to graduate a virgin, cool. But at least i have a girlfriend, not like those wretched Artaud and the others.

Tomorrow i can get this over with and officially graduate, by then i'll have complete freedom and can go out and have as much fun with Margarita as i want."

Thinking about his graduation and the beautiful blonde haired young woman he inexplicably ended up having a long distance romantic relationship with, Viltz couldn't help but smile excitedly.

Looking at the young man in front of him who was grinning like an idiot, the middle-aged man who had been watching him all this time grabbed another apple and threw it at his head, hitting Viltz in the forehead.

"Ouch, that's no good, man."

Getting up, Viltz rubbed his forehead as he chewed on the apple.

"All's fair in love and war boy."

The middle-aged man grabbed a bunch of grapes and began to eat.

Shaking his head at the man's behavior, Viltz walked over to one of the trees and grabbed a pile of clothes.

Viltz put on his shirt, boots, and leather backpack, then grabbed the crossed sword and saber and put them in their scabbards that hung on either side of his waist.

Setting the bunch of grapes aside, the middle-aged man stood up and looked intently at the young man in front of him.

Viltz was about to turn 19 this year and his body had already developed to its limit.

His muscles were developed but not bulging, combined with his height of 1.85m, gave his body a look of harmony between flexibility and explosive power.

His black hair fell to his waist and his left eye was no longer the original sickly violet color.

Viltz used a simple illusion spell on him that changed it to a green color similar to his right eye, the only drawback was that he had to deactivate the spell every time he wanted to use his evil eye to connect with other worlds.

Patting Viltz on the shoulder, the middle aged man sighed and spoke, "I guess today is the last day i'll see your disgusting face, it's a shame, i had gotten used to having you as a source of entertainment."

Viltz decided to ignore the man's typical rants and bowed sincerely.

"Thank you for teaching me for all these years."

The middle-aged man waved his hand dismissively and turned to lie back in his hammock.

"Well boy, i guess you have to go don't you? Tomorrow is your graduation after all."

Viltz nodded and bowed again in thanks before turning and leaving.

Arriving in front of the outside entrance to the mansion, Viltz crouched down in front of a stone by the side of the road and removed it, pulling out from underneath a small bag of serum covered in dirt.

Viltz pocketed the bag and exited the mansion.

At the door, Viltz met butler Jeffer, who offered Viltz to return to the academy by carriage, to which Viltz declined, as he still had things to do before returning to the academy.

After walking for about half an hour, Viltz arrived in front of the city library, where he left the books he had borrowed and then left, heading to his trusted tailor shop.

After about fifteen minutes of walking, Viltz arrived in front of the tailor's shop, where he met the owner.

"Oh, but if it isn't little Vilgefortz, come on in."

Viltz could only sigh at the nickname given to him by the owner and enter the tailor's shop.

The owner rummaged around for a while before giving Viltz a long leather coat, a pair of long boots, a pair of pants and a belt, and they were all black.

Taking off his backpack, Viltz stood in front of a brass mirror and put on the new set of clothes, leaving only the belt, which he wore over the coat to encircle his waist before strapping the sheaths of his swords to it.

Looking at his reflection in the mirror, Viltz was speechless.

"Why do i look like a Sephiroth cosplayer from Final Fantasy?"

Looking at his tall, muscular body, his jade-white skin, his green eyes, his long black hair parted in the middle by two bangs on either side of his face, and his black clothing ensemble, Viltz could only sigh.

"Great, now all i need is silver hair, a pair of metal shoulder pads and a Japanese nodachi and i'll have the complete pack."

Shaking his head, Viltz tossed those thoughts aside.

"What's the matter? You don't like it? After all it was you who designed this set of clothes."

"Ugh, i know, the outfit is fine it's just that it reminded me of something unpleasant.

Let's put that aside, how many outfits have you made?"

"I've made ten others besides this one like you told me, they're all in that box."

The owner pointed to a wooden box on the other side of the room.

Viltz took off her outfit and put her original clothes back on before putting the outfit away in the wooden box.

Pulling a bag of coins out of his backpack, Viltz passed it to the owner before taking his leave.

Walking for a while with the large box floating beside him, Viltz stopped a carriage driver and climbed in putting the box in the back of the carriage.

"Head for the wizard academy."

Viltz handed the driver a coin and pointed him in the direction to go.

Stopping in front of the entrance to the academy, Viltz conjured a spell with which he floated the large box to his side before entering directly through the front door.

Arriving at his room, Viltz set aside the wooden box and picked up a robe and towel before heading to the bathroom to take a shower.

Upon entering the shower, Viltz heard a strange noise in one of the showers.

Viltz walked over only to see something that left him speechless, there was one of his companions, Harlan, sitting in a wooden chair with a soapy hand as he rubbed his lower body repeatedly, causing a rhythmic noise that echoed throughout the shower.

The boy turned and looked at Viltz with dazed eyes to which Viltz returned the look with even more daze in his eyes.

"This isn't what it looks like!" Harlan jumped up with a start before trying to grab Viltz by the shoulder with his right hand full of soap and possibly other fluids.

Viltz dodged his hand hastily before backing up three steps, putting distance between them.

"You don't have to explain anything you know, tomorrow is our graduation and it's normal for you to be stressed, i better go and let you finish with your stuff."

"Wait, i swear this has an explanation!" Harlan kept trying to explain himself but Viltz gave him no chance, running away as fast as he could.

It wasn't until another two hours had passed that Viltz returned to the shower to take a bath.

Finishing his shower, Viltz returned to his room and promptly fell asleep.

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